Colin Powell Puts Hannity In His Place

And Obama gave a major speech on race..and disavowed Wright completely. They no longer have any contact. wasn't the Democratic side that brought up religion. It was the Republican side. And they hold religion as a litmus test for office.

But heck..what was so terrible about Wright?

Spill it.

I think the bigger question is why did Obama throw Wright under the bus?? Could it be that Wright was "Damning" America and everyone else just found out about it??

I must say Colin Powell is not the man I thought he was. :doubt:

Why is that the "bigger" question?

Wright objected to the invasion of Iraq..and said so..

Obama find the way he objected to be irresponsible..and left his church.

Colin an American hero. He fought for the right to speak his mind. And all Americans should support that right. That's part of what makes America an exceptional nation.

Russia just tossed a punk band into jail for speaking their minds.

Oh I see, Wright just started objecting to the War in Iraq when Obama was running for President.

Colin Powell can say what ever he wants, I applaud his service for fighting for that right. However, I don't like that he's covering for Obama with lies and shrugs. Obama sat in Wright's church for 20 years. He married the Obamas and baptized their daughters, you don't throw a pastor under the bus because you happen to be running for President.

Powell has lost a lot of respect from his party, his friends and the voters. He can speak his mind and say what he wants, he's not the man I thought he was.
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It's interesting that Russia supports religious rights and we don't! Odd how that happened in what Eisenhower called a Godless nation.

Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers are passing things, but giving a prank haircut at 16 isn't.
It's interesting that Russia supports religious rights and we don't! Odd how that happened in what Eisenhower called a Godless nation.

Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers are passing things, but giving a prank haircut at 16 isn't.

Don't forget about the Dog on the car, you'd think Romney did that every day, even today. :D
“Bill Ayers and Rev. Wright are just passing things,” Powell pointed out.

Sure Colie, 20 years in Wright's church and an indoctrination since his early years is just a passing phase.

And Obama gave a major speech on race..and disavowed Wright completely. They no longer have any contact. wasn't the Democratic side that brought up religion. It was the Republican side. And they hold religion as a litmus test for office.

But heck..what was so terrible about Wright?

Spill it.

Are you sure he didn't just wink and say he'd have more flexibility after the election? :eusa_whistle:

America is still the No. 1 killer in the world.
Jeremiah Wright

In the 21st century, white America got a wake-up call after 9/11/01. White America and the western world came to realize that people of color had not gone away, faded into the woodwork or just 'disappeared' as the Great White West kept on its merry way of ignoring black concerns.
Jeremiah Wright

The government lied about inventing the HIV virus as a means of genocide against people of color. The government lied.
Jeremiah Wright

We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans, and now we are indignant because the stuff we have done overseas is now brought right back to our own front yards. America's chickens are coming home to roost.
Jeremiah Wright

We started the AIDS virus. We are only able to maintain our level of living by making sure that Third World people live in grinding poverty.
Jeremiah Wright

Jeremiah Wright Quotes - BrainyQuote
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It's interesting that Russia supports religious rights and we don't! Odd how that happened in what Eisenhower called a Godless nation.

Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers are passing things, but giving a prank haircut at 16 isn't.

we don't support religious rights?

in what alternative reality do you reside?

don't you mean that we don't allow *your* religious beliefs to govern the rest of us?
“Bill Ayers and Rev. Wright are just passing things,” Powell pointed out.

Sure Colie, 20 years in Wright's church and an indoctrination since his early years is just a passing phase.

And Obama gave a major speech on race..and disavowed Wright completely. They no longer have any contact. wasn't the Democratic side that brought up religion. It was the Republican side. And they hold religion as a litmus test for office.

But heck..what was so terrible about Wright?

Spill it.

Are you sure he didn't just wink and say he'd have more flexibility after the election? :eusa_whistle:

America is still the No. 1 killer in the world.
Jeremiah Wright

In the 21st century, white America got a wake-up call after 9/11/01. White America and the western world came to realize that people of color had not gone away, faded into the woodwork or just 'disappeared' as the Great White West kept on its merry way of ignoring black concerns.
Jeremiah Wright

The government lied about inventing the HIV virus as a means of genocide against people of color. The government lied.
Jeremiah Wright

We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans, and now we are indignant because the stuff we have done overseas is now brought right back to our own front yards. America's chickens are coming home to roost.
Jeremiah Wright

We started the AIDS virus. We are only able to maintain our level of living by making sure that Third World people live in grinding poverty.
Jeremiah Wright

Jeremiah Wright Quotes - BrainyQuote


What's your objection here.

Aside from the fact that Wright is being blunt.

You think we have 700 bases world wide to encourage economic development and parity in the third world?

You think we addressed the AIDS virus in a timely and aggressive manner?

You think that terrorists attacked this nation because they "hate our freedom"?

You think that white people in this country have been fair to other races, historically?
I think the bigger question is why did Obama throw Wright under the bus?? Could it be that Wright was "Damning" America and everyone else just found out about it??

I must say Colin Powell is not the man I thought he was. :doubt:

Why is that the "bigger" question?

Wright objected to the invasion of Iraq..and said so..

Obama find the way he objected to be irresponsible..and left his church.

Colin an American hero. He fought for the right to speak his mind. And all Americans should support that right. That's part of what makes America an exceptional nation.

Russia just tossed a punk band into jail for speaking their minds.

Oh I see, Wright just started objecting to the War in Iraq when Obama was running for President.

Colin Powell can say what ever he wants, I applaud his service for fighting for that right. However, I don't like that he's covering for Obama with lies and shrugs. Obama sat in Wright's church for 20 years. He married the Obamas and baptized their daughters, you don't throw a pastor under the bus because you happen to be running for President.

Powell has lost a lot of respect from his party, his friends and the voters. He can speak his mind and say what he wants, he's not the man I thought he was.

Personally..I don't hold up a religious litmus test to a candidate..unless that candidate starts saying that his religious beliefs will factor into policy. becomes an issue.
It's interesting that Russia supports religious rights and we don't! Odd how that happened in what Eisenhower called a Godless nation.

Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers are passing things, but giving a prank haircut at 16 isn't.

we don't support religious rights?

in what alternative reality do you reside?

don't you mean that we don't allow *your* religious beliefs to govern the rest of us?

Obviously democrats don't support religious rights. The evidence is they don't.

Here's what democrats support.
Hate crime: gay activists vandalize Mark Driscoll’s Mars Hill Church « Wintery Knight
It's interesting that Russia supports religious rights and we don't! Odd how that happened in what Eisenhower called a Godless nation.

Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers are passing things, but giving a prank haircut at 16 isn't.

we don't support religious rights?

in what alternative reality do you reside?

don't you mean that we don't allow *your* religious beliefs to govern the rest of us?

Obviously democrats don't support religious rights. The evidence is they don't.

Here's what democrats support.
Hate crime: gay activists vandalize Mark Driscoll’s Mars Hill Church « Wintery Knight

[ame=]Ground Zero Mosque Protest - YouTube[/ame]

Here's a fine Republican showing support of a movement that was against a religion she didn't much like.
Against the religion, or against building a victory mosque at the site of a major islamic success?
Powell calls out Hannity over obsession with Bill Ayers and Rev. Wright | The Raw Story

Retired Gen. Colin Powell is encouraging Fox News host Sean Hannity to give up his obsession about President Barack Obama’s former relationships with Bill Ayers and Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

“I find him one of the most divisive figures in — that I’ve witnessed in politics today,” Hannity told Powell during an interview on Tuesday.

“[T]hat’s a term that’s being used rather freely,” Powell noted. “I don’t think he’s that divisive an issue. … What could have been more divisive than, when President Obama was inaugurated, for a number of Republicans, friends of mine, and a number of commentators to say, ‘We’re going to destroy him. We’re going to destroy him’?”

“I wasn’t out to destroy him,” Hannity insisted. “I was critical about Bill Ayers and Rev. Wright.”

“Bill Ayers and Rev. Wright are just passing things,” Powell pointed out.

Just passing things? A mentor for 20 years? G_D America? And Obama never heard his mentor speak like that? Hogwash, Gen. Powell. You just lost credibility.

Have you ever listened to or read that quote in context? Do you know what Reverend Wright was talking about in that ONE "damning" clip?

The full story behind Wright’s “God Damn America” sermon

Wright’s scriptural focus was Luke 19:37-44 (reading from the New Revised Standard Version).

In this sermon, Wright spoke about the military rule during biblical days, led by Pontius Pilate. It was clear, through his language, such as “occupying military brigade” that he was making an analogy to the war in Iraq.

“War does not make for peace,” he said. “Fighting for peace is like raping for virginity."
“War does not make for peace. War only makes for escalating violence and a mindset to pay the enemy back by any means necessary,” he said.

He then gets to the thesis of his sermon, saying, “y’all looking to the government for only what God can give. A lot of people confuse God with their government.”

Wright criticizes the Bush administration and its supporters for using Godly language to justify the war in Iraq. He equates using God in America as condoning the war in Iraq to the same perspective of Islamic fundamentalists.

“We can see clearly the confusion in the mind of a few Muslims, and please notice I did not say all Muslims, I said a few Muslims, who see Allah as condoning killing and killing any and all who don’t believe what they don’t believe. They call it jihad. We can see clearly the confusion in their minds, but we cannot see clearly what it is that we do. We call it crusade when we turn right around and say that our God condones the killing of innocent civilians as a necessary means to an end. WE say that God understand collateral damage. We say that God knows how to forgive friendly fire."​

So he was basically saying that God does not bless America for the war in Iraq, but damns it for going against God's principles.

How different is it than this song sung at the Value Voter's Summit in 2007...

[ame=""]Why Should God Bless America?[/ame]

attended by

Hunter, Duncan
U.S. Representative, R-CA

McCain, John S. III
U.S. Senator, R, Arizona

Thompson, Fred
U.S. Senator (1994-2003), R-TN

Paul, Ron
U.S. Representative, R, Texas

Tancredo, Tom
U.S. Representative, R-CO

Romney, W. Mitt
Governor (2003-2007), R, Massachusetts

Schmidt, Jeannette Marie
U.S. Representative, R, Ohio

Gingrich, Newt
Chairman, American Solutions for Winning the Future

Or how about this from the Reverends Falwell and Robertson. They've had the ears of lots of Presidents haven't they?

I'll remind you that this discussion took place less than 72 hours after we were attacked on 9/11...

[ame=""]Falwell and Robertson on The 700 Club after 9/11[/ame]

The fat guy on the right, less than 20 seconds into the video, said that God probably gave us what we deserved on 9/11. (saying, essentially, that God doesn't Bless America, but damn her)
And Obama gave a major speech on race..and disavowed Wright completely. They no longer have any contact. wasn't the Democratic side that brought up religion. It was the Republican side. And they hold religion as a litmus test for office.

But heck..what was so terrible about Wright?

Spill it.

Are you sure he didn't just wink and say he'd have more flexibility after the election? :eusa_whistle:

America is still the No. 1 killer in the world.
Jeremiah Wright

In the 21st century, white America got a wake-up call after 9/11/01. White America and the western world came to realize that people of color had not gone away, faded into the woodwork or just 'disappeared' as the Great White West kept on its merry way of ignoring black concerns.
Jeremiah Wright

The government lied about inventing the HIV virus as a means of genocide against people of color. The government lied.
Jeremiah Wright

We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans, and now we are indignant because the stuff we have done overseas is now brought right back to our own front yards. America's chickens are coming home to roost.
Jeremiah Wright

We started the AIDS virus. We are only able to maintain our level of living by making sure that Third World people live in grinding poverty.
Jeremiah Wright

Jeremiah Wright Quotes - BrainyQuote


What's your objection here.

Aside from the fact that Wright is being blunt.

You think we have 700 bases world wide to encourage economic development and parity in the third world?

You think we addressed the AIDS virus in a timely and aggressive manner?

You think that terrorists attacked this nation because they "hate our freedom"?

You think that white people in this country have been fair to other races, historically?

Why don't you ask Obama why he disavowed Wright completely... :eusa_whistle:
Powell calls out Hannity over obsession with Bill Ayers and Rev. Wright | The Raw Story

Retired Gen. Colin Powell is encouraging Fox News host Sean Hannity to give up his obsession about President Barack Obama’s former relationships with Bill Ayers and Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

“I find him one of the most divisive figures in — that I’ve witnessed in politics today,” Hannity told Powell during an interview on Tuesday.

“[T]hat’s a term that’s being used rather freely,” Powell noted. “I don’t think he’s that divisive an issue. … What could have been more divisive than, when President Obama was inaugurated, for a number of Republicans, friends of mine, and a number of commentators to say, ‘We’re going to destroy him. We’re going to destroy him’?”

“I wasn’t out to destroy him,” Hannity insisted. “I was critical about Bill Ayers and Rev. Wright.”

“Bill Ayers and Rev. Wright are just passing things,” Powell pointed out.

Not only did Powell's silly rebuttal not put anybody in "their place," his "argument" doesn't even make sense.

If some of his Republican friends ever DID say anything about destroying Pres. Obama, it is obvious what that means. They were intent on defeating him politically.

Good. Nothing wrong with that if they find his politics to be wrong-headed and dangerous.

And with pals like Ayers and Wright, and given the ridiculous things the President is often inclined to say, it is completely correct to label that moron as "divisive." He is a fucking fraud.
Powell calls out Hannity over obsession with Bill Ayers and Rev. Wright | The Raw Story

Retired Gen. Colin Powell is encouraging Fox News host Sean Hannity to give up his obsession about President Barack Obama’s former relationships with Bill Ayers and Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

“I find him one of the most divisive figures in — that I’ve witnessed in politics today,” Hannity told Powell during an interview on Tuesday.

“[T]hat’s a term that’s being used rather freely,” Powell noted. “I don’t think he’s that divisive an issue. … What could have been more divisive than, when President Obama was inaugurated, for a number of Republicans, friends of mine, and a number of commentators to say, ‘We’re going to destroy him. We’re going to destroy him’?”

“I wasn’t out to destroy him,” Hannity insisted. “I was critical about Bill Ayers and Rev. Wright.”

“Bill Ayers and Rev. Wright are just passing things,” Powell pointed out.

Only a partisan hack would think that Powell put Hannity in his place with that discussion. It seemed like a calm, reasoned, back and forth debate.

Fail thread.

only a partisan hack would think he didn't *shrug*

fail post. :eusa_whistle:

He didnt put Hannity in his place, so I guess you like bombers and preachers that talk politics in church with a lot of hateful rhetoric?
Colin Powell made an accusation against the Republicans when asked "who said that" he failed to answer. Just inuenndo and speculation and lies. He makes a good liberal.
Powell calls out Hannity over obsession with Bill Ayers and Rev. Wright | The Raw Story

Retired Gen. Colin Powell is encouraging Fox News host Sean Hannity to give up his obsession about President Barack Obama’s former relationships with Bill Ayers and Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

“I find him one of the most divisive figures in — that I’ve witnessed in politics today,” Hannity told Powell during an interview on Tuesday.

“[T]hat’s a term that’s being used rather freely,” Powell noted. “I don’t think he’s that divisive an issue. … What could have been more divisive than, when President Obama was inaugurated, for a number of Republicans, friends of mine, and a number of commentators to say, ‘We’re going to destroy him. We’re going to destroy him’?”

“I wasn’t out to destroy him,” Hannity insisted. “I was critical about Bill Ayers and Rev. Wright.”

“Bill Ayers and Rev. Wright are just passing things,” Powell pointed out.

Colin Powell is literally a tool of the Democrat Party. His endorsement of Obama in 2008 has gotten him nowhere. Seemingly, he is a man without a Party. He sold out the Republicans and Obama has given him nothing in return.

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