Charlotte NC Rioters, "‘We Out Like The Taliban!’ Charlotte Citizens Riot After Police Shooting Rea

Savage blacks attacking and rioting because a black shot a savage black. Who pays for this shit? Cut their fucking welfare the fuck off already.
The apes keep proving us right. Love it. Can't wait for my opportunity to defend myself with my stand my ground bullets.

Fucking apes. I have to remember animals only act instinctively, and without any thoughts of reason.
The apes keep proving us right. Love it. Can't wait for my opportunity to defend myself with my stand my ground bullets.

Fucking apes. I have to remember animals only act instinctively, and without any thoughts of reason.
I see, want a banana?
Trump thanks blm for all their efforts on his behalf
Yup. BLM just handed Trump another 100K votes from the 'Independants'.
What the 'Tree Dwellers' once again are too fucking stupid to comprehend is the entire event was caught on LEO's body-cams.
The gun recovered was stolen.
Let them shit in their own nests.
Anyone who chooses to get into a confrontation with LE is risking their life if they are carrying a firearm.
The thug didn't live to impregnate another seven 'baby-mammas'.
There is always a 'silver lining'.
Rioting serves no good purpose, all it does is tear them folks own neighborhoods up... those stupid fuckers.
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They don't know what the Taliban is any more than most Republicans.

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