Van Jones said after the election, "It turned out we were idiots"

Riiiiiiiight Dems lost because they didn't get their message out there? The Dems capacity for denial is amazing. It wasn't 4 years of Dem SHIT leadership and SHIT policies, sky high prices no it's that they didn't sell 4 more years of that. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
It is this, and more than this.

It's not cool to lick the boots of power. It's fundamentally uncool.

It's beyond not cool to be a pursed lipped, finger wagging, judgmental fundamentalist.

The Democrats, culturally, have become the party of bootlicking, judgmental Church Ladies.

This will not undo itself for a long time. Like the cultural revolution in the 60s

I've been saying this for years, they've become the 'religious right' that they so hated 4 decades ago. Complete 180, yet they don't see it.

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