The West will have to make peace with Russia

Russia has about the same number of tanks they began with. Probably not as good though .... and their trained troops were wasted by Putin, who in Russian style prefers toadies to competency.
As inept as the Russian officers corps has proven itself to be, it’s NCOs are even worse.
NCOs win battles
Commies are in Russia AND China.

What countries has China invaded?

Putin is a far greater threat to world peace and stability. Open your willfully blind eyes, useful idiot.

And stop reading RT!
Going by your goofball standard we are a greater threat than China. Putin might be a threat to parts of Europe, he is no threat to us. Leave Europe to the Europeans, we have other more pressing matters to attend to here at home. There is nothing remotely resembling American values in supporting the corrupt newly minted dictatorship in Ukraine. You tools aren't even useful, just wasteful.
Those "indications" are from Putin's ass to your mouth.
Yah, no link.

This leads us to the most recent arena of corruption—and, in the context of Ukraine’s need for Western support, the most sensitive one: the defense and national security sector. Since the start of the full-scale Russian invasion, scandals related to the military have included price gouging on foodstuffs for the armed forces, overpriced (and possibly flimsy) winter gear, and an unfulfilled contract for mortar shells. All of these are serious and deserve prosecution, especially when they carry a cost in lives in the ongoing war.

It’s important, however, to set the scale of these cases in relation to the war. The abuses involved amount to millions or tens of millions of dollars—and while these are large numbers, they are an exceedingly miniscule percentage of Ukraine’s vast military expenditures. Since Russia’s invasion, Ukraine has increased its military budget from $6 billion in 2021 to $35 billion in 2023 and up to $42 billion this year. Together with foreign security assistance, its total military resources have climbed to roughly $75 to $80 billion annually.

But Ukraine has been a communist basketcase of corruption far longer than they've had pro-western (EU) leaders.
Going by your goofball standard we are a greater threat than China. Putin might be a threat to parts of Europe, he is no threat to us. Leave Europe to the Europeans, we have other more pressing matters to attend to here at home. There is nothing remotely resembling American values in supporting the corrupt newly minted dictatorship in Ukraine. You tools aren't even useful, just wasteful.
Thank you, Charles Lindberg.

Oh, and useful idiot, too.

Guess which country ranks as more corrupt, Russia or Ukraine.

Go ahead. Guess.

Guess which country murders journalists and political opponents?

Go ahead. Guess.
Going by your goofball standard we are a greater threat than China. Putin might be a threat to parts of Europe, he is no threat to us. Leave Europe to the Europeans, we have other more pressing matters to attend to here at home. There is nothing remotely resembling American values in supporting the corrupt newly minted dictatorship in Ukraine. You tools aren't even useful, just wasteful.
I have relatives buried from two wars over there. Go build Trump Tower Moscow

if you want to talk corruption ... find some non partisan links.
YES CHINA REALLY WANTS TO. They just have a smarter DICTATOR
WE are just not weak enough.
The concern is it YET? or NEVER?
AS we divide & harm our own country.
China would lose if they tried to invade Taiwan
I agree they have a very smart Dictator, one that knows their foreign trade cash cow would end if they invaded Taiwan
Does Kiev want to surrender to avoid that (and Russia doesn't have the ability to "carpet bomb.")

They probably have the ability, just not the will (yet) to use good old big bombers and mass amounts of small bombs on a civilian target.

If Ukraine goes for Russian population areas in an effort to scare the Russians, I don't think they will get the result they are hoping for, which is why they haven't tried it yet.
Those "indications" are from Putin's ass to your mouth.
Maybe....maybe not. Early in the war Zelensky did some complaining about that very thing. Refusal to allow GAO to follow the money......track record of US congress and it's very sticky fingers.....I dunno. The shoe does begin to fit.
You know where most of Ukraine's corruption was?

It was Ukrainian oligarchs who were working on behalf of Putin to take the country down the road to subservience.

And it was people like Paul Manafort who earned millions from those Ukrainian-Russian puppets. He helped them launder their money, and he was caught also laundering his own earnings.

I wonder whatever happened to Manafort...

Oh, yeah. Pardoned by Trump. That's right!

So when you hear a useful idiot on this forum talking about corruption in Ukraine, you can rest assured they are talking around a foot in their mouth.
Maybe....maybe not. Early in the war Zelensky did some complaining about that very thing. Refusal to allow GAO to follow the money......track record of US congress and it's very sticky fingers.....I dunno. The shoe does begin to fit.
Remind me. When have any MAGA folks ever demanded an audit of the money we give to Israel?


Are you catching on yet to the usefulness of these idiots to Putin?
Support for Ukraine has become a divisive political issue in the United States, as it seems almost anything important will – and so many people are emotional about it. But a sober analysis suggests Ukraine may soon have to seek a deal with Russia.
The West erred disastrously in extending delusions of NATO membership to a country whose borders reach within a few hundred miles of Moscow, and that Russia – not just Putin – was left with little choice but to draw a line in the steppe.
Moreover, Russia is unlikely to lose because it has a massive numbers advantage and a determined leadership – backed up by a significant swath of public opinion – which doesn't mind sacrificing as much treasure and as many lives as it takes to subdue Ukraine. Critically, this narrative says, Russia's shocking violation of the longstanding taboo on nuclear threats may not be a bluff.
Oh look. Another Kremlin troll
According to the NATO charter.
No country can become a member while engaged in a war.
Also, there must be a unanimous "Yes" vote by current members to accept a new member.
Which ain't gonna happen with Ukraine.
But Russia vs Ukraine ISN'T a war, at least according to Russia who invaded Ukraine in the first place.
Russia's educated liberal loons have fled the country and won't be missed.
Russia is lucky.
Our lefty nitwits keep threatening to leave but never do.

Yes, because having a nation of low educated nitwits always works to your advantage.

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