USMB Coffee Shop IV

I bet you're gonna be a winner! Go, Oddball!!!】

I deal with one issue at a time. The way my instructions are understood, it's best to avoid judging others until I've walked a mile in they shoes.
I have 3 dogs that are preggers, and only one of them dominoesd this morning. She's acting like her sister Miss Princess is Simon Legree himself. :auiqs.jpg: I haven't checked Miss Songie for a population count if she had a litter out back, so BBL
Beautress what are you going to do with another 30 plus doggies? They will break you financially and in another year the females will also be having puppies and there's a hundred fifty or so more dogs? Please think that through and start making some hard decisions here.
they did 'fix' it......

Sure i did FF, i was the good lords biggest 'eff up as a youngster , takes me a while to recall all the broken bones , near death experiences, etc.

my prob is, it's all cacthing up to me now....... :oops: ~S~
I so understand dealing with my own physical issues and limitations now and I don't like it either. But it is what it is so we deal with it. I'm grateful I still have all my marbles (I think) and can still do what a need to do and a lot of what I enjoy doing.

Speaking of ailments..I have a new one. I'm turning into a scaley fishlike lizard on one arm. Dermatitis I guess. And when I am not scratching the huge rash that started on my elbow and is now eagerly eating its way down to my wrist...its my nose going hog wild. Either all stuffed up or running like a leaky faucet as I sneeze continually. Never had allergies before, but since I have moved from the coast, its been nothing but stuffed up head. And now scales on an arm.

Growing old ain't for sissies.
Benadryl has a narrow rolling with anti-itch fluid in it that stops the itching of just about everything. It takes between 20 to 40 seconds to stop the annoyance. I got one when I was looking for something. I couldn't believe it, but it worked every time a mosquito bit and all else. Try it .
Benadryl has a narrow rolling with anti-itch fluid in it that stops the itching of just about everything. It takes between 20 to 40 seconds to stop the annoyance. I got one when I was looking for something. I couldn't believe it, but it worked every time a mosquito bit and all else. Try it .
Benedryl works great for itches.
Did you know it has the same "ingridients" as xanax? Which is why you cannot or are not supposed to take xanax along with benedryl. Double whammy and potentially dangerous for your health. But no itchI
Well, now you know, lol.
Took two benedryls today...nose is clear. Itch is gone. Rash still there but getting better. I have seborrhic psorasis, and now dermetitis on my elbow. Skeeter bite is below the derma...which exacerbates the bite mark AND the derma. Another double whammy.
Yeah. Old. Equals SUCKS.
How do you do, fellow Coffee Shop Peeps?

I am back from the living dead - 3 weeks of a severe respiratory infection. I blame the lockdown compromising my immune system. I haven't been this sick in years. Life is unbearable when coffee doesn't even have any taste. Fortunately, that is now in the past.
My son and family plan to be there for the race.
While I'm sure that's a great time too, I can't do the crowd...The locals I chatted up all said that they liked the qualifying weekend better that race day....It's all general admission with limited seating, and I ended up liking the sight line down in turn one the best.

A rather longish day, but pretty inexpensive entertainment for the $35 gate price, with free parking inside the infield if you get there around 9-ish in the AM....You can tailgate and/or bring a picnic cooler, so you don't have to pay stupid prices for mediocre stadium "food".

One of the things that teevee can't convey is the immensity of the venue...The grandstands surrounding the track hold 275K or more...The grounds are just plain monstrous....Can't find any official numbers, but it easily rivals the size of the MN state fairgrounds, also immense.

Going to have to do this one again.

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While I'm sure that's a great time too, I can't do the crowd...The locals I chatted up all said that they liked the qualifying weekend better that race day....It's all general admission with limited seating, and I ended up liking the sight line down in turn one the best.

A rather longish day, but pretty inexpensive entertainment for the $35 gate price, with free parking inside the infield if you get there around 9-ish in the AM....You can tailgate and/or bring a picnic cooler, so you don't have to pay stupid prices for mediocre stadium "food".

One of the things that teevee can't convey is the immensity of the venue...The grandstands surrounding the track hold 275K or more...The grounds are just plain monstrous....Can't find any official numbers, but it easily rivals the size of the MN state fairgrounds, also immense.

Going to have to do this one again.

It was on their bucket list for this year. They'll likely never do it again. My daughter-in-law's sister lives in indianapolis so they'll have free lodging to help with the expense. (My granddaughter has been a passionate Nascar fan since she was in gradeschool.)
Just spent 30 hours in the ER. For some unknown reason my BP was up to 185/103. With my cardiac history you don't play with that. Anyway the best they could come up with is stress. And I can believe that. Here's a list of stresses this past 2 weeks.
Memorial Day week. preparations
Waiting on the local church to tell me which Father/Deacon will be giving the opening prayer.
Waiting to hear from the HS Music teacher to see if we have a singer for the National anthem.
waiting to see if we have enough legionaries to fill a color guard and rifle squad.
finally being Abel to write my program notes.
My sister moved into my house along with her adult daughter
They both have small dogs.
Waiting to hear from my Cardiologist for a follow up appointment
Preparing for my annual driving vacation. Thinking about Tombstone for a day or two.
Just spent 30 hours in the ER. For some unknown reason my BP was up to 185/103. With my cardiac history you don't play with that. Anyway the best they could come up with is stress. And I can believe that. Here's a list of stresses this past 2 weeks.
Memorial Day week. preparations
Waiting on the local church to tell me which Father/Deacon will be giving the opening prayer.
Waiting to hear from the HS Music teacher to see if we have a singer for the National anthem.
waiting to see if we have enough legionaries to fill a color guard and rifle squad.
finally being Abel to write my program notes.
My sister moved into my house along with her adult daughter
They both have small dogs.
Waiting to hear from my Cardiologist for a follow up appointment
Preparing for my annual driving vacation. Thinking about Tombstone for a day or two.

Praying for you, friendo. I hope it's just stress and your BP settles down.
How do you do, fellow Coffee Shop Peeps?

I am back from the living dead - 3 weeks of a severe respiratory infection. I blame the lockdown compromising my immune system. I haven't been this sick in years. Life is unbearable when coffee doesn't even have any taste. Fortunately, that is now in the past.
I’m glad there’s a “Fortunately” and hugs..

When I retired I seemed to get sick all the time, it was like a permission slip after years of being.. responsible.
How do you do, fellow Coffee Shop Peeps?

I am back from the living dead - 3 weeks of a severe respiratory infection. I blame the lockdown compromising my immune system. I haven't been this sick in years. Life is unbearable when coffee doesn't even have any taste. Fortunately, that is now in the past.
I surfed for my respiratory issues a couple of months back adding "homeopathic cure" and it suggested making a tea with pure water and thyme spice. I didn't want to use too much, so I used my little 1/8th measure spoon, and nuked 12 Oz water for 40 seconds with that small amount of thyme well whisked in a big porcelain cup. I almost fainted when I finished drinking the "thyme tea" because it had already cleared my chest of the pain and coughing in less than 5 minutes. And the cough did not come back. Yeah, thyme and warm water are not particularly delicious, but it sure felt good and after sleeping all night, the cough wasn't there when I woke up the next morning because the cough was flat out gone and has not come back since.

Funny what you find online. Hope if you have a glass vial of thyme, take a sharpie pen and write "kills cough" on the thyme spice glass bottle.

I hope it works as well for you as it did for me with only 1/8th of a teaspoon anti-cough, homemade thyme tea medicine in a tall glass of very warm water.
How do you do, fellow Coffee Shop Peeps?

I am back from the living dead - 3 weeks of a severe respiratory infection. I blame the lockdown compromising my immune system. I haven't been this sick in years. Life is unbearable when coffee doesn't even have any taste. Fortunately, that is now in the past.
Oh wow Boe, we should have had you on the vigil list. So sorry you've been sick but happy you're getting well now. I figure my time is coming soon but I do try to ward off the bugs floating around with lots of antioxidants in my food, extra Vitamin D, C and Zinc. So far so good.

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