Wil Wheaton, of Star Trek fame, is a SJW who just got banned for not being SJW enough, LOL.....

And since you are dumb, you think this is about celebrity gossip. Since you are too stupid to understand the real issue here, let me explain.......

Wil Wheaton is a proud member of the hateful left....calling for the destruction of people who disagree with him......and as part of that hateful, left wing, democrat movement, he never realized that that hate destroys it's own as much as the targets they seek to destroy....

Wow... does anyone actually care what Wil Wheaton is doing these days?

These smarmy asshats like Wil Wheaton......it is a happy thing when they get a taste of their own medicine...

Nolte: 'Star Trek' Actor Wil Wheaton Blacklisted on Social Media by Fellow SJWs

It all began when — and how perfect is this? — Wheaton pretty much introduced himself to the Mastodon community by calling for someone to be blacklisted after this someone played an innocent “bofa” joke on him.

“Bofa” jokes go like this:

“Hey, did you watch that awesome show on Bofa last night?”

“What’s Bofa?”

*points to crotch* “Bofa deez nuts down here.”

Innocent, dumb, hilarious…

But joyless Wheaton didn’t think so (he was on TV, you know), and instead of responding with a good-natured “LMFAO,” Wheaton reported this person for abuse.

There was just one problem: Wheaton is a straight white male (which is the long way of saying Hitler), and the person Wheaton reported for abuse is a transsexual. And as we all know, transsexuals are now on the highest rung of the identity politics ladder, and straight white males are Hitler.

And then there were Wheaton’s other sins, his past impurities…

Wheaton is close pals with Talking Dead host Chris Hardwick, who was recently indicted for (and cleared of) a #MeToo incident involving a former girlfriend. Wheaton is not only guilty by association with Hardwick; he had the gall to not condemn his friend.

Finally, (the Ace of Spades rundown on this is a must-read) there is the incident involving the transphobic blocklist…

During the whole GamerGate uproar, Wheaton received and disseminated a blocklist (a massive list of WrongThink People blocked by CorrectThink People). Apparently, there was a number of transsexuals on Wheaton’s blocklist (it originated with a feminist angry at men who become women, or something), and a genetically inferior straight white male like Wheaton banning transsexuals is un-for-giv-able.

And so, the mob of tattletale hall monitors Wheaton helped empower had him blacklisted from Mastodon using the fascist online rules Wheaton helped normalize.
Judging by your posts, you are more invested in celebrity gossip than most pre-teen girls
You dems do love your gossip. I'll give you that much. You also like to deflect when dems and their retarded social SJW program are made fun of by normal people.
These smarmy asshats like Wil Wheaton......it is a happy thing when they get a taste of their own medicine...

Nolte: 'Star Trek' Actor Wil Wheaton Blacklisted on Social Media by Fellow SJWs

It all began when — and how perfect is this? — Wheaton pretty much introduced himself to the Mastodon community by calling for someone to be blacklisted after this someone played an innocent “bofa” joke on him.

“Bofa” jokes go like this:

“Hey, did you watch that awesome show on Bofa last night?”

“What’s Bofa?”

*points to crotch* “Bofa deez nuts down here.”

Innocent, dumb, hilarious…

But joyless Wheaton didn’t think so (he was on TV, you know), and instead of responding with a good-natured “LMFAO,” Wheaton reported this person for abuse.

There was just one problem: Wheaton is a straight white male (which is the long way of saying Hitler), and the person Wheaton reported for abuse is a transsexual. And as we all know, transsexuals are now on the highest rung of the identity politics ladder, and straight white males are Hitler.

And then there were Wheaton’s other sins, his past impurities…

Wheaton is close pals with Talking Dead host Chris Hardwick, who was recently indicted for (and cleared of) a #MeToo incident involving a former girlfriend. Wheaton is not only guilty by association with Hardwick; he had the gall to not condemn his friend.

Finally, (the Ace of Spades rundown on this is a must-read) there is the incident involving the transphobic blocklist…

During the whole GamerGate uproar, Wheaton received and disseminated a blocklist (a massive list of WrongThink People blocked by CorrectThink People). Apparently, there was a number of transsexuals on Wheaton’s blocklist (it originated with a feminist angry at men who become women, or something), and a genetically inferior straight white male like Wheaton banning transsexuals is un-for-giv-able.

And so, the mob of tattletale hall monitors Wheaton helped empower had him blacklisted from Mastodon using the fascist online rules Wheaton helped normalize.
Judging by your posts, you are more invested in celebrity gossip than most pre-teen girls
You dems do love your gossip. I'll give you that much. You also like to deflect when dems and their retarded social SJW program are made fun of by normal people.
^ thinks him and the nutjob are normal people :lmao:
I hate Wesley Crusher ...

He does look like that product of incest… David Hogg

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