Anti-gay bigots are getting their clocks cleaned

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Anti-gay bigots are getting their clocks cleaned -

Today's vote on LGBT workplace protections showed Democrats using it as a wedge issue. And the right hiding in fear ...

By their actions today, Democrats and Republicans both made clear that they agree on something significant: Gay rights are currently a winning issue for Democrats and a losing one for the GOP.

So winning, in fact, that as the Senate approached a Thursday vote on workplace protections for gay and transgender workers, Majority Leader Harry Reid asserted that the GOP-controlled House of Representatives was going to have to “capitulate, if they have any hope” of nominating “a viable candidate” for president or “want to hang onto the House.”

Apparently, the GOP firebrands agree. When it came time for Senate Republicans to voice their objections to the bill before the procedural vote Monday: crickets. No “Green Eggs and Ham” from Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas. No showboating by the usual suspects. None of them wanted to take the floor against an anti-discrimination law that nearly 70 percent of Americans support and 90 percent believe already exists.

On the House side, an aide for Speaker John Boehner strenuously objected when the Huffington Post reported Monday that Boehner’s stated opposition to the Employment Nondiscrimination Act (ENDA) dealt “a blow” to the bill’s chances of reaching the president’s desk.

“We have always believed this is covered by existing law,” the aide told Huffington Post, refuting the notion that Boehner’s position strayed from anything he had said in the past. “It’s a longstanding position, and, frankly, not ‘news’ at all.”

That's what they said about blacks and women. If it were true, they wouldn't mind passing the law.

As usual, they're lying.
Current law alread protects these folks, so why is the commiecrat party wasting time trying to play politics instead of addressing the fucked up maobamacare or jobs or how about a budget. Nope, lying assed campaign issues come before anything constructive, right?
Conservatives aren't necessarily anti-Gay, but they are anti-you. The Lovely Nutless one.

You who foments hatred through division, with fabricated innuendo and inference.

Gays have been in the workplace for decades with little if any backlash.

Yet it is you, the Nutless fucktard, who chooses to bring this to the fight.

You continually bring strife, combat, and derision to topics that are otherwise moot.

You create fights where there are no fights, just to create an agenda rife with hate and divide.

You are a sick puppy.
Conservatives aren't necessarily anti-Gay, but they are anti-you. The Lovely Nutless one.

You who foments hatred through division, with fabricated innuendo and inference.

Gays have been in the workplace for decades with little if any backlash.

Yet it is you, the Nutless fucktard, who chooses to bring this to the fight.

You continually bring strife, combat, and derision to topics that are otherwise moot.

You create fights where there are no fights, just to create an agenda rife with hate and divide.

You are a sick puppy.

Thanks, I needed a good chuckle.

EXCLUSIVE: Richard Grenell hounded from Romney campaign by anti-gay conservatives - The Washington Post
Anti-gay bigots are getting their clocks cleaned -

Today's vote on LGBT workplace protections showed Democrats using it as a wedge issue. And the right hiding in fear ...

By their actions today, Democrats and Republicans both made clear that they agree on something significant: Gay rights are currently a winning issue for Democrats and a losing one for the GOP.

So winning, in fact, that as the Senate approached a Thursday vote on workplace protections for gay and transgender workers, Majority Leader Harry Reid asserted that the GOP-controlled House of Representatives was going to have to “capitulate, if they have any hope” of nominating “a viable candidate” for president or “want to hang onto the House.”

Apparently, the GOP firebrands agree. When it came time for Senate Republicans to voice their objections to the bill before the procedural vote Monday: crickets. No “Green Eggs and Ham” from Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas. No showboating by the usual suspects. None of them wanted to take the floor against an anti-discrimination law that nearly 70 percent of Americans support and 90 percent believe already exists.

On the House side, an aide for Speaker John Boehner strenuously objected when the Huffington Post reported Monday that Boehner’s stated opposition to the Employment Nondiscrimination Act (ENDA) dealt “a blow” to the bill’s chances of reaching the president’s desk.

“We have always believed this is covered by existing law,” the aide told Huffington Post, refuting the notion that Boehner’s position strayed from anything he had said in the past. “It’s a longstanding position, and, frankly, not ‘news’ at all.”
That's what they said about blacks and women. If it were true, they wouldn't mind passing the law.

As usual, they're lying.

Anyone that bases their defense of people's choices on the assumption that they do not have a choice are a hell of a lot more bigoted than the biggest racist asshole on the planet.
All the laws in the world will not make homosexuality right
Anti-gay bigots are getting their clocks cleaned -

Today's vote on LGBT workplace protections showed Democrats using it as a wedge issue. And the right hiding in fear ...

By their actions today, Democrats and Republicans both made clear that they agree on something significant: Gay rights are currently a winning issue for Democrats and a losing one for the GOP.

So winning, in fact, that as the Senate approached a Thursday vote on workplace protections for gay and transgender workers, Majority Leader Harry Reid asserted that the GOP-controlled House of Representatives was going to have to “capitulate, if they have any hope” of nominating “a viable candidate” for president or “want to hang onto the House.”

Apparently, the GOP firebrands agree. When it came time for Senate Republicans to voice their objections to the bill before the procedural vote Monday: crickets. No “Green Eggs and Ham” from Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas. No showboating by the usual suspects. None of them wanted to take the floor against an anti-discrimination law that nearly 70 percent of Americans support and 90 percent believe already exists.

On the House side, an aide for Speaker John Boehner strenuously objected when the Huffington Post reported Monday that Boehner’s stated opposition to the Employment Nondiscrimination Act (ENDA) dealt “a blow” to the bill’s chances of reaching the president’s desk.

“We have always believed this is covered by existing law,” the aide told Huffington Post, refuting the notion that Boehner’s position strayed from anything he had said in the past. “It’s a longstanding position, and, frankly, not ‘news’ at all.”

That's what they said about blacks and women. If it were true, they wouldn't mind passing the law.

As usual, they're lying.
Nice commentary by a left wing site.
Who cares about this rubbish.
Look, there are tons of laws on the books which protect all kinds of people from illegal discrimination in the workplace. In fact many times members of the protected classes are hired by employers BEFORE those more qualified for fear of being hauled into court or having an EEOC complaint filed against them.
This latest escapade at political advantage for the dems is more nonsense. All such a law would do is open the flood gates to piles of frivolous and time consuming civil litigation.
Imagine this. A person who is obviously of one gender but claims to be the other, demands special accommodations. Such as a person with male parts, but claims he is a she and makes demands to use the women's rest room facilities while at work. The employer declines. Next thing the employer sees is a letter from an attorney representing the guy stating an intent to file a lawsuit. A suit under such a law, the employer cannot win.
No lawmaker in their right mind would want to bestow that can of worms on employers.
The law should be rewritten in such a manner as to take the open ended potential for litigation out and then resubmit for legislative vetting.
I am 100% opposed to outright denial of opportunity based on sexual orientation. What I also oppose is the Conga line into courtrooms of people looking to get paid off because they were "offended"....
SO you go ahead and make this into an issue of political advantage. You do this and you miss the entire point of making sure the rights of certain people are not used as doormats.
Seems all you care about on this issue is whether or not democrats and achieve a political victory. Sucks to be you.
Conservatives aren't necessarily anti-Gay, but they are anti-you. The Lovely Nutless one.

You who foments hatred through division, with fabricated innuendo and inference.

Gays have been in the workplace for decades with little if any backlash.

Yet it is you, the Nutless fucktard, who chooses to bring this to the fight.

You continually bring strife, combat, and derision to topics that are otherwise moot.

You create fights where there are no fights, just to create an agenda rife with hate and divide.

You are a sick puppy.

Thanks, I needed a good chuckle.

EXCLUSIVE: Richard Grenell hounded from Romney campaign by anti-gay conservatives - The Washington Post

My niece is gay, my cousin is gay, I have gay friends, I am not anti-gay.

Get the fuck over yourself, you sick-minded troll.

You can not blemish me with your hate. For I love my gay relatives and friends.

Take a big flying fuck... you fuck brained moron.
Anti-gay bigots are getting their clocks cleaned -

Today's vote on LGBT workplace protections showed Democrats using it as a wedge issue. And the right hiding in fear ...

By their actions today, Democrats and Republicans both made clear that they agree on something significant: Gay rights are currently a winning issue for Democrats and a losing one for the GOP.

So winning, in fact, that as the Senate approached a Thursday vote on workplace protections for gay and transgender workers, Majority Leader Harry Reid asserted that the GOP-controlled House of Representatives was going to have to “capitulate, if they have any hope” of nominating “a viable candidate” for president or “want to hang onto the House.”

Apparently, the GOP firebrands agree. When it came time for Senate Republicans to voice their objections to the bill before the procedural vote Monday: crickets. No “Green Eggs and Ham” from Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas. No showboating by the usual suspects. None of them wanted to take the floor against an anti-discrimination law that nearly 70 percent of Americans support and 90 percent believe already exists.

On the House side, an aide for Speaker John Boehner strenuously objected when the Huffington Post reported Monday that Boehner’s stated opposition to the Employment Nondiscrimination Act (ENDA) dealt “a blow” to the bill’s chances of reaching the president’s desk.

“We have always believed this is covered by existing law,” the aide told Huffington Post, refuting the notion that Boehner’s position strayed from anything he had said in the past. “It’s a longstanding position, and, frankly, not ‘news’ at all.”

That's what they said about blacks and women. If it were true, they wouldn't mind passing the law.

As usual, they're lying.

They’re also afraid.

Afraid of change, diversity, dissent, and personal expressions of individual liberty.

And in many cases the fear of being primaried.
BREAKING for hater dupes- In 29 states you can be fired for being gay. And shove the ignorant fundamentalist bs...


In all 50 States, you can be denied both a job and college because you are WHITE!

Sad someone so young is so ignorant and hateful.

Who is hateful?

The Progressives who believe in White Man's Burden, or Constitutionalists that believe in equality?
Anti-gay bigots are getting their clocks cleaned -

Today's vote on LGBT workplace protections showed Democrats using it as a wedge issue. And the right hiding in fear ...

By their actions today, Democrats and Republicans both made clear that they agree on something significant: Gay rights are currently a winning issue for Democrats and a losing one for the GOP.

So winning, in fact, that as the Senate approached a Thursday vote on workplace protections for gay and transgender workers, Majority Leader Harry Reid asserted that the GOP-controlled House of Representatives was going to have to “capitulate, if they have any hope” of nominating “a viable candidate” for president or “want to hang onto the House.”

Apparently, the GOP firebrands agree. When it came time for Senate Republicans to voice their objections to the bill before the procedural vote Monday: crickets. No “Green Eggs and Ham” from Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas. No showboating by the usual suspects. None of them wanted to take the floor against an anti-discrimination law that nearly 70 percent of Americans support and 90 percent believe already exists.

On the House side, an aide for Speaker John Boehner strenuously objected when the Huffington Post reported Monday that Boehner’s stated opposition to the Employment Nondiscrimination Act (ENDA) dealt “a blow” to the bill’s chances of reaching the president’s desk.

“We have always believed this is covered by existing law,” the aide told Huffington Post, refuting the notion that Boehner’s position strayed from anything he had said in the past. “It’s a longstanding position, and, frankly, not ‘news’ at all.”
That's what they said about blacks and women. If it were true, they wouldn't mind passing the law.

As usual, they're lying.

They’re also afraid.

Afraid of change, diversity, dissent, and personal expressions of individual liberty.

And in many cases the fear of being primaried.

I am afraid of change, but you think 3D printing should be restricted while I think it should be unregulated and available to everyone.

I don't need laws to make me not hate people. I leave hate to the small minded bigots that can't survive without the government to make sure they are safe from freedom.
BREAKING for hater dupes- In 29 states you can be fired for being gay. And shove the ignorant fundamentalist bs...

Maybe in what's left of your sick little pea brain mind.
In 50 states ( 57 if you're an Obama sycophant like you) one can be fired for being stupid.
Guess than means you should clean out your desk.
Bone smuggler.

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