Youtube bans david duke, trump and other right wing trash

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

YouTube has banned some of the video site’s most notorious far-right users, including former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, “alt-right” figurehead Richard Spencer and libertarian “race realist” Stefan Molyneux, joining a wave of social media sites taking action against hate speech.

The company says the bans were handed down due to the creators’ repeated violation of YouTube’s policies against claiming that protected groups are “inferior”.

About time. These idiots have nothing to say.

YouTube has banned some of the video site’s most notorious far-right users, including former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, “alt-right” figurehead Richard Spencer and libertarian “race realist” Stefan Molyneux, joining a wave of social media sites taking action against hate speech.

The company says the bans were handed down due to the creators’ repeated violation of YouTube’s policies against claiming that protected groups are “inferior”.

About time. These idiots have nothing to say.
The more that people like Duke are allowed to say, the better off we are as ignorance like his should not be ignored ever. So Google is not doing America any favors by censoring his hate. One question though, why does BLM murder 16 and 19 year old black children in CHOP and allow David Duke to continue his reign of hate


YouTube has banned some of the video site’s most notorious far-right users, including former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, “alt-right” figurehead Richard Spencer and libertarian “race realist” Stefan Molyneux, joining a wave of social media sites taking action against hate speech.

The company says the bans were handed down due to the creators’ repeated violation of YouTube’s policies against claiming that protected groups are “inferior”.

About time. These idiots have nothing to say.

Trump has plenty to say. He is making policy. That is relevant and important. Your claim is an obvious lie.

The truth is, it is not that you think he has nothing to say. YOu know he has plenty to say. YOu want to silence him, because you disagree with him and you don't care about him having any Freedom of Speech, because you are a commie.

YouTube has banned some of the video site’s most notorious far-right users, including former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, “alt-right” figurehead Richard Spencer and libertarian “race realist” Stefan Molyneux, joining a wave of social media sites taking action against hate speech.

The company says the bans were handed down due to the creators’ repeated violation of YouTube’s policies against claiming that protected groups are “inferior”.

About time. These idiots have nothing to say.

One day, provided our civilization still exists, conservative owned social media giants will censor leftist speech or eradicate it entirely from global online public conversation. After that day arrives celebrators of corporate tyranny such as yourself will cry foul but you're voices will not be heard. You will have no platform on which to express yourselves. After the epochal worm has turned you will weep and supplicate from your knees for free speech and freedom of thought. Be prepared to be down there for a very, very long time. What comes around . . .

YouTube has banned some of the video site’s most notorious far-right users, including former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, “alt-right” figurehead Richard Spencer and libertarian “race realist” Stefan Molyneux, joining a wave of social media sites taking action against hate speech.

The company says the bans were handed down due to the creators’ repeated violation of YouTube’s policies against claiming that protected groups are “inferior”.

About time. These idiots have nothing to say.

Trump has plenty to say. He is making policy. That is relevant and important. Your claim is an obvious lie.

The truth is, it is not that you think he has nothing to say. YOu know he has plenty to say. YOu want to silence him, because you disagree with him and you don't care about him having any Freedom of Speech, because you are a commie.
No, because every time he spews out his verbal diarrhea I'm in danger of splitting my sides
literally and I can't afford a hernia. And lets face it telling you guys to "inject disinfectant" and
"Stop testing and the number of infections will drop!" will reduce the numbers of Republicans surviving to get to the polls and while not doing himself any favors he's certainly doing the rest of us a big one. Only good right wingers are dead ones!

Ha ha ha ha
Ah ha ha ha!

YouTube has banned some of the video site’s most notorious far-right users, including former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, “alt-right” figurehead Richard Spencer and libertarian “race realist” Stefan Molyneux, joining a wave of social media sites taking action against hate speech.

The company says the bans were handed down due to the creators’ repeated violation of YouTube’s policies against claiming that protected groups are “inferior”.

About time. These idiots have nothing to say.
The Age of Trump has flushed the truly racist rats out of the sewer, and now we can see them more clearly. Now we know how much more work we have to do.

Shutting them down, shutting them up, only prolongs the process. Maybe this is the time for us to marginalize these animals - culturally.

This is a moment for which freedom of expression is so valuable. Let them be what they are, right out in the open, so we can fix this once and for all.
The European approach may be understandable, seeing as how Europe has done so much that has been virulently destructive to humanity. It has no desire to hear rhetoric reminding it of its sins. Applying that approach to everyone else only allies Europe with Putin, Xi, Kim and other 'notables'. It is a sure way to lose its American audience and friends.

YouTube has banned some of the video site’s most notorious far-right users, including former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, “alt-right” figurehead Richard Spencer and libertarian “race realist” Stefan Molyneux, joining a wave of social media sites taking action against hate speech.

The company says the bans were handed down due to the creators’ repeated violation of YouTube’s policies against claiming that protected groups are “inferior”.

About time. These idiots have nothing to say.
The Age of Trump has flushed the truly racist rats out of the sewer, and now we can see them more clearly. Now we know how much more work we have to do.

Shutting them down, shutting them up, only prolongs the process. Maybe this is the time for us to marginalize these animals - culturally.

This is a moment for which freedom of expression is so valuable. Let them be what they are, right out in the open, so we can fix this once and for all.

David Duke was a public figure decades before "The Age of Trump". And he was marginalized completely long before Trump was relevant.

Your putting this on Trump, is delusional.

Your pretense that they are relevant, is a life line to them. You are their only hope. They love you. You and them are political allies with many shared goals and tactics.

Bye bye boogaloo.
Fuckin loving it.

YouTube has banned some of the video site’s most notorious far-right users, including former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, “alt-right” figurehead Richard Spencer and libertarian “race realist” Stefan Molyneux, joining a wave of social media sites taking action against hate speech.

The company says the bans were handed down due to the creators’ repeated violation of YouTube’s policies against claiming that protected groups are “inferior”.

About time. These idiots have nothing to say.

Trump has plenty to say. He is making policy. That is relevant and important. Your claim is an obvious lie.

The truth is, it is not that you think he has nothing to say. YOu know he has plenty to say. YOu want to silence him, because you disagree with him and you don't care about him having any Freedom of Speech, because you are a commie.
No, because every time he spews out his verbal diarrhea I'm in danger of splitting my sides
literally and I can't afford a hernia. And lets face it telling you guys to "inject disinfectant" and
"Stop testing and the number of infections will drop!" will reduce the numbers of Republicans surviving to get to the polls and while not doing himself any favors he's certainly doing the rest of us a big one. Only good right wingers are dead ones!

Ha ha ha ha
Ah ha ha ha!

You are terrified that if he gets his message out, that he will win again.

YOur denial of this fact, is not credible. EVERYONE KNOWS YOU ARE LYING.
As a private company YouTube has the right to allow whoever they want. I'm not a big fan of what they are doing but I most certainly can understand Trump getting swept up with the rest.

Your rationalization of censorship that just happens to serve your ideological agenda, what a self serving coincidence.


YouTube has banned some of the video site’s most notorious far-right users, including former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, “alt-right” figurehead Richard Spencer and libertarian “race realist” Stefan Molyneux, joining a wave of social media sites taking action against hate speech.

The company says the bans were handed down due to the creators’ repeated violation of YouTube’s policies against claiming that protected groups are “inferior”.

About time. These idiots have nothing to say.
What does this have to do with Trump?

Bye bye boogaloo.
Fuckin loving it.
Note the two-tiered censorship policies of leftist web sites.
While banning peaceful rightwing users.....they fully embrace leftwing folks that perpetrate racism and violence...(BLM)
As a private company YouTube has the right to allow whoever they want. I'm not a big fan of what they are doing but I most certainly can understand Trump getting swept up with the rest.

Your rationalization of censorship that just happens to serve your ideological agenda, what a self serving coincidence.


I said I was no fan of censorship but I understand how Trump gets lumped in with David Duke and the rest.

YouTube has banned some of the video site’s most notorious far-right users, including former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, “alt-right” figurehead Richard Spencer and libertarian “race realist” Stefan Molyneux, joining a wave of social media sites taking action against hate speech.

The company says the bans were handed down due to the creators’ repeated violation of YouTube’s policies against claiming that protected groups are “inferior”.

About time. These idiots have nothing to say.
The more that people like Duke are allowed to say, the better off we are as ignorance like his should not be ignored ever. So Google is not doing America any favors by censoring his hate. One question though, why does BLM murder 16 and 19 year old black children in CHOP and allow David Duke to continue his reign of hate

Since you know who did the killings shouldn't you be telling the cops?

YouTube has banned some of the video site’s most notorious far-right users, including former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, “alt-right” figurehead Richard Spencer and libertarian “race realist” Stefan Molyneux, joining a wave of social media sites taking action against hate speech.

The company says the bans were handed down due to the creators’ repeated violation of YouTube’s policies against claiming that protected groups are “inferior”.

About time. These idiots have nothing to say.
/—-/ When will USMB ban your marxist trash?
As a private company YouTube has the right to allow whoever they want. I'm not a big fan of what they are doing but I most certainly can understand Trump getting swept up with the rest.

Your rationalization of censorship that just happens to serve your ideological agenda, what a self serving coincidence.

It is not a rationalization it is the truth and has been the truth since christians decided it was okay to discriminate against only one subset of sinners out of all the sins a person would commit.

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