Wind Turbines Contributing to Man Made Global Warming


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2013
Jewitt City, Connecticut
I could not make this up if I tried, while looking at the effects of wind turbines on local wind power I discovered that researchers have found that Wind Turbines actually cause Global Warming by redistributing heat and moisture in the air.

Scientists have no idea the effects they are having on the planet by building across hundreds of miles of the earth. From Solar Panels reflecting heat into the atmosphere and Wind Turbines redistributing heat, the problem is little understood. If we add the creation of the new Heavy Industry that pollutes while manufacture square miles of Green Energy Plants, the effects are tremendous.

The core problem is that wind turbines generate electricity by extracting energy out of the air, slowing down wind and otherwise altering “the exchange of heat, moisture, and momentum between the surface and the atmosphere,” the study explains. That can produce some level of warming. Previous studies also pointed out the effect, but they generally looked at either small-scale or global impacts. The new study sought to explore a “plausible scale” of wind power in a single large country. It compared model results against direct observations at wind farms, finding that they matched.

So. California has their turbines placed close together and we northern Californians place ours well apart.
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That sounds like a load of Bullsh#t to me. What's the matter? Somebody putting one offshore from you compound?
One? Thank you for understating the facts.

Thank god we have your scientific opinion. I did post stuff from MIT, the same people that gave us wind turbine technology, so this information comes from the Wind Turbine industry, not opponents.
wind dutch.jpg
I could not make this up if I tried, while looking at the effects of wind turbines on local wind power I discovered that researchers have found that Wind Turbines actually cause Global Warming by redistributing heat and moisture in the air.

Scientists have no idea the effects they are having on the planet by building across hundreds of miles of the earth. From Solar Panels reflecting heat into the atmosphere and Wind Turbines redistributing heat, the problem is little understood. If we add the creation of the new Heavy Industry that pollutes while manufacture square miles of Green Energy Plants, the effects are tremendous.

The core problem is that wind turbines generate electricity by extracting energy out of the air, slowing down wind and otherwise altering “the exchange of heat, moisture, and momentum between the surface and the atmosphere,” the study explains. That can produce some level of warming. Previous studies also pointed out the effect, but they generally looked at either small-scale or global impacts. The new study sought to explore a “plausible scale” of wind power in a single large country. It compared model results against direct observations at wind farms, finding that they matched.

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Citrus growers have known this for years. They've used the same technology for keeping groves from freezing.

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