Van Jones said after the election, "It turned out we were idiots"


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012


CNN pundit Van Jones says Democrats’ media strategy is a major reason Vice President Harris lost this week’s presidential election to former President Trump.

“We got beat because the conservatives and Republicans built a different media system,” Jones said on the channel Thursday. “It had to do with online, had to do with podcasts, with streaming platforms. And they were spending their money there.”

Jones bemoaned that many Democrats and mainstream media outlets were “laughing at Trump for throwing away his ground game and doing weird stuff online.”

“It turned out we were the idiots,” he continued. “We woke up in a body bag because while we were knocking on doors, they were making these phones into 24-hour-a-day political weapons for themselves.”

Van Jones is trying to come to terms with the fact that Kamala spent over a billion dollars on campaign adds in the media when Trump only spent around $4 million, in addition to the main stream media campaigning for Kamala 24/7 free of charge. I read another article that stated the main street media was the most biased for the democrats this election cycle than at any other time in history, to the tune of around being pro Kamala and anti Trump around 70% of the time.

What Van Jones is saying here is, "We need to buy elections, but how?"

I think he is somewhat right here. For example, the last election pretty much all the media shut down Trump with Twitter leading the way. Trump was even banned from Twitter altogether, so that the only message he could get out to people is a message Joe Biden wanted you to hear, or not hear. They tried this with minimal success this election with gag orders from judges. You then had a situation where all social media censored the content for Joe Biden. This caused social media groups like Twitter to ban the Hunter laptop scandal, which caused about 20% of the voters to later say they would not have voted for Joe had they known about the scandal. During the 2020 election, they basically made blinded and gagged Trump right before the election as they wrote the narrative of Trump the next Hitler. It was a democrat dream come true.

But..........but..........................but.........................then came Elon, and exposed how social media groups like Twitter had become an apendage of the propaganda voting machine for the DNC and allowed free speech once again. What Van Jones is saying here is, the DNC needs to either destroy Elon and return all media to the democrats, or compete with Republicans on social media. And since Marxists are unable to compete on a fair level playing field, which is why they are all socialists, they will have to find a way to silence their political opponents once again.

There is also a fact Van Jones overlooks and that is the fact that Americans are hurting financially much more under Kamala the cat woman than Trump. That is something propaganda cannot fix. People are just madder than hornets is all.
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Jones bemoaned that many Democrats and mainstream media outlets were “laughing at Trump for throwing away his ground game and doing weird stuff online.”

Trump did no such thing. Trump was everywhere on the "ground". It was Harris that did not.
I think the ONE main thing that sunk her (of many mistakes) is when Trump played her video over and over again about her having America pay for transgender surgery for Prisoners. Who in the Hell would say something like? :auiqs.jpg:
Nancy s blaming Biden.

"In an interview with the New York Times, Pelosi implied Biden should have dropped his presidential bid earlier and made time for an open primary. The titan of Democratic politics was considered an instrumental part of the pressure campaign to push Biden aside this summer.

"Had the president gotten out sooner, there may have been other candidates in the race," Pelosi told the Times on Thursday. She said that she thought his departure would pave the way for an open primary, rather than the swift, unimpeded acceptance of Vice President Kamala Harris as the nominee."

Nancy s blaming Biden.

"In an interview with the New York Times, Pelosi implied Biden should have dropped his presidential bid earlier and made time for an open primary. The titan of Democratic politics was considered an instrumental part of the pressure campaign to push Biden aside this summer.

"Had the president gotten out sooner, there may have been other candidates in the race," Pelosi told the Times on Thursday. She said that she thought his departure would pave the way for an open primary, rather than the swift, unimpeded acceptance of Vice President Kamala Harris as the nominee."

et tu Brutus
The most expensive ads Trump had on TV was the 90 second NASCAR/Sunday Night Football ad.....And it was free on both due to NBC letting FKH on SNL. :laughing0301:

To his credit it's not the first time Jones mentioned the podcasts and such (like Rogan) being powerful for Trump but when he mentioned it before on one panel I saw the screaming harpies on CNN discounted it as mere showmanship.


CNN pundit Van Jones says Democrats’ media strategy is a major reason Vice President Harris lost this week’s presidential election to former President Trump.

“We got beat because the conservatives and Republicans built a different media system,” Jones said on the channel Thursday. “It had to do with online, had to do with podcasts, with streaming platforms. And they were spending their money there.”

Jones bemoaned that many Democrats and mainstream media outlets were “laughing at Trump for throwing away his ground game and doing weird stuff online.”

“It turned out we were the idiots,” he continued. “We woke up in a body bag because while we were knocking on doors, they were making these phones into 24-hour-a-day political weapons for themselves.”

Van Jones is trying to come to terms with the fact that Kamala spent over a billion dollars on campaign adds in the media when Trump only spent around $4 million, in addition to the main stream media campaigning for Kamala 24/7 free of charge. I read another article that stated the main street media was the most biased for the democrats this election cycle than at any other time in history, to the tune of around being pro Kamala and anti Trump around 70% of the time.

What Van Jones is saying here is, "We need to buy elections, but how?"

I think he is somewhat right here. For example, the last election pretty much all the media shut down Trump with Twitter leading the way. Trump was even banned from Twitter altogether, so that the only message he could get out to people is a message Joe Biden wanted you to hear, or not hear. They tried this with minimal success this election with gag orders from judges. You then had a situation where all social media censored the content for Joe Biden. This caused social media groups like Twitter to ban the Hunter laptop scandal, which caused about 20% of the voters to later say they would not have voted for Joe had they known about the scandal. During the 2020 election, they basically made blinded and gagged Trump right before the election as they wrote the narrative of Trump the next Hitler. It was a democrat dream come true.

But..........but..........................but.........................then came Elon, and exposed how social media groups like Twitter had become an apendage of the propaganda voting machine for the DNC and allowed free speech once again. What Van Jones is saying here is, the DNC needs to either destroy Elon and return all media to the democrats, or compete with Republicans on social media. And since Marxists are unable to compete on a fair level playing field, which is why they are all socialists, they will have to find a way to silence their political opponents once again.
There is also a fact Van Jones overlooks and that is the fact that Americans are hurting financially much more under Kamala the cat woman than Trump. That is something propaganda cannot fix. People are just madder than hornets is all.

It is this, and more than this.

It's not cool to lick the boots of power. It's fundamentally uncool.

It's beyond not cool to be a pursed lipped, finger wagging, judgmental fundamentalist.

The Democrats, culturally, have become the party of bootlicking, judgmental Church Ladies.

This will not undo itself for a long time. Like the cultural revolution in the 60s
I think the ONE main thing that sunk her (of many mistakes) is when Trump played her video over and over again about her having America pay for transgender surgery for Prisoners. Who in the Hell would say something like? :auiqs.jpg:
I think the single most damaging thing to Kamala's campaign was her appearance on The View, when Sunny Hostin asked her if she would do anything differently than what Joe Biden had done in his 3 1/2 years in office and Kamala answered that nothing came to mind. Probably the worst answer by a politician EVER!
I think the single most damaging thing to Kamala's campaign was her appearance on The View, when Sunny Hostin asked her if she would do anything differently than what Joe Biden had done in his 3 1/2 years in office and Kamala answered that nothing came to mind. Probably the worst answer by a politician EVER!
Mainly because (as usual) she had no answer! America saw how STUPID she was. :)
I think the single most damaging thing to Kamala's campaign was her appearance on The View, when Sunny Hostin asked her if she would do anything differently than what Joe Biden had done in his 3 1/2 years in office and Kamala answered that nothing came to mind. Probably the worst answer by a politician EVER!
Kamala answered that nothing came to mind.
great description of her campaign.

other than hiring rockstars, "nothing came to mind:"
Jones bemoaned that many Democrats and mainstream media outlets were “laughing at Trump for throwing away his ground game and doing weird stuff online.”

Trump did no such thing. Trump was everywhere on the "ground". It was Harris that did not.
Van Jones is an avowed Communist who lives the life of luxury with the best that Capitalism provides. This is what makes the haves and the have nots so much more pronounced in pure Communist societies. China has married hard working capitalism in manufacturing with communists that rules everything else. Start wearing the ten-dollar Mao/Castro fatigues for all with little else for vanity purposes. Then we will get the idea.


CNN pundit Van Jones says Democrats’ media strategy is a major reason Vice President Harris lost this week’s presidential election to former President Trump.

“We got beat because the conservatives and Republicans built a different media system,” Jones said on the channel Thursday. “It had to do with online, had to do with podcasts, with streaming platforms. And they were spending their money there.”

Jones bemoaned that many Democrats and mainstream media outlets were “laughing at Trump for throwing away his ground game and doing weird stuff online.”

“It turned out we were the idiots,” he continued. “We woke up in a body bag because while we were knocking on doors, they were making these phones into 24-hour-a-day political weapons for themselves.”

Van Jones is trying to come to terms with the fact that Kamala spent over a billion dollars on campaign adds in the media when Trump only spent around $4 million, in addition to the main stream media campaigning for Kamala 24/7 free of charge. I read another article that stated the main street media was the most biased for the democrats this election cycle than at any other time in history, to the tune of around being pro Kamala and anti Trump around 70% of the time.

What Van Jones is saying here is, "We need to buy elections, but how?"

I think he is somewhat right here. For example, the last election pretty much all the media shut down Trump with Twitter leading the way. Trump was even banned from Twitter altogether, so that the only message he could get out to people is a message Joe Biden wanted you to hear, or not hear. They tried this with minimal success this election with gag orders from judges. You then had a situation where all social media censored the content for Joe Biden. This caused social media groups like Twitter to ban the Hunter laptop scandal, which caused about 20% of the voters to later say they would not have voted for Joe had they known about the scandal. During the 2020 election, they basically made blinded and gagged Trump right before the election as they wrote the narrative of Trump the next Hitler. It was a democrat dream come true.

But..........but..........................but.........................then came Elon, and exposed how social media groups like Twitter had become an apendage of the propaganda voting machine for the DNC and allowed free speech once again. What Van Jones is saying here is, the DNC needs to either destroy Elon and return all media to the democrats, or compete with Republicans on social media. And since Marxists are unable to compete on a fair level playing field, which is why they are all socialists, they will have to find a way to silence their political opponents once again.

There is also a fact Van Jones overlooks and that is the fact that Americans are hurting financially much more under Kamala the cat woman than Trump. That is something propaganda cannot fix. People are just madder than hornets is all.
Conservatives built their own media a long time ago AFTER liberals took over the mainstream media. Liberals saw this and they tried to build their own but the market rejected it because it was already saturated with Liberal content and views. Then, the liberals tried to shut down conservative media using an antiquated law from 1947 called “The Fairness Doctrine.” That failed too.
At least Van Jones is man enough to admit he and his party are idiots
God these Dem imbeciles are stupid. No dumb ass you got your ass beat on the ISSUES, your SHIT DEM POLICIES and your SHIT DEM RECORD over the past 4 years HELLO!

I TOLD YOU on election night Dems would come up with some twisted convoluted excuse why they lost like 'we just need to get our msg out there better' because they are in denial.
The Democrats went on as if everyone else was stupid and they knew better. They knew better on men in women's bathrooms and sports, they knew better on the humanitarian disaster of a border they created, they knew better on a shit economy that is there due to mismanagement. They knew better and they were more than happy to tell us so.

They just got our response. They can sit down, we got this.
Jones bemoaned that many Democrats and mainstream media outlets were “laughing at Trump for throwing away his ground game and doing weird stuff online.”

Trump did no such thing. Trump was everywhere on the "ground". It was Harris that did not.
Very true, but they are gaslighting because they didn't do real podcasts and it backfired (although, as more people know her, her likability tanks)

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