Where Are The 2012 Dem Presidential Candidates?


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
2012 Democratic Presidential Candidates

Are the dems going to put all their eggs in one basket in hopes that obama will win reelection? Is that a good idea?

I see dems bashing the great candidate rich conservative side, but yet there isn't a single dem to step forward besides obama. Incredible.
Where Are The 2012 Dem Presidential Candidates?

Here she is
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I think it is in the institutional rules of the Democratic (and Republican) national parties that the presidential incumbent is automatically the representative for the general presidential election.
I think it is in the institutional rules of the Democratic (and Republican) national parties that the presidential incumbent is automatically the representative for the general presidential election.

Really... "insitutional rules" aye... I've never heard of them before.

But if the dems are going to bet the house on obama, I think the conservatives can relax. obama doesn't have a snow balls chance in hell of being reelected. There is so much mud of his own making to throw at him, you won't even be able to recognize him when it does start flying, and there won't be any washing it off. He's screwed the pooch, bad. I think the dems better start thinking about plan B.
I'd give my left nut to see a democrat challenge him, however thats just not going to happen - hes the messiah after all.
I'd give my left nut to see a democrat challenge him, however thats just not going to happen - hes the messiah after all.

I just think this is strange... we haven't heard ONE PEEP about a dem that wants to run against the kenyan.

What's up with that? I thought Soros was done with his sock puppet, so that would open it up for dems to run against him... :eusa_eh:
I'd give my left nut to see a democrat challenge him, however thats just not going to happen - hes the messiah after all.

I just think this is strange... we haven't heard ONE PEEP about a dem that wants to run against the kenyan.

What's up with that? I thought Soros was done with his sock puppet, so that would open it up for dems to run against him... :eusa_eh:

Who would have a chance?

A) no one would have a chance, and B) anyone that did attempt it would be shunned from the democratic party..

I suppose an independent could run as a dem, but that would just be a waste of money..

Didn't the liar himself claim his goal was a billion dollars??

I swear the guy will have every commercial from New Years Day 2012 to November.... Either that or start an Obama Channel.... Just like Oprah.
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I'd give my left nut to see a democrat challenge him, however thats just not going to happen - hes the messiah after all.

I just think this is strange... we haven't heard ONE PEEP about a dem that wants to run against the kenyan.

What's up with that? I thought Soros was done with his sock puppet, so that would open it up for dems to run against him... :eusa_eh:

Who would have a chance?

A) no one would have a chance, and B) anyone that did attempt it would be shunned from the democratic party..

I suppose an independent could run as a dem, but that would just be a waste of money..

Didn't the liar himself claim his goal was a billion dollars??

I swear the guy will have every commercial from New Years Day 2012 to November.... Either that or start an Obama Channel.... Just like Oprah.

If that's the case, and the dems aren't planning on having a plan B, then shit, I think this election is in the bag for the repubs.

What will the dems do when every poll there is shows him LOSING to his opponent/s? Lick their wounds and plan for 2016?
Are you guessing there are polls that show this, or do you have a link to these polls?
I'd give my left nut to see a democrat challenge him, however thats just not going to happen - hes the messiah after all.

I just think this is strange... we haven't heard ONE PEEP about a dem that wants to run against the kenyan.

What's up with that? I thought Soros was done with his sock puppet, so that would open it up for dems to run against him... :eusa_eh:

Who would have a chance?

A) no one would have a chance, and B) anyone that did attempt it would be shunned from the democratic party..

I suppose an independent could run as a dem, but that would just be a waste of money..

Didn't the liar himself claim his goal was a billion dollars??

I swear the guy will have every commercial from New Years Day 2012 to November.... Either that or start an Obama Channel.... Just like Oprah.
He's got his own channel.......It's called:

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

Here's a poll that shows Obama at 52% since around 5-3-2011. Fox shows him at 55! Associated Press - 60..

Why would Democrats want to oppose him? The opposition should be afraid and they are. Still you guys sit around here wondering why nobody will pave the way for a Repub to get the WH back?

You'd better worry about ever getting back in after the Bush/Cheney mess.
You conservatives... Take a look at this thread without the blinders. Pretend you are a person who is kind of neutral in your affiliations and Political ideology.

You guys look so irrational and angry, that a person like the one I describe would not want to vote for anyone you endorse. All you spew is hate and ridiculous comments.

So you guys thinking that a GOPer is a shoe in is not even close to being based in reality. IF you really want one of "your guys" to win in 2012, you guys have to get off the crazy train that you all have been riding since 2008.
I doubt that there's any Insider Dem who is going to even try to challenge this POTUS.

Didn't we just read that O has a gazillion dollars ready for the next campaign or something like that?
The recent upswing in conservative troll threads on this board is, as always, a good indicator of an upswing in conservative anger and frustration.

That's always the silver lining of this annoyance.
I think it is in the institutional rules of the Democratic (and Republican) national parties that the presidential incumbent is automatically the representative for the general presidential election.

Really... "insitutional rules" aye... I've never heard of them before.

But if the dems are going to bet the house on obama, I think the conservatives can relax. obama doesn't have a snow balls chance in hell of being reelected. There is so much mud of his own making to throw at him, you won't even be able to recognize him when it does start flying, and there won't be any washing it off. He's screwed the pooch, bad. I think the dems better start thinking about plan B.

Never heard of any rules that would even imply such a thing. There will be challengers but none will be serious. Just a name or two on the primary with little to zero money spent in their campaigns that are there to fill a role. Same thing happens each year.

I would not count him out though. I personally think he is in for another term as the R’s have little to nothing at this point other than “I am not him” and that will not work here as it did for Obama when he was running against Bush. The kind of mentality that he is already a goner is the exact mentality that can allow him to win again. It will be a hard election for anyone opposing BO and no one should believe otherwise.
As the great axiom goes: never underestimate your opponent.
2012 Democratic Presidential Candidates

Are the dems going to put all their eggs in one basket in hopes that obama will win reelection? Is that a good idea?

I see dems bashing the great candidate rich conservative side, but yet there isn't a single dem to step forward besides obama. Incredible.

1. Traditionally no one from the party runs against an incumbant president. No matter how stupid and incompetent baby bush was, no one took him on.

2. No one is going to waste their money running against an incumbant with a 50% approval rating.

Sucks being you guys. You'll have to rely on a decent candidate to try to beat him instead of someone from his own party.

Good luck with that. :thup:
I doubt that there's any Insider Dem who is going to even try to challenge this POTUS.

Didn't we just read that O has a gazillion dollars ready for the next campaign or something like that?

The funny thing here is that this is from those people here that are always whining about how TERRIBLE and corrupting campaign money is and how corrupt those politicians are that accept all that cash. Guess it is okay now?
I think it is in the institutional rules of the Democratic (and Republican) national parties that the presidential incumbent is automatically the representative for the general presidential election.

Really... "insitutional rules" aye... I've never heard of them before.

But if the dems are going to bet the house on obama, I think the conservatives can relax. obama doesn't have a snow balls chance in hell of being reelected. There is so much mud of his own making to throw at him, you won't even be able to recognize him when it does start flying, and there won't be any washing it off. He's screwed the pooch, bad. I think the dems better start thinking about plan B.

Perhaps that is because you are dumb as a rock...perhaps?

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