The truth is that what is happening to Trump has been happening to Canadians for 150 years. Do you understand why some of us warn you?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Essentially Canada had a bunch of British (and some Frechmen) who were loyal to the Crown come over and set up shop. The caste system didn't really go away but it was more tightly controlled and suppressed because we knew we had a goldmine in trade with the U.S

This reality is why I believe men like Kevin O'Leary, a Canadian export to the U.S is so against this. He KNOWS what Canada is and he does NOT want America to become the same. It would be disasterous for the economy, the civil liberties of citizens and global security. No question.

Trump is experiencing what many in Canada have experienced with trumped up charges, manufactured threats and penalties. The only difference is that in the U.S they get you later in life, in Canada, the police like them young and poor. He now faces a lack of alternatives due to the state squeezing him. It is an affront to your Constitution but the most fascist don't care, they believe they are your new King and Queen, they act like G-d and despise others success.

Now, once in awhile some Canadians get all uppity and ask for some civil liberties. Thus, in 1982, Pierre Elliott Trudeau brought us somewhat into the modern age with the creation of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. It has had great resistance from the very people who citizens needed to uphold it: the Security Industrial Complex. Wannabe fascists who get away with it, because, like New York, the powers that be don't care about these inconvenient "Rights" you believe you are ordained with. However, most Canadian citizens are docile and compliant, hence our declining economy and global reputation. When you are losing immigrants who leave and go back to a warzone rather than stay in Canada, something might be wrong.

If you choose the most fascist and diabolical people for policing, from the RCMP on down; you are bound to have a system that the Western World knows is more closely aligned to the old Soviet system or East Germany. America is not immune to this, from policing to your courts.

You are experiencing it now and as I promised, once it begins it is very difficult to roll back. Not unlike entitlements that tax payers are on the hook for, government rarely relinquishes power once you give it to them. Remember that temporary Patriot Act?
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The truth is that what is happening to Trump has nothing to do with whatever Canadians have been going through for 150 years.​

Our history, and the history of many other nations are the a glimpse into the future you are regressing to.

The entire objective of America was to NOT be like us. However, you are.

In some respects it doesn't surprise me as I have learned from speaking to Americans that you don't understand the world much outside of your own borders. If you knew how dishonest other nations are, you would appreciate why you are so unique.

Reagan was the best at making people understand. Arnold Swartzenegger does a good job too. Musk is a top notch import who contributes greatly to America.

If you ask foreigners who have a clue you will understand. If you don't learn from our warnings, well, we are all in deep trouble...
Essentially Canada had a bunch of British (and some Frechmen) who were loyal to the Crown come over and set up shop. The caste system didn't really go away but it was more tightly controlled and suppressed because we knew we had a goldmine in trade with the U.S

This reality is why I believe men like Kevin O'Leary, a Canadian export to the U.S is so against this. He KNOWS what Canada is and he does NOT want America to become the same. It would be disasterous for the economy, the civil liberties of citizens and global security. No question.

Trump is experiencing what many in Canada have experienced with trumped up charges, manufactured threats and penalties. The only difference is that in the U.S they get you later in life, in Canada, the police like them young and poor. He now faces a lack of alternatives due to the state squeezing him. It is an affront to your Constitution but the most fascist don't care, they believe they are your new King and Queen, they act like G-d and despise others success.

Now, once in awhile some Canadians get all uppity and ask for some civil liberties. Thus, in 1982, Pierre Elliott Trudeau brought us somewhat into the modern age with the creation of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. It has had great resistance from the very people who citizens needed to uphold it: the Security Industrial Complex. Wannabe fascists who get away with it, because, like New York, the powers that be don't care about these inconvenient "Rights" you believe you are ordained with. However, most Canadian citizens are docile and compliant, hence our declining economy and global reputation. When you are losing immigrants who leave and go back to a warzone rather than stay in Canada, something might be wrong.

If you choose the most fascist and diabolical people for policing, from the RCMP on down; you are bound to have a system that the Western World knows is more closely aligned to the old Soviet system or East Germany. America is not immune to this, from policing to your courts.

You are experiencing it now and as I promised, once it begins it is very difficult to roll back. Not unlike entitlements that tax payers are on the hook for, government rarely relinquishes power once you give it to them. Remember that temporary Patriot Act?
Wow. So, all Canadians who raped, swindled charities, swindled college kids, stiffed their sub-contractors, tried to overthrow the government, cheated on their taxes... were all indicted and given due process by the Canadian authorities?

Life is so unfair in Canada. :itsok:
Wow. So, all Canadians who raped, swindled charities, swindled college kids, stiffed their sub-contractors, tried to overthrow the government, cheated on their taxes... were all indicted and given due process by the Canadian authorities?

Life is so unfair in Canada. :itsok:
No, worries Trudeau is still in power.

The truth is that what is happening to Trump has nothing to do with whatever Canadians have been going through for 150 years.​

The OP ain't in his right mind. He thinks the Canadian government has black SUVs parked outside his house, spying on him and sponging off his wifi, and that they may leap into action at any given moment and spirit him away to some ghastly goulag for brainwashing.
The OP ain't in his right mind. He thinks the Canadian government has black SUVs parked outside his house, spying on him and sponging off his wifi, and that they may leap into action at any given moment and spirit him away to some ghastly goulag for brainwashing.
You are useful to someone. Some of us need to stand up for the sacrifices of men better than us, I'm one such person. From emails to spreading the names and details to allied nations, I stand with G-d, not, cults.
You are useful to someone. Some of us need to stand up for the sacrifices of men better than us, I'm one such person. From emails to spreading the names and details to allied nations, I stand with G-d, not, cults.
Uh huh, right.

Does the nurse know you're up this late?
Essentially Canada had a bunch of British (and some Frechmen) who were loyal to the Crown come over and set up shop. The caste system didn't really go away but it was more tightly controlled and suppressed because we knew we had a goldmine in trade with the U.S

This reality is why I believe men like Kevin O'Leary, a Canadian export to the U.S is so against this. He KNOWS what Canada is and he does NOT want America to become the same. It would be disasterous for the economy, the civil liberties of citizens and global security. No question.

Trump is experiencing what many in Canada have experienced with trumped up charges, manufactured threats and penalties. The only difference is that in the U.S they get you later in life, in Canada, the police like them young and poor. He now faces a lack of alternatives due to the state squeezing him. It is an affront to your Constitution but the most fascist don't care, they believe they are your new King and Queen, they act like G-d and despise others success.

Now, once in awhile some Canadians get all uppity and ask for some civil liberties. Thus, in 1982, Pierre Elliott Trudeau brought us somewhat into the modern age with the creation of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. It has had great resistance from the very people who citizens needed to uphold it: the Security Industrial Complex. Wannabe fascists who get away with it, because, like New York, the powers that be don't care about these inconvenient "Rights" you believe you are ordained with. However, most Canadian citizens are docile and compliant, hence our declining economy and global reputation. When you are losing immigrants who leave and go back to a warzone rather than stay in Canada, something might be wrong.

If you choose the most fascist and diabolical people for policing, from the RCMP on down; you are bound to have a system that the Western World knows is more closely aligned to the old Soviet system or East Germany. America is not immune to this, from policing to your courts.

You are experiencing it now and as I promised, once it begins it is very difficult to roll back. Not unlike entitlements that tax payers are on the hook for, government rarely relinquishes power once you give it to them. Remember that temporary Patriot Act?
What you think about Canada is interesting and all, but I'm not sure why you would think anybody here would care. This is the US. Isn't there a canadian discussion board where folks might actually be interested in whay you say?
What you think about Canada is interesting and all, but I'm not sure why you would think anybody here would care. This is the US. Isn't there a canadian discussion board where folks might actually be interested in whay you say?
I've repeated this before, this is the warning that you are following in our footsteps. Listen to how many who weren;t born in the U.S are warning you, I mentioned a couple of names on here. Also, your relation to us will hurt your own global reputation for multiple reasons.
Our history, and the history of many other nations are the a glimpse into the future you are regressing to.

The entire objective of America was to NOT be like us. However, you are.

In some respects it doesn't surprise me as I have learned from speaking to Americans that you don't understand the world much outside of your own borders. If you knew how dishonest other nations are, you would appreciate why you are so unique.

Reagan was the best at making people understand. Arnold Swartzenegger does a good job too. Musk is a top notch import who contributes greatly to America.

If you ask foreigners who have a clue you will understand. If you don't learn from our warnings, well, we are all in deep trouble...
Hey dufus, my roots go back to the 1600s in North America. My direct descendants (male line), were on the first ship out of Long Island to Nova Scotia (later to become New Brunswick) in 1783.

Now go learn some history that isn't made up shit with an ideological basis
Hey dufus, my roots go back to the 1600s in North America. My direct descendants (male line), were on the first ship out of Long Island to Nova Scotia (later to become New Brunswick) in 1783.

Now go learn some history that isn't made up shit with an ideological basis
I'm not sure what you are trying to convey.
Our history, and the history of many other nations are the a glimpse into the future you are regressing to.

The entire objective of America was to NOT be like us. However, you are.

In some respects it doesn't surprise me as I have learned from speaking to Americans that you don't understand the world much outside of your own borders. If you knew how dishonest other nations are, you would appreciate why you are so unique.

Reagan was the best at making people understand. Arnold Swartzenegger does a good job too. Musk is a top notch import who contributes greatly to America.

If you ask foreigners who have a clue you will understand. If you don't learn from our warnings, well, we are all in deep trouble...
Oh stop it already with your glorifying of that motherfucker mass murderer Reagan who was as much a puppet fir the elite as Biden is.even patriot trump did not like asshole Reagan.Reagan worshippers here always ignore that jimmy carter contrary to what the idiot sheep think,was not the worst president ever the fact same as kennedy,he also tried to get ride of the cia firing the corrupt evil George bush and replacing him with stansfield turner who then cleaned up the cia firing all covert operators.

Despite his excellent job of cleaning up the corruption of the cia Reagan comes in and fires turner and puts William Casey as director in who then gets the cia back to its warmonger ways getting back to bringing back cia covert operators and the cia gets back to their dirty operations again.

Yet the sheep worship this motherfucker,

Beam me up Scotty,there is no intelligent life forms on this planet.
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I've repeated this before, this is the warning that you are following in our footsteps. Listen to how many who weren;t born in the U.S are warning you, I mentioned a couple of names on here. Also, your relation to us will hurt your own global reputation for multiple reasons.
OK. Thank you for sharing that. I'm sure you mean well.
What you think about Canada is interesting and all, but I'm not sure why you would think anybody here would care. This is the US. Isn't there a canadian discussion board where folks might actually be interested in whay you say?
I care, so GFY.

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