The real – and far scarier – reason Republicans think Biden is illegitimate

You commies are getting really good a projecting. It was your goon squads burning cities in 2020 and I'll bet you have plans to do it again this summer.

Nah those were idiots who reacted with spontaneous violence to their own impotency against police violence.

Hoss however, wants to target people he apparently disagrees with. "DNC pissboys like you are first on the list."

this is a quite scary article. The author pushes the theory that most republicans dont actually believe in the big lie that trump has been pushing..

They undertand its value with stuid people but they realise that if there had been any evidencewe would have seen it by now.

The real reson they think Biden isnt legit is somply that he believes in different things to them. That is really scary.They have a narow limited view on what the US should look like and are not prepared to to accept a different point of view.

there are other names for this but I will leave them to one side for now. Have a look at the article and tell me what you think.
Don't know about all that, but I think your Queen is illegitimate, Taintboi.
this is a quite scary article. The author pushes the theory that most republicans dont actually believe in the big lie that trump has been pushing..

even if they concede there was nothing technically wrong with how the election was conducted

It is always scary coming from an illiterate fuk such as yourself. Nothing technically wrong with the election? There is nothing BUT things technically wrong with it. I've counted at least 200 things in that election that were wholly ILLEGAL when done, so take the Guardian, roll it up into a tube and SHOVE IT where the Sun doesn't shine. Vaseline optional.

Biden is illegal, illegitimate, and that is the end of it, Little Babushka.
Nah those were idiots who reacted with spontaneous violence to their own impotency against police violence.

Hoss however, wants to target people he apparently disagrees with. "DNC pissboys like you are first on the list."

What have you not noticed about people being pissed off. You can't expect people to watch the shit you commies have pulled for more than a half century and not expect blowback. I find it curious that all the riots and destruction of 2020 only happened where you commies enabled them and the vast majority of the thugs involved faced no consequences. Try explaining that to the electorate, without them laughing in your face.

What have you not noticed about people being pissed off. You can't expect people to watch the shit you commies have pulled for more than a half century and not expect blowback.
You think the race riots over the last 50 years are an interconnected commie plot?

Not really sure what that has to do with the attacks on the legitimacy of our election system being carried out by the Neo-GOP, because the Trumpybear lost the popular vote and the EC vote.

this is a quite scary article. The author pushes the theory that most republicans dont actually believe in the big lie that trump has been pushing..

They undertand its value with stuid people but they realise that if there had been any evidencewe would have seen it by now.

The real reson they think Biden isnt legit is somply that he believes in different things to them. That is really scary.They have a narow limited view on what the US should look like and are not prepared to to accept a different point of view.

there are other names for this but I will leave them to one side for now. Have a look at the article and tell me what you think.
Biden has now presided over one of the worst economic disasters. He cut fossil fuel production which causes all prices to rise and has caused Putin to have an opening to invade the Ukraine. Biden's mishandling of America's role in that conflict has cost many Ukranine lives. Biden's mishandling of the Covid epidemic has cause retail shelves to become empty and supply chain problems. None of that speaks of legitimacy.
He cut fossil fuel production which causes all prices to rise

How did he manage to cut production in 2020 when he was just a candidate for President.

What awesome powers do you suppose the Great Biden has anyway

Oh wait. that was Trump who demanded those cuts in production. So he's the one responsible for one of the worst economic disasters....

Thanks for clearing that up.
You think the race riots over the last 50 years are an interconnected commie plot?

Not really sure what that has to do with the attacks on the legitimacy of our election system being carried out by the Neo-GOP, because the Trumpybear lost the popular vote and the EC vote.

Sure it's all interconnected. You commies have been working on the destruction of the very fabric of this country for at least 5 decades. You've been chipping away and chipping away and enabling bad and illegal behavior for at least that long. I'm not a prophet, but I saw all this coming since the very early 70s.

Sure it's all interconnected. You commies have been working on the destruction of the very fabric of this country for at least 5 decades. You've been chipping away and chipping away and enabling bad and illegal behavior for at least that long. I'm not a prophet, but I saw all this coming since the very early 70s.

Ayup. That's why the "revelations" regarding Russia's attempts to manipulate our elections seemed a little silly to me. Of course they are. They have been as long as I've been alive. They're doing whatever they can to disrupt our goals, to weaken are resolve as a nation, to instigate internal conflict and strife. And it's working.
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You commies have been working on the destruction of the very fabric of this country for at least 5 decades.
Yet in 4 short years a Budding Fascist like old Trumpybear Cons the GOP into attacking the very institution of our Government based on one election loss and a near 50/50 split in Congress. As if that election lost has reduced the GOP to suffering under absolute Despotism, giving them the right to revolt against the entire system.
You commies are getting really good a projecting. It was your goon squads burning cities in 2020 and I'll bet you have plans to do it again this summer.

I cant wait, down here in Florida when people start to burn other people's property, we have the right to shoot them, because they are considered Terrorists. I love Florida..
Good God you're a freaking idiot. The fact is we know what's coming, we've been watching it unfold for more than 50 years. BTW, we're not terrified of anything, we're pissed. And that's the last thing you want.

Care that magaturds are pissed off? :auiqs.jpg: Not very fucking likely.
How did he manage to cut production in 2020 when he was just a candidate for President.

What awesome powers do you suppose the Great Biden has anyway

Oh wait. that was Trump who demanded those cuts in production. So he's the one responsible for one of the worst economic disasters....

Thanks for clearing that up.
When you deny drilling you are cutting production and causing prices to rise. As leader of the free world a U.S. President has awesome power. Countries react to what a President says and does. Biden should never have been given that power, he is senile, feckless, a traitor and totally incapable. How much are you paying for gas now, compared to say 2019? Try not to lie to yourself.

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