Rudy Indicted.....Bout Time.

When did I say that I wasn’t a democrat? Sure wasn’t anywhere in this thread. And this is the first conversation I’ve had with Blisterfinger…. So where did you get that statement from?
Not you?

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Influencing?! Really. That’s your big censorship? That’s your big election interference? That’s so weak
Gullible people like you who buy into this kind of corruption and believe these lies don't deserve to live in a great country like this. You're much more suited to Communism. Now you're denying even Who You Are LOL what a loser
Gullible people like you who buy into this kind of corruption and believe these lies don't deserve to live in a great country like this. You're much more suited to Communism. Now you're denying even Who You Are LOL what a loser
You’re reusing that line from the other thread. Don’t need to repeats. Be original please
You’re reusing that line from the other thread. Don’t need to repeats. Be original please
Sound very gullible, do you often believe propaganda and advocate for censorship of ideas that run contrary to your agenda? Why yes you do.

Looks like Rudy is in Big Trouble.
Just another Con Man.

Con man Jo loves his lawfare
I didn’t lie about being me.
What the hell is wrong with you? We talked for like 3 days simp. You didn't make sense then and you don't make sense now. Why do you put up with this corruptness. Propaganda and censorship. Are you really this gullible?
What the hell is wrong with you? We talked for like 3 days simp. You didn't make sense then and you don't make sense now. Why do you put up with this corruptness. Propaganda and censorship. Are you really this gullible?
Propaganda is everywhere, I’ve learned to laugh or ignore it. Trump by the way is the worst propagandist I’ve ever seen.

I don’t support government censorship outside the law nor do I see it here. Private businesses can make their own choices, that’s the nature of a free market.

These things your calling censorship isn’t forced and isn’t from the gov. Sounds like you’re confused with basic definitions
The AP is in the tank for Marxists and that hag is one of them.
you can get the same story as reported by fox news. Along with a shitload of the others reporting this same story.

AP is slightly on the left, but they are hightly factual.

for some fun, there are deleted emails..

The Times highlighted one email, for example, from Jack Wilenchik, a lawyer who helped organize the bogus electors in Arizona. “We would just be sending in ‘fake’ electoral votes to Pence so that ‘someone’ in Congress can make an objection when they start counting votes, and start arguing that the ‘fake’ votes should be counted,” Wilenchik wrote on Dec. 8, 2020, in an email to Boris Epshteyn, a strategic adviser for the Trump campaign.

The lawyer soon added that “‘alternative’ votes is probably a better term than ‘fake’ votes.” The email added a smiley face emoji.
Propaganda is everywhere, I’ve learned to laugh or ignore it. Trump by the way is the worst propagandist I’ve ever seen.

I don’t support government censorship outside the law nor do I see it here. Private businesses can make their own choices, that’s the nature of a free market.

These things your calling censorship isn’t forced and isn’t from the gov. Sounds like you’re confused with basic definitions
Why are you Democrats so dishonest? Why is it okay for you that 51 former intelligence officials and Anthony blinken would put out obvious propaganda to use during an election year? Why is it okay for you to censor information that showed the criminal behavior of Joe Biden? So dishonest. Traitorous.
Why are you Democrats so dishonest? Why is it okay for you that 51 former intelligence officials and Anthony blinken would put out obvious propaganda to use during an election year? Why is it okay for you to censor information that showed the criminal behavior of Joe Biden? So dishonest. Traitorous.
I don’t think they put out propaganda. I think they expressed their personal and professional opinions which they are absolutely free to do.

And the government did not censor a thing. Private businesses made their own choices which they are also free to do.

Lastly, you claim there was criminal behavior by Joe Biden…. Yet years later and no court cases! No impeachment by a Republican lead house! Know why? Because your narrative is the propaganda. It’s full of shit. Yall can’t back up the crap you say and the record backs that up.
Propaganda is everywhere, I’ve learned to laugh or ignore it. Trump by the way is the worst propagandist I’ve ever seen.

I don’t support government censorship outside the law nor do I see it here. Private businesses can make their own choices, that’s the nature of a free market.

These things your calling censorship isn’t forced and isn’t from the gov. Sounds like you’re confused with basic definitions
FBI definitely influenced Twitter to suppress the laptop story. On the laptop is evidence of criminal Behavior by the bidens. The suppression of the story was meant to Shield Joe Biden in his re-election campaign.

Shellenberger later tweeted: "In the end, the FBI's influence campaign aimed at executives at news media, Twitter, & other social media companies worked: they censored & discredited the Hunter Biden laptop story."

Anyone with honesty and integrity would demand accountability for these actions. Why are Democrats so damn dishonest? Scandalous and traitorous. The FBI definitely influenced the 2020 election.

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