No-Label's Party Be Careful Not To Drop The Ball!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
It was reported in the last couple of days that the No-Labels Party was talking to Former Lt. Governor Geoff Duncan, a Republican, about heading their ticket as their Presidential candidate. I think the No-Labels Party should try to field a Presidential candidate this year because the Republican and Democrat candidates are so bad but Geoff Duncan is not the right person, it would be a total waste of time selecting him he is not Presidential material. In short and in part what makes him a bad candidate is that he is a geek and a nerd and I wouldn't care if those were his qualities from a personality standpoint but Geoff Duncan has these qualities from a judgment and values standpoint and that makes him a candidate the American people will find collectively unacceptable and bad. The country saw a lot of this guy on CNN as a panelist guest on the topic of Donald Trump and his efforts to overturn the official outcome of the election and he clearly was too geeky and nerdy!

One person bantered around as a potential candidate has been Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema, although I think she would be a better President than Biden or Trump I think the No-Labels Party should not recruit her as a candidate. Unfortunately what I am about to say is politically incorrect but it needs to be mentioned in this discussion because it would be hugely relevant in fact it would be a significant albatross in her candidacy; the reason why Kyrsten Sinema would be a "bad" No-Labels candidate for President is because she is an openly LGBT person. Me personally it makes no difference whatsoever I in fact like Senator Sinema would vote for her as President and think she is a good role model for an elected official in Washington in part because she recognizes that the job's duty requires one to genuinely try to compromise because you are an elected official in a pluralistic democracy which means other segments of society besides yours need to be included which then requires a sincere effort at compromise! The reason why Ms. Sinema's LGBT status is a deal breaker is that the path to the White House for a No-Label's Presidential candidate involves having the election be sent to and resolved in the House of Representatives which will require the No-Label candidate to win at least three states in the general election so to prevent the Democrat or Republican nominee from winning a majority of votes in the electoral college which would require the No-Label's candidate to pick-up Nikki Haley's primary voters and these voters are from the religious right and traditional family values Americans and such people will to a large degree balk at voting for Kyrsten because of her sexual orientation status, to these Americans gay behavior is sinful and morally wrong and they wouldn't want to promote it by voting for an LGBT Presidential candidate!

Senator Joe Manchin decided this year not to run for re-election as Senator for West Virginia and decided to explore an independent run for the President and Senator Manchin I think decided correctly not to run as an independent because as he essentially said he would unduly hurt the Democrat ticket and hand the race to the Republican candidate; as referenced earlier the only candidate that has a chance to make it to the Office of the Presidency as an independent is a conservative Republican that is a moderate because that is the only candidate that can pick-up the bulk of Nikki Haley's voters and win a House of Representative's vote where the Republican's control the House! In light of this and all the other developments that has transpired since Senator Manchin announced his decision not to run for re-election Senator Joe Manchin should reverse course and run for re-election even considering that West Virginia has become a deep red state meaning there is a high probability he would lose the re-election race who cares if he loses he has had a storied life he was a great Governor of West Virginia and as a Senator he was always willing to work across the political aisle and has an outstanding record of accomplishment in that regard, no political loss can take these things away from his reputation! The compelling reason why Senator Manchin should run for re-election is if he doesn't the Republicans almost certainly will win the Senate this year per the experts and even though a fair assessment would have to say control of the House of Representative's is up in the air this year because as a group House Republican's are a bunch of wackos they prove themselves untrustworthy to do basic good things that shouldn't even be a challenge a prudent assessment is the Republicans should hold the House because elections are determined on individual races and in individual races the voters vote what they really care about and Americans are the same as they historically have been they vote pocketbook issues and Democrat brought on painful higher prices and voters will vote their opposition to this reality and send Republicans to Washington in House races resulting in the Republicans holding the House. The reason why Joe Manchin needs to run for re-election to the Senate is if the Republicans get control of both chambers of Congress and by chance the Republican candidate Donald Trump wins the White House and it is anyone's bet on whether that occurs the polls are too close and there is too many variables at play here one of which that could be really shocking is voters don't vote in high numbers they convey their opposition to the failure political system that exists in America by not voting the American voter have a history of letting their voice be heard in this manner! I know Senator Joe Manchin readily know the answer to this question but he needs to ask himself this question; what will happen in the country if the Republicans control the House, Senate and White House in 2025? This Republican government through the legislative process called Reconciliation where only a majority of votes is needed to pass legislation through each Chamber of Congress not the sixty percent normally required to pass the legislation through the U.S. Senate is going to cut and remove America social safety net like it has never been cut before the programs that help low income and needy Americans are going to be decimated, the Food Stamp program, Public Housing, Utility Bill assistance, Medicaid, College Tuition Assistance etc., this reconciliation bill will bring the best Christmas ever for right-wing Republicans, the Republican Party. One needs to consider that the next President will have to extend the 2017 President Trump tax cuts and the current Republcian Party is absolutely and definitely not going to deficit spend to do so especially when they can pay for it by readily cutting social programs their depraved character hates anyway and you know Donald Trump isn't going to let his signature accomplishment of his first term disappear. So Senator Joe Manchin is going to have to ask himself does he want to be responsible for the tens of millions of Americans hurt by such a Reconciliation bill the effect on these Americans one could fairly use the metaphor to describe that being of the Bible story of the freeing of the Israelites from the Egyptian Pharoah's grip when God sent his angels to kill the first born of all Egyptian families to get the Pharoah to obey his command to release his people and the wailing, trauma and shock of these Egyptian families, in America one will have to go back to the Great Depression in the 1930's to see the level of suffering that will ensue. Further, has Senator Joe Manchin fully considered that the experts almost unanimously acknowledge that the Republican candidate for Senate in West Virginia will win this year's race with him out and that Republican candidate will almost certainly be the current Republican Governor Jim Justice; and although he is a nice guy he has a history that the media has painted as being a prolific and notorious loan defaulter. With America permanently saddled with being on the brink of a catastrophic national debt level along with the same and unfixable budget deficit level which has left America in a permanent state of just having to manage a debt and budget deficit level to avoid an economic catastrophe does the state of West Virginia want to be sending a Senator to Washington that has a credibility problem on leading people on this issue; remember good and prudent leaders recognize that the American government need to strike the delicate balance of making the American government work for all Americans and not triggering an economic catastrophe bought on by a sovereign debt crisis; America's survival as a country depends on America's succeeding on this leadership effort!
There's some speculation that the No Labels effort is going to run Sinema.

She doesn't want to fuck kids, so she quit the Dims a while back, but I think she'd siphon off a ton of voters that just can't bring themselves to vote for a stuttering puddle of piss and shit with a minor in pedophilia.... namely, Robert L Peters (or Robert Ware, depending on what day it is).
It was reported in the last couple of days that the No-Labels Party was talking to Former Lt. Governor Geoff Duncan, a Republican, about heading their ticket as their Presidential candidate. I think the No-Labels Party should try to field a Presidential candidate this year because the Republican and Democrat candidates are so bad but Geoff Duncan is not the right person, it would be a total waste of time selecting him he is not Presidential material. In short and in part what makes him a bad candidate is that he is a geek and a nerd and I wouldn't care if those were his qualities from a personality standpoint but Geoff Duncan has these qualities from a judgment and values standpoint and that makes him a candidate the American people will find collectively unacceptable and bad. The country saw a lot of this guy on CNN as a panelist guest on the topic of Donald Trump and his efforts to overturn the official outcome of the election and he clearly was too geeky and nerdy!

One person bantered around as a potential candidate has been Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema, although I think she would be a better President than Biden or Trump I think the No-Labels Party should not recruit her as a candidate. Unfortunately what I am about to say is politically incorrect but it needs to be mentioned in this discussion because it would be hugely relevant in fact it would be a significant albatross in her candidacy; the reason why Kyrsten Sinema would be a "bad" No-Labels candidate for President is because she is an openly LGBT person. Me personally it makes no difference whatsoever I in fact like Senator Sinema would vote for her as President and think she is a good role model for an elected official in Washington in part because she recognizes that the job's duty requires one to genuinely try to compromise because you are an elected official in a pluralistic democracy which means other segments of society besides yours need to be included which then requires a sincere effort at compromise! The reason why Ms. Sinema's LGBT status is a deal breaker is that the path to the White House for a No-Label's Presidential candidate involves having the election be sent to and resolved in the House of Representatives which will require the No-Label candidate to win at least three states in the general election so to prevent the Democrat or Republican nominee from winning a majority of votes in the electoral college which would require the No-Label's candidate to pick-up Nikki Haley's primary voters and these voters are from the religious right and traditional family values Americans and such people will to a large degree balk at voting for Kyrsten because of her sexual orientation status, to these Americans gay behavior is sinful and morally wrong and they wouldn't want to promote it by voting for an LGBT Presidential candidate!

Senator Joe Manchin decided this year not to run for re-election as Senator for West Virginia and decided to explore an independent run for the President and Senator Manchin I think decided correctly not to run as an independent because as he essentially said he would unduly hurt the Democrat ticket and hand the race to the Republican candidate; as referenced earlier the only candidate that has a chance to make it to the Office of the Presidency as an independent is a conservative Republican that is a moderate because that is the only candidate that can pick-up the bulk of Nikki Haley's voters and win a House of Representative's vote where the Republican's control the House! In light of this and all the other developments that has transpired since Senator Manchin announced his decision not to run for re-election Senator Joe Manchin should reverse course and run for re-election even considering that West Virginia has become a deep red state meaning there is a high probability he would lose the re-election race who cares if he loses he has had a storied life he was a great Governor of West Virginia and as a Senator he was always willing to work across the political aisle and has an outstanding record of accomplishment in that regard, no political loss can take these things away from his reputation! The compelling reason why Senator Manchin should run for re-election is if he doesn't the Republicans almost certainly will win the Senate this year per the experts and even though a fair assessment would have to say control of the House of Representative's is up in the air this year because as a group House Republican's are a bunch of wackos they prove themselves untrustworthy to do basic good things that shouldn't even be a challenge a prudent assessment is the Republicans should hold the House because elections are determined on individual races and in individual races the voters vote what they really care about and Americans are the same as they historically have been they vote pocketbook issues and Democrat brought on painful higher prices and voters will vote their opposition to this reality and send Republicans to Washington in House races resulting in the Republicans holding the House. The reason why Joe Manchin needs to run for re-election to the Senate is if the Republicans get control of both chambers of Congress and by chance the Republican candidate Donald Trump wins the White House and it is anyone's bet on whether that occurs the polls are too close and there is too many variables at play here one of which that could be really shocking is voters don't vote in high numbers they convey their opposition to the failure political system that exists in America by not voting the American voter have a history of letting their voice be heard in this manner! I know Senator Joe Manchin readily know the answer to this question but he needs to ask himself this question; what will happen in the country if the Republicans control the House, Senate and White House in 2025? This Republican government through the legislative process called Reconciliation where only a majority of votes is needed to pass legislation through each Chamber of Congress not the sixty percent normally required to pass the legislation through the U.S. Senate is going to cut and remove America social safety net like it has never been cut before the programs that help low income and needy Americans are going to be decimated, the Food Stamp program, Public Housing, Utility Bill assistance, Medicaid, College Tuition Assistance etc., this reconciliation bill will bring the best Christmas ever for right-wing Republicans, the Republican Party. One needs to consider that the next President will have to extend the 2017 President Trump tax cuts and the current Republcian Party is absolutely and definitely not going to deficit spend to do so especially when they can pay for it by readily cutting social programs their depraved character hates anyway and you know Donald Trump isn't going to let his signature accomplishment of his first term disappear. So Senator Joe Manchin is going to have to ask himself does he want to be responsible for the tens of millions of Americans hurt by such a Reconciliation bill the effect on these Americans one could fairly use the metaphor to describe that being of the Bible story of the freeing of the Israelites from the Egyptian Pharoah's grip when God sent his angels to kill the first born of all Egyptian families to get the Pharoah to obey his command to release his people and the wailing, trauma and shock of these Egyptian families, in America one will have to go back to the Great Depression in the 1930's to see the level of suffering that will ensue. Further, has Senator Joe Manchin fully considered that the experts almost unanimously acknowledge that the Republican candidate for Senate in West Virginia will win this year's race with him out and that Republican candidate will almost certainly be the current Republican Governor Jim Justice; and although he is a nice guy he has a history that the media has painted as being a prolific and notorious loan defaulter. With America permanently saddled with being on the brink of a catastrophic national debt level along with the same and unfixable budget deficit level which has left America in a permanent state of just having to manage a debt and budget deficit level to avoid an economic catastrophe does the state of West Virginia want to be sending a Senator to Washington that has a credibility problem on leading people on this issue; remember good and prudent leaders recognize that the American government need to strike the delicate balance of making the American government work for all Americans and not triggering an economic catastrophe bought on by a sovereign debt crisis; America's survival as a country depends on America's succeeding on this leadership effort!
Sorry Jim but again your huge gray wall of text is really off putting. Few will bother to read it. I myself got impatient with it and only read maybe a third of it.

But do you really think the MAGA vision of a strong, free, secure, prosperous America for all is so bad that it must not be allowed power? I simply cannot understand why anyone would object to that unless they are so misinformed they don't understand how destructive the current administration has been to almost everybody or how beneficial the Trump administration was to almost everybody.
The No-Lables Party should be allowed at least one lable.


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