The West will have to make peace with Russia

We're in a new one now. Wakey wakey!

Sadly you folks haven't realized that.

Putin is trying to reconstitute the Soviet Union. He will not stop with Ukraine.

Of the 110 statues of Joseph Stalin in Russia, Putin has erected 95.

Wake up and smell the commie, boys and girls.

Don't you hate commies?

How did you come to being a useful idiot to one?

Actually the old Russian Empire, with him probably as Czar.

It's easy for you to have a hard on for WWIII when you more than likely will never have to fight in it, or have your home razed by it.
Ukraine has no intention of occupying Russian territory.

However, we are considering providing Ukraine with weapons which can strike deep into Russia so the Russian people get a taste of what if feels like to have your homeland attacked and to be without electricity.

So US weapons used against Russian civilians and territory?

And when they take out one of our bases in Europe......
They seem to be winning the time battle now.

Ukraine occupies no Russian territory, but Russia occupies plenty of Ukrainian territory.

N Vietnam never occupied US territory
Afghanistan never occupied US territory

Eventually, we grew tired and went home
ALL I see is dead people, look at the damage Russia has caused in other invasions.
Look at GEORGIA, SYRIA 2ND CHECHEN WAR, Is the population better off? I Think not.
We left voluntarily, I doubt the Russians will do that.

We didn't think Afghanistan belonged to us, The Russians think all of Ukraine belongs to them.

The biggest worry is if they win in Ukraine they go for the Baltic States next.

The US economy is much more capable of sustaining a military occupation than Russia is.
Eventually, the Russian people or Military (or both) will grow tired of the casualties and remove Putin.
We're in a new one now. Wakey wakey!

Sadly you folks haven't realized that.

Putin is trying to reconstitute the Soviet Union. He will not stop with Ukraine.

Of the 110 statues of Joseph Stalin in Russia, Putin has erected 95.

Wake up and smell the commie, boys and girls.

Don't you hate commies?

How did you come to being a useful idiot to one?
Not really, and if we are we are focused on the wrong people. China is the greater threat by far.

The commies are in China.

If that's all you got just run along before you further embarrass yourself.
The US economy is much more capable of sustaining a military occupation than Russia is.
Eventually, the Russian people or Military (or both) will grow tired of the casualties and remove Putin.

The thing is the Russians have a method for removing the need for "an occupation" left over from WWII.

They just kick out all the Ukrainians and keep the Ethnic Russians only.

Wishful thinking.
Supplying Ukraine with more weapons is just a waste of US taxpayer money.
The Ukraine military doesn't have technical training or manpower to effectively operate the sophisticated weapons they need to prosecute the war.

It takes time to deploy complex military systems.
It is happening

Our weapons are destroying Russian tanks, artillery, helicopters and ships

They are having a hard time replacing them
The US economy is much more capable of sustaining a military occupation than Russia is.
Eventually, the Russian people or Military (or both) will grow tired of the casualties and remove Putin.
I have to disagree. Putin is not going anywhere before he dies a natl death in office. And he's not leaving Ukraine.

Allowing Kiev to bomb Moscow, may .,.. may .... cause him to accept half of Ukraine ... including Crimea
Not really, and if we are we are focused on the wrong people. China is the greater threat by far.

The commies are in China.

If that's all you got just run along before you further embarrass yourself.

China cannot even take Taiwan and does not really want to
Not really, and if we are we are focused on the wrong people. China is the greater threat by far.

The commies are in China.

If that's all you got just run along before you further embarrass yourself.
Commies are in Russia AND China.

What countries has China invaded?

Putin is a far greater threat to world peace and stability. Open your willfully blind eyes, useful idiot.

And stop reading RT!
Support for Ukraine has become a divisive political issue in the United States, as it seems almost anything important will – and so many people are emotional about it. But a sober analysis suggests Ukraine may soon have to seek a deal with Russia.
The West erred disastrously in extending delusions of NATO membership to a country whose borders reach within a few hundred miles of Moscow, and that Russia – not just Putin – was left with little choice but to draw a line in the steppe.
Moreover, Russia is unlikely to lose because it has a massive numbers advantage and a determined leadership – backed up by a significant swath of public opinion – which doesn't mind sacrificing as much treasure and as many lives as it takes to subdue Ukraine. Critically, this narrative says, Russia's shocking violation of the longstanding taboo on nuclear threats may not be a bluff.
Indications that most of the aid money is being grifted by Ukrainian government officials and by our own congress-critters doesn't help very much.
It takes time to deploy complex military systems.
It is happening

Our weapons are destroying Russian tanks, artillery, helicopters and ships

They are having a hard time replacing them
Russia has about the same number of tanks they began with. Probably not as good though .... and their trained troops were wasted by Putin, who in Russian style prefers toadies to competency.
I have to disagree. Putin is not going anywhere before he dies a natl death in office. And he's not leaving Ukraine.

Allowing Kiev to bomb Moscow, may .,.. may .... cause him to accept half of Ukraine ... including Crimea

or may lead him to carpet bomb Kiev.

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