What country will you move to if Trump is elected?


Leavenworth? I think this is a big prison, I'm sure I remember the name from a documentary....or was that Sing Sing?

Leavenworth? I think this is a big prison, I'm sure I remember the name from a documentary....or was that Sing Sing?

Levenworth is a military prision so this meme I found really don't make sense, yea sing sing would have been more appropriate, but I think it is closed????

Okay then, so if Sing Sing is closed....Guantanamo is still open....look Hillary has already practiced how she looks wearing orange clothing :smoke:


Trump may win. A scary thought.
Yes, he certainly can win. Trump supporters are committed. However, Trump's favorability rating is terrible among both democrats and independents. However, Clinton is not that popular. If independents and democrats don't show up at the polls to vote against Trump, he could certainly win. Remember, no one though Hitler or Mussolini would ever make it to the top..

Independentd are breaking 16% for Trump, and about 20% of DemoRATS will vote for him.... Pretty soon you'll be seeing...

I just saw results on NBC of exits polls for Ohio, North Carolina, and Florida. 43%,39%, and 29% of Republican voters said that they would consider a third party in a Trump vs. Clinton race. This is going to be huge as Republicans move toward a contested convention. The candidate that can pull together this deeply dived party is likely to be the nominee and Trump doesn't look like he's going to unite anyone. If Trump wins the nomination, there's going to be a lot of Republicans not voting in the general election because it's not likely to be a third party candidate that Republicans would support.
Clinton has the experience and international stature to represent the United States in the global community. She's a moderate Democrat.
Clinton has the experience and international stature to represent the United States in the global community. She's a moderate Democrat.

"Clinton has the experience and international stature to represent the United States in the global community. She's a moderate Democrat."

Really? Because Libya and Benghazi worked so well huh?


Hillary is a moderate Democrat? Hillary's a Neo-Conservative puppet, see Libya.

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