USMB Coffee Shop IV


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
There should be one place in the USMB village where folks can just be themselves and get to know each other as we would if we lived next door or worked together or joined the same gym.

This is a place to just come in and say hi, let us know what's going on with you these days, celebrate joys, concerns, jokes, music, hobbies, interests, love and life.

So check your spurs, sidearms, politics, and religious fussing at the door, come in to enjoy an adult beverage or a hot cup of coffee and a piece of pie or whatever comforts your soul, and let's just enjoy each other.

Okay we're back up and running yet again everybody. Sorry I wasn't here earlier but hope we don't lose folks in the transition.

And the statistics so far:

The original USMB Coffee Shop opened on 5-4-2010 and acquired 80,455 posts and 3,285,729 views before it closed on 7-30-13.
USMB Coffee Shop II opened on 7-30-13 and acquired 25,935 posts and 486,351 views before it closed on 4-14-14.
The USMB Coffee Shop III opened on 4-15-14 and is closing on 5-15-14 with 2,803 posts and 32,229 views.

The original two Coffee Shops had acquired roughly 100,000 more views before CK had to delete them. I really hate losing all those great photos, especially of those of us who frequent the Coffee Shop, but oh well.

But at any rate, the stats for the Coffee Shop record now stand at 109,193 posts and roughly 3,904,309 views.

375 different people (give or take a few due to name changes) have posted in the Coffee Shop at some time.

I like to think this record is because of the really special people we have learned to get to know and love in the Coffee Shop, and the genuine affection, concern, and encouragement that can be found there. And there's always room for more folks who need or want or appreciate that.

Long live the Coffee Shop!!!
I wonder why the number of posts allowed have dropped so dramatically? How did we get 80,000 + posts in the first one, but can only get to 2,800 posts before it gets shut down now? That's a pretty significant difference.
ok, I am here. Foxfyre, my granddaughter is healing well; she will be back in school next Monday.
Hey Newby. I don't know why the post/view count has been dropping from Coffee Shop to Coffee Shop but oh well. Just so we don't lose anybody in the transition is the important thing. Happy to see you though. We've missed you.
Oh, and could some of you photo shop geeks redo the owl in my sig line and make it a USMB Coffee Shop IV and make it a button to get us here and also the ENTER THE COFFEE SHOP HERE line that will take us to this thread instead of the old one? And send me the coding? I wish I was good at that stuff but I'm just not.
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There should be one place in the USMB village where folks can just be themselves and get to know each other as we would if we lived next door or worked together or joined the same gym.

This is a place to just come in and say hi, let us know what's going on with you these days, celebrate joys, concerns, jokes, music, hobbies, interests, love and life.

So check your spurs, sidearms, politics, and religious fussing at the door, come in to enjoy an adult beverage or a hot cup of coffee and a piece of pie or whatever comforts your soul, and let's just enjoy each other.


OOooooohh... I LIKE this new Coffee Shop... CLASSY...
There should be one place in the USMB village where folks can just be themselves and get to know each other as we would if we lived next door or worked together or joined the same gym.

This is a place to just come in and say hi, let us know what's going on with you these days, celebrate joys, concerns, jokes, music, hobbies, interests, love and life.

So check your spurs, sidearms, politics, and religious fussing at the door, come in to enjoy an adult beverage or a hot cup of coffee and a piece of pie or whatever comforts your soul, and let's just enjoy each other.


OOooooohh... I LIKE this new Coffee Shop... CLASSY...

Thanks. I - er - decorated it myself. :) I liked the comfy seating area just to jawbone with each other. Around the perimeter are regular tables for dining, the bar is stocked with anything alcoholic or benign, caf and decaf, that anybody could want, the cuisine is suitable for any palate, and out of sight is the dance floor and pool tables and pinball and video game machines everybody was so fond of. The bowling alley is up and running in the basement and there's a sports bar with big screen TVs on the second floor.

Oh, and also outside the view, on one side the wall opens up into that ocean view we were looking at the other day and the other side opens onto views of mountains, pristine forests, and a wild river.
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There should be one place in the USMB village where folks can just be themselves and get to know each other as we would if we lived next door or worked together or joined the same gym.

This is a place to just come in and say hi, let us know what's going on with you these days, celebrate joys, concerns, jokes, music, hobbies, interests, love and life.

So check your spurs, sidearms, politics, and religious fussing at the door, come in to enjoy an adult beverage or a hot cup of coffee and a piece of pie or whatever comforts your soul, and let's just enjoy each other.


OOooooohh... I LIKE this new Coffee Shop... CLASSY...

Thanks. I - er - decorated it myself. :) I liked the comfy seating area just to jawbone with each other. Around the perimeter are regular tables for dining, the bar is stocked with anything alcoholic or benign, caf and decaf, that anybody could want, the cuisine is suitable for any palate, and out of sight is the dance floor and pool tables and pinball and video game machines everybody was so fond of. The bowling alley is up and running in the basement and there's a sports bar with big screen TVs on the second floor.

Oh, and also outside the view, on one side the wall opens up into that ocean view we were looking at the other day and the other side opens onto views of mountains, pristine forests, and a wild river.
I think I want to live there...
No way Spoonie. And we're happy we didn't.

Reminds me of between my sophomore and junior years in high school though--our church selected me as the youth representative to attend a national youth convocation at Purdue University. We spent about a week at the convocation and then several days touring other interesting places. And while I was gone, my folks packed up and moved!
Confessing that I just stole this from another location. It was labeled "Wow Factor" there. I concur. :)

[ame=]Dolphin Surfing, Woman Wakeboarding with Dolphins as seen on TV (WORLDWIDE!!) - YouTube[/ame]

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