The Left’s Lawfare Will Destroy American Democracy


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

The Left’s Lawfare Will Destroy American Democracy​

30 Jan 2024 ~~ By Paul Ingrassia

The idea that a rogue judge can exploit a rarely-used statute intended to prosecute real-life cases of fraud in order to bring down the leading presidential candidate should outrage all Americans, regardless of party affiliation.
New York’s anti-fraud statute in question, Executive Law 63(12), will be front and center in Judge Engoron’s decision this week. The statute is one of the most severe anti-fraud statutes in the country because it notably does not require a showing of intent to deceive to prove fraud.
That said, however, the few instances of case law on the books since the late 1950s, when the statute was first adopted, show how courts have interpreted the statute.
In every single case save one, courts have only ever found fraud where actual victims suffered from provable harms as a result of the fraud. (The lone exception was a business that wrote college admissions essays for students, in which the victim was “the integrity of the educational process.”)
In the Trump case, by sharp contrast, not only were there no victims – there was no fraud. This is most blatantly seen by the fact that Trump’s lender, Deutsch Bank, never so much as complained – let alone, even noticed – that it had been defrauded of the asserted $168 million that Letitia James absolutely insists it had lost in an otherwise very profitable business relationship with the Trump organization.
No matter how rich and powerful the lending organization, any bank that was supposedly defrauded nearly two hundred million dollars would notice and would have brought a lawsuit years before Letitia James developed a savior complex for big banks.
That New York State would pursue multiple investigations at the same time against the same man who also happens to be the presidential frontrunner reeks of banana republicanism.
This is all part of a multipronged hatchet job against a man considered to be a threat to the ruling elites, many of whom – like Reid Hoffman and Norm Eisen – are some of the biggest financial backers of these lawsuits.
For Judge Engoron to pretend like he is administering the rule of law fairly and faithfully is an affront to everything our justice system once stood for. This is not due process; what is unfolding in his courtroom is nothing short of a vindictive power grab by a despotic judge, so clearly envious of Trump’s success in politics and business.
There is no chance, after this chilling precedent, that any business would ever want to step foot in New York State again, a state that is already being bled dry by Albany of what little enterprising talent it has left between draconian taxes, regulations, DEI-requirements, and incubating a climate of rampant lawlessness.
But Judges Engoron and Kaplan, and Attorney General James — aided by her lapdog D.A. Alvin Bragg — are letting their all-consuming hate for a single man literally destroy the country.
No sane society would let any one of them occupy their positions of authority – they have completely abandoned the Constitution and rule of law and must pay the price for the irreversible havoc they have wrought.
Government of the people, by the people, for the people has become government of the lawyer, by the lawyer, for the lawyer – and in New York, that recipe now threatens to destroy what remnants of a once free and just country remain.

A Democratic Republic of the United States of America without question is the way it was always taught before Communism changed all the words and definitions.
Accuse them of Destroying the Democratic process WHILE YOU YOURSELF ACTUALLY DOING IT.
Let us not argue about the misuse of language we all agree on, that's just distraction.
They are the destroyers. Censorship enables them to get away with saying it is YOU and ME.

The Left’s Lawfare Will Destroy American Democracy​

30 Jan 2024 ~~ By Paul Ingrassia

The idea that a rogue judge can exploit a rarely-used statute intended to prosecute real-life cases of fraud in order to bring down the leading presidential candidate should outrage all Americans, regardless of party affiliation.
New York’s anti-fraud statute in question, Executive Law 63(12), will be front and center in Judge Engoron’s decision this week. The statute is one of the most severe anti-fraud statutes in the country because it notably does not require a showing of intent to deceive to prove fraud.
That said, however, the few instances of case law on the books since the late 1950s, when the statute was first adopted, show how courts have interpreted the statute.
In every single case save one, courts have only ever found fraud where actual victims suffered from provable harms as a result of the fraud. (The lone exception was a business that wrote college admissions essays for students, in which the victim was “the integrity of the educational process.”)
In the Trump case, by sharp contrast, not only were there no victims – there was no fraud. This is most blatantly seen by the fact that Trump’s lender, Deutsch Bank, never so much as complained – let alone, even noticed – that it had been defrauded of the asserted $168 million that Letitia James absolutely insists it had lost in an otherwise very profitable business relationship with the Trump organization.
No matter how rich and powerful the lending organization, any bank that was supposedly defrauded nearly two hundred million dollars would notice and would have brought a lawsuit years before Letitia James developed a savior complex for big banks.
That New York State would pursue multiple investigations at the same time against the same man who also happens to be the presidential frontrunner reeks of banana republicanism.
This is all part of a multipronged hatchet job against a man considered to be a threat to the ruling elites, many of whom – like Reid Hoffman and Norm Eisen – are some of the biggest financial backers of these lawsuits.
For Judge Engoron to pretend like he is administering the rule of law fairly and faithfully is an affront to everything our justice system once stood for. This is not due process; what is unfolding in his courtroom is nothing short of a vindictive power grab by a despotic judge, so clearly envious of Trump’s success in politics and business.
There is no chance, after this chilling precedent, that any business would ever want to step foot in New York State again, a state that is already being bled dry by Albany of what little enterprising talent it has left between draconian taxes, regulations, DEI-requirements, and incubating a climate of rampant lawlessness.
But Judges Engoron and Kaplan, and Attorney General James — aided by her lapdog D.A. Alvin Bragg — are letting their all-consuming hate for a single man literally destroy the country.
No sane society would let any one of them occupy their positions of authority – they have completely abandoned the Constitution and rule of law and must pay the price for the irreversible havoc they have wrought.
Government of the people, by the people, for the people has become government of the lawyer, by the lawyer, for the lawyer – and in New York, that recipe now threatens to destroy what remnants of a once free and just country remain.

A Democratic Republic of the United States of America without question is the way it was always taught before Communism changed all the words and definitions.
Accuse them of Destroying the Democratic process WHILE YOU YOURSELF ACTUALLY DOING IT.
Let us not argue about the misuse of language we all agree on, that's just distraction.
They are the destroyers. Censorship enables them to get away with saying it is YOU and ME.
Please, cry me a river.

The Left’s Lawfare Will Destroy American Democracy​

30 Jan 2024 ~~ By Paul Ingrassia

The idea that a rogue judge can exploit a rarely-used statute intended to prosecute real-life cases of fraud in order to bring down the leading presidential candidate should outrage all Americans, regardless of party affiliation.
New York’s anti-fraud statute in question, Executive Law 63(12), will be front and center in Judge Engoron’s decision this week. The statute is one of the most severe anti-fraud statutes in the country because it notably does not require a showing of intent to deceive to prove fraud.
That said, however, the few instances of case law on the books since the late 1950s, when the statute was first adopted, show how courts have interpreted the statute.
In every single case save one, courts have only ever found fraud where actual victims suffered from provable harms as a result of the fraud. (The lone exception was a business that wrote college admissions essays for students, in which the victim was “the integrity of the educational process.”)
In the Trump case, by sharp contrast, not only were there no victims – there was no fraud. This is most blatantly seen by the fact that Trump’s lender, Deutsch Bank, never so much as complained – let alone, even noticed – that it had been defrauded of the asserted $168 million that Letitia James absolutely insists it had lost in an otherwise very profitable business relationship with the Trump organization.
No matter how rich and powerful the lending organization, any bank that was supposedly defrauded nearly two hundred million dollars would notice and would have brought a lawsuit years before Letitia James developed a savior complex for big banks.
That New York State would pursue multiple investigations at the same time against the same man who also happens to be the presidential frontrunner reeks of banana republicanism.
This is all part of a multipronged hatchet job against a man considered to be a threat to the ruling elites, many of whom – like Reid Hoffman and Norm Eisen – are some of the biggest financial backers of these lawsuits.
For Judge Engoron to pretend like he is administering the rule of law fairly and faithfully is an affront to everything our justice system once stood for. This is not due process; what is unfolding in his courtroom is nothing short of a vindictive power grab by a despotic judge, so clearly envious of Trump’s success in politics and business.
There is no chance, after this chilling precedent, that any business would ever want to step foot in New York State again, a state that is already being bled dry by Albany of what little enterprising talent it has left between draconian taxes, regulations, DEI-requirements, and incubating a climate of rampant lawlessness.
But Judges Engoron and Kaplan, and Attorney General James — aided by her lapdog D.A. Alvin Bragg — are letting their all-consuming hate for a single man literally destroy the country.
No sane society would let any one of them occupy their positions of authority – they have completely abandoned the Constitution and rule of law and must pay the price for the irreversible havoc they have wrought.
Government of the people, by the people, for the people has become government of the lawyer, by the lawyer, for the lawyer – and in New York, that recipe now threatens to destroy what remnants of a once free and just country remain.

A Democratic Republic of the United States of America without question is the way it was always taught before Communism changed all the words and definitions.
Accuse them of Destroying the Democratic process WHILE YOU YOURSELF ACTUALLY DOING IT.
Let us not argue about the misuse of language we all agree on, that's just distraction.
They are the destroyers. Censorship enables them to get away with saying it is YOU and ME.
Liberal, not left.

And your OP is in gross violation of both TCR and copyright law.

The Left’s Lawfare Will Destroy American Democracy​

30 Jan 2024 ~~ By Paul Ingrassia

The idea that a rogue judge can exploit a rarely-used statute intended to prosecute real-life cases of fraud in order to bring down the leading presidential candidate should outrage all Americans, regardless of party affiliation.
New York’s anti-fraud statute in question, Executive Law 63(12), will be front and center in Judge Engoron’s decision this week. The statute is one of the most severe anti-fraud statutes in the country because it notably does not require a showing of intent to deceive to prove fraud.
That said, however, the few instances of case law on the books since the late 1950s, when the statute was first adopted, show how courts have interpreted the statute.
In every single case save one, courts have only ever found fraud where actual victims suffered from provable harms as a result of the fraud. (The lone exception was a business that wrote college admissions essays for students, in which the victim was “the integrity of the educational process.”)
In the Trump case, by sharp contrast, not only were there no victims – there was no fraud. This is most blatantly seen by the fact that Trump’s lender, Deutsch Bank, never so much as complained – let alone, even noticed – that it had been defrauded of the asserted $168 million that Letitia James absolutely insists it had lost in an otherwise very profitable business relationship with the Trump organization.
No matter how rich and powerful the lending organization, any bank that was supposedly defrauded nearly two hundred million dollars would notice and would have brought a lawsuit years before Letitia James developed a savior complex for big banks.
That New York State would pursue multiple investigations at the same time against the same man who also happens to be the presidential frontrunner reeks of banana republicanism.
This is all part of a multipronged hatchet job against a man considered to be a threat to the ruling elites, many of whom – like Reid Hoffman and Norm Eisen – are some of the biggest financial backers of these lawsuits.
For Judge Engoron to pretend like he is administering the rule of law fairly and faithfully is an affront to everything our justice system once stood for. This is not due process; what is unfolding in his courtroom is nothing short of a vindictive power grab by a despotic judge, so clearly envious of Trump’s success in politics and business.
There is no chance, after this chilling precedent, that any business would ever want to step foot in New York State again, a state that is already being bled dry by Albany of what little enterprising talent it has left between draconian taxes, regulations, DEI-requirements, and incubating a climate of rampant lawlessness.
But Judges Engoron and Kaplan, and Attorney General James — aided by her lapdog D.A. Alvin Bragg — are letting their all-consuming hate for a single man literally destroy the country.
No sane society would let any one of them occupy their positions of authority – they have completely abandoned the Constitution and rule of law and must pay the price for the irreversible havoc they have wrought.
Government of the people, by the people, for the people has become government of the lawyer, by the lawyer, for the lawyer – and in New York, that recipe now threatens to destroy what remnants of a once free and just country remain.

A Democratic Republic of the United States of America without question is the way it was always taught before Communism changed all the words and definitions.
Accuse them of Destroying the Democratic process WHILE YOU YOURSELF ACTUALLY DOING IT.
Let us not argue about the misuse of language we all agree on, that's just distraction.
They are the destroyers. Censorship enables them to get away with saying it is YOU and ME.
Please tell the the rest of Alt-Right Nation?
What is it you see in this man? What about him is redeeming in your eyes? The man is a consummate con artist and liar, yet you think he's going to give you something back you think you lost, or will be taken away from you?

There is no vendetta against any business in NY state nor any reason that would prevent a business from doing business in NY state or relocating there.
This is about Donald John Trump and HIS business practices In NY state on trial here. No one else's.

Again, what's the issue here, Doc? Be honest.
Nobody has been able to define that term yet. If you don't want certain laws to be used as written, then you should have your representatives repeal those laws. Which laws do you want repealed?

The Left’s Lawfare Will Destroy American Democracy​

30 Jan 2024 ~~ By Paul Ingrassia

The idea that a rogue judge can exploit a rarely-used statute intended to prosecute real-life cases of fraud in order to bring down the leading presidential candidate should outrage all Americans, regardless of party affiliation.
New York’s anti-fraud statute in question, Executive Law 63(12), will be front and center in Judge Engoron’s decision this week. The statute is one of the most severe anti-fraud statutes in the country because it notably does not require a showing of intent to deceive to prove fraud.
That said, however, the few instances of case law on the books since the late 1950s, when the statute was first adopted, show how courts have interpreted the statute.
In every single case save one, courts have only ever found fraud where actual victims suffered from provable harms as a result of the fraud. (The lone exception was a business that wrote college admissions essays for students, in which the victim was “the integrity of the educational process.”)
In the Trump case, by sharp contrast, not only were there no victims – there was no fraud. This is most blatantly seen by the fact that Trump’s lender, Deutsch Bank, never so much as complained – let alone, even noticed – that it had been defrauded of the asserted $168 million that Letitia James absolutely insists it had lost in an otherwise very profitable business relationship with the Trump organization.
No matter how rich and powerful the lending organization, any bank that was supposedly defrauded nearly two hundred million dollars would notice and would have brought a lawsuit years before Letitia James developed a savior complex for big banks.
That New York State would pursue multiple investigations at the same time against the same man who also happens to be the presidential frontrunner reeks of banana republicanism.
This is all part of a multipronged hatchet job against a man considered to be a threat to the ruling elites, many of whom – like Reid Hoffman and Norm Eisen – are some of the biggest financial backers of these lawsuits.
For Judge Engoron to pretend like he is administering the rule of law fairly and faithfully is an affront to everything our justice system once stood for. This is not due process; what is unfolding in his courtroom is nothing short of a vindictive power grab by a despotic judge, so clearly envious of Trump’s success in politics and business.
There is no chance, after this chilling precedent, that any business would ever want to step foot in New York State again, a state that is already being bled dry by Albany of what little enterprising talent it has left between draconian taxes, regulations, DEI-requirements, and incubating a climate of rampant lawlessness.
But Judges Engoron and Kaplan, and Attorney General James — aided by her lapdog D.A. Alvin Bragg — are letting their all-consuming hate for a single man literally destroy the country.
No sane society would let any one of them occupy their positions of authority – they have completely abandoned the Constitution and rule of law and must pay the price for the irreversible havoc they have wrought.
Government of the people, by the people, for the people has become government of the lawyer, by the lawyer, for the lawyer – and in New York, that recipe now threatens to destroy what remnants of a once free and just country remain.

A Democratic Republic of the United States of America without question is the way it was always taught before Communism changed all the words and definitions.
Accuse them of Destroying the Democratic process WHILE YOU YOURSELF ACTUALLY DOING IT.
Let us not argue about the misuse of language we all agree on, that's just distraction.
They are the destroyers. Censorship enables them to get away with saying it is YOU and ME.
America as you and I know it is finished.

First, the UniParty has made the debt unpayable. The frog boiling will continue until Welfare, Medicaid and Social Security gets cut while the military maintains 200 3 and 4 Star generals, a secret space program and Mo’ n Better wars

Second, the equivalent of an Army Division of men crosses the Southern Border ON A DAILY BASIS, but the UniParty is focused on corrupt Ukraines borders

Third, in their Jihad against the Bad Orange Man and his “MAGA Republican” followers, democrats have destroyed Civil Society. We have a Fascist 2 tiered Justice system. You have to be a CFI where C is for Complete, I for Idiot and F for Biden Voter not to see it.

This will end very badly for all involved.

The UniParty needs to be held to account: asset forfeiture, long prison sentences and some should face military tribunals before Faith will be restored in our Constitution

The Dear Lord needs to correct this before it’s too late!

The Left’s Lawfare Will Destroy American Democracy​

30 Jan 2024 ~~ By Paul Ingrassia

The idea that a rogue judge can exploit a rarely-used statute intended to prosecute real-life cases of fraud in order to bring down the leading presidential candidate should outrage all Americans, regardless of party affiliation.
New York’s anti-fraud statute in question, Executive Law 63(12), will be front and center in Judge Engoron’s decision this week. The statute is one of the most severe anti-fraud statutes in the country because it notably does not require a showing of intent to deceive to prove fraud.
That said, however, the few instances of case law on the books since the late 1950s, when the statute was first adopted, show how courts have interpreted the statute.
In every single case save one, courts have only ever found fraud where actual victims suffered from provable harms as a result of the fraud. (The lone exception was a business that wrote college admissions essays for students, in which the victim was “the integrity of the educational process.”)
In the Trump case, by sharp contrast, not only were there no victims – there was no fraud. This is most blatantly seen by the fact that Trump’s lender, Deutsch Bank, never so much as complained – let alone, even noticed – that it had been defrauded of the asserted $168 million that Letitia James absolutely insists it had lost in an otherwise very profitable business relationship with the Trump organization.
No matter how rich and powerful the lending organization, any bank that was supposedly defrauded nearly two hundred million dollars would notice and would have brought a lawsuit years before Letitia James developed a savior complex for big banks.
That New York State would pursue multiple investigations at the same time against the same man who also happens to be the presidential frontrunner reeks of banana republicanism.
This is all part of a multipronged hatchet job against a man considered to be a threat to the ruling elites, many of whom – like Reid Hoffman and Norm Eisen – are some of the biggest financial backers of these lawsuits.
For Judge Engoron to pretend like he is administering the rule of law fairly and faithfully is an affront to everything our justice system once stood for. This is not due process; what is unfolding in his courtroom is nothing short of a vindictive power grab by a despotic judge, so clearly envious of Trump’s success in politics and business.
There is no chance, after this chilling precedent, that any business would ever want to step foot in New York State again, a state that is already being bled dry by Albany of what little enterprising talent it has left between draconian taxes, regulations, DEI-requirements, and incubating a climate of rampant lawlessness.
But Judges Engoron and Kaplan, and Attorney General James — aided by her lapdog D.A. Alvin Bragg — are letting their all-consuming hate for a single man literally destroy the country.
No sane society would let any one of them occupy their positions of authority – they have completely abandoned the Constitution and rule of law and must pay the price for the irreversible havoc they have wrought.
Government of the people, by the people, for the people has become government of the lawyer, by the lawyer, for the lawyer – and in New York, that recipe now threatens to destroy what remnants of a once free and just country remain.

A Democratic Republic of the United States of America without question is the way it was always taught before Communism changed all the words and definitions.
Accuse them of Destroying the Democratic process WHILE YOU YOURSELF ACTUALLY DOING IT.
Let us not argue about the misuse of language we all agree on, that's just distraction.
They are the destroyers. Censorship enables them to get away with saying it is YOU and ME.
Oh for fuck sake, be a man!
Explain your Fake News emojii.
Don't be a coward like OhPleaseJustQuit.

BTW, you do know Saul Alinsky is dead right?? :)
Oh for fuck sake, be a man!
Explain your Fake News emojii.
Don't be a coward like OhPleaseJustQuit.

BTW, you do know Saul Alinsky is dead right?? :)
Can you name any “lawless Dems” currently facing charges? Please cite the laws they broke and the evidence of their crimes.

I can name hundreds of lawless Republicans facing the consequences of their criminal activities.

Go ahead. We'll wait.

A Democratic Republic of the United States of America without question is the way it was always taught before Communism changed all the words and definitions.
Accuse them of Destroying the Democratic process WHILE YOU YOURSELF ACTUALLY DOING IT.
Let us not argue about the misuse of language we all agree on, that's just distraction.
They are the destroyers. Censorship enables them to get away with saying it is YOU and ME.
Or you guys could NOT nominate someone who has been indicted on 91 felony counts.. that would work, too.

The thing is, Nikki Haley could easily beat Biden. Trump cannot. He's too tainted by his scandals, and they will only get worse by November.

The Left’s Lawfare Will Destroy American Democracy​

30 Jan 2024 ~~ By Paul Ingrassia

The idea that a rogue judge can exploit a rarely-used statute intended to prosecute real-life cases of fraud in order to bring down the leading presidential candidate should outrage all Americans, regardless of party affiliation.
New York’s anti-fraud statute in question, Executive Law 63(12), will be front and center in Judge Engoron’s decision this week. The statute is one of the most severe anti-fraud statutes in the country because it notably does not require a showing of intent to deceive to prove fraud.
That said, however, the few instances of case law on the books since the late 1950s, when the statute was first adopted, show how courts have interpreted the statute.
In every single case save one, courts have only ever found fraud where actual victims suffered from provable harms as a result of the fraud. (The lone exception was a business that wrote college admissions essays for students, in which the victim was “the integrity of the educational process.”)
In the Trump case, by sharp contrast, not only were there no victims – there was no fraud. This is most blatantly seen by the fact that Trump’s lender, Deutsch Bank, never so much as complained – let alone, even noticed – that it had been defrauded of the asserted $168 million that Letitia James absolutely insists it had lost in an otherwise very profitable business relationship with the Trump organization.
No matter how rich and powerful the lending organization, any bank that was supposedly defrauded nearly two hundred million dollars would notice and would have brought a lawsuit years before Letitia James developed a savior complex for big banks.
That New York State would pursue multiple investigations at the same time against the same man who also happens to be the presidential frontrunner reeks of banana republicanism.
This is all part of a multipronged hatchet job against a man considered to be a threat to the ruling elites, many of whom – like Reid Hoffman and Norm Eisen – are some of the biggest financial backers of these lawsuits.
For Judge Engoron to pretend like he is administering the rule of law fairly and faithfully is an affront to everything our justice system once stood for. This is not due process; what is unfolding in his courtroom is nothing short of a vindictive power grab by a despotic judge, so clearly envious of Trump’s success in politics and business.
There is no chance, after this chilling precedent, that any business would ever want to step foot in New York State again, a state that is already being bled dry by Albany of what little enterprising talent it has left between draconian taxes, regulations, DEI-requirements, and incubating a climate of rampant lawlessness.
But Judges Engoron and Kaplan, and Attorney General James — aided by her lapdog D.A. Alvin Bragg — are letting their all-consuming hate for a single man literally destroy the country.
No sane society would let any one of them occupy their positions of authority – they have completely abandoned the Constitution and rule of law and must pay the price for the irreversible havoc they have wrought.
Government of the people, by the people, for the people has become government of the lawyer, by the lawyer, for the lawyer – and in New York, that recipe now threatens to destroy what remnants of a once free and just country remain.

A Democratic Republic of the United States of America without question is the way it was always taught before Communism changed all the words and definitions.
Accuse them of Destroying the Democratic process WHILE YOU YOURSELF ACTUALLY DOING IT.
Let us not argue about the misuse of language we all agree on, that's just distraction.
They are the destroyers. Censorship enables them to get away with saying it is YOU and ME.

So when any business will want to step into NY State again, does that demonstrate that this blog post is meaningless, chicken little nonsense?

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