The problem with homosexuality and Christianity is you have to choose one or the other

Well I did grow up in Culver City / Beverly Hills and Live In West Hollywood

You spoke authoritatively about bisexuals and since I don't know any personally this is my chance to learn more.

When did you decide to be bisexual? Was there a time when you preferred one sex over another? Or have you always been 50/50?

Genuinely curious now.
In some respects I kind of understand this point. The Bible is quite clear where God stands in relationship to gay people. He seems to hate them as much as regular people do. And HE MADE THEM!

I understand how people like to cling to their faith and it brings them comfort. We always re-craft God into the image of a being most amenable to our lives. That's why Conservative American Christians can also love "the sword" (guns).

The Bible provides good pious people with lots of reason to give into the hate that burns in their souls. Should the gay people who want to believe in God simply re-craft God the way the pious conservative Christians have? The pious conservative Christians often deny MOST of the rules in the Old Testament except those that allow them to hate people. Those are sacred and eternal.

The biggest tell is when they claim they "love the sinner but hate the sin". That's a loophole they think God will "buy". Hopefully God is pretty gullible.

"The Bible is quite clear, and let me utterly misquote it to demonstrate my point."

You twinkos would have marginally more credibility if you spent a little of that energy for mindlessly hating Christians on learning something about them.

I'm very sorry that religion gets in the way of your megalomania, but please stop wasting everyone's time with your, "I hate God and I think that makes me smart!" passed off as an argument.
"The Bible is quite clear, and let me utterly misquote it to demonstrate my point."

How did I misquote the Bible?

You twinkos

What is a "twinko"?

would have marginally more credibility if you spent a little of that energy for mindlessly hating Christians on learning something about them.

I probably know more Christian theology than you do. But by all means, show me my errors. Or just call me names. Whichever is easier for you.

I'm very sorry that religion gets in the way of your megalomania, but please stop wasting everyone's time with your, "I hate God and I think that makes me smart!" passed off as an argument.

Well, at least I spent 35 years as a Christian and I've read the Bible. Not sure what your bona fides are. You don't seem to have much there but insults.
Imagine that you are a heterosexual but for one reason or another, you cannot find a suitable wife. If you give in to your normal and natural sexual urges and find women willing to copulate with you, those acts are seriously sinful the view of the Roman Catholic church, "mortal sins."

The same applies to homosexuals. They have no moral right to take sexual satisfaction in people with whom they are not married.

Being a homosexual is a morally neutral thing. Everyone is inclined to sin, and that inclination itself is not sinful. It is homosexual acts that are sinful.

A pox on anyone who says that any Church "hates" homosexuals for what they are. That is bullshit.
The difference is homosexuality is abominable to God, so it causes His hate and disgust. An equal comparison is idolatry and false gods, not heterosexual cheating while they are all mortal sins.
No one choses homosexuality. Homosexuality is a genetically (and/or in early childhood acquired) stable disposition of behavior which will be activated in adolescence. In case of male homosexuality exists not any known therapy which is able to change this disposition of behavior. In case of female homosexuality seems to exist additionally a variant which is able to change from homosexuality to heterosexuality. Nevertheless this is never anybodies free will - what also implies homosexuality per se never had been able to be a sin.

What is often called on wrong reason "homosexual behavior" in case of sins means practically always only anal sex. There are good reasons for why this is a sin (it is not even real sex at all!). But this has not really to to do with a hetero- or homosexual disposition of behavior. In case of homosexuality and anal-sex this means for example also that a man is using another man quasi "like a woman" - what also not makes a big sense in case of a pure male homosexuality. And a man who is doing anal sex with a woman is a sinner too. Asides of spiritual sin this behavior is also dangerous - for example by causing infections.

So: In case of homosexuality nearly no one has any choice. In case of the own sexual behavior - independent from homo-. and/or heterosexuality - is able to exist a sinny behavior - but this has often nearly nothing to do with this what the most people think about sexuality. And specially the opinions about sexuality in the English speaking world show often an astonishing intolerance in the eyes of the members of other cultures. Tenderness for example is never a real problem.

So whatever your form of inborn sexuality might be: This is absolutelly not any problem, because this came from god or from the world before of your existence. Whether you love your form of sexuality or whether you hate what you do is also unimportant. Everyone is welcome! Ask other homosexuals what kind of experience they made with Christians and I'm very sure most homosexuals found nice Christians. Blackrook is more an exception under Christians - if he is a Christian at all, what I personally doubt sometimes or better to say: I doubt this nearly always when I read what he writes. Sure Christians are also able to be angry and/or to be harsh - but only on reason of love. To try to exclude someone from the Christian church or to try to hold closed the doors of our church is not love. You are welcome! However god and the world made you! We will help you - as good as we can - to become how god thought you to be when he made you: a wonderful happy child of god.

There is no evidence for this. Homosexuality has no genetic or environmental causes. It's much more complex and the thinking today is that it's more an emotional craving instead of a sexual one. This is why you get carried away with your own bullshit.
It was not at all uncommon for newly converted rulers to convert at the point of a sword.

But at least they give them a chance. God in the OT didn't bother with the "conversion" step and just had the Israelites slaughter entire peoples.

I can't know for sure - and don't really care either way - but I'm betting you probably also like to rail against the existence of God because "how can there be a God if there's so much evil? Why doesn't He do something?"

The Canaanites spent 400 years engaging in incest, bestiality, ritual prostitution, and infant sacrifice. Just as an example.
I can't know for sure - and don't really care either way - but I'm betting you probably also like to rail against the existence of God because "how can there be a God if there's so much evil? Why doesn't He do something?"

The Canaanites spent 400 years engaging in incest, bestiality, ritual prostitution, and infant sacrifice. Just as an example.

the issue for the thread is whether the 1st century events actually were what they wrote in the 4th century c bible ^ ^ ^ - - or were meant as a new beginning, liberation theology, self determination and since the 4th century people are so ridgid the answer most likely lies with the final chapter, the crucifixion and those that comited that crime were also who wrote the 4th century c bible - cecilie.
1Sam 15:3. "Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass."

Now granted, Saul didn't end up slaughtering EVERYONE, he kept some alive. God got very angry with him for not following orders.

Of course the book of Joshua is filled with several other examples of entire cities being slaughtered by the Israelites.

Like Joshua 6:21. And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword.

And then a few chapters later, or even a few verses later, there they are, back again. I can tell you've never actually read the books.
Maybe you should actually TALK to a gay person.

People who use ridiculous euphemisms like 'Gay' obviously know they have something to hide. You talk to the disgusting fetishists; I have no desire to converse with sick fetishists .
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For Bisexuals it’s all Choice

Less than 10% of those who identify as faggots are exclusively homosexual, so the majority of them are 'bisexual'. Bisexuals are also far more likely to molest children as well. We know from FBI investigations of NAMBLa, a founding member organization of the ILGA, that faggots will also rape little girls if their preferred victims, little boys, are in short supply and out of reach.
Yeah, in America they can also be beaten nearly to death and tied to a fence post and die from exposure and the beating.

Don't go looking for motes before you clear the beams.

You still trying to peddle the Mathew Sheppard myth??? lol that got blown up a long time ago as fake news. Spreading lies won't do you any good here.
That was in the 1990s you have any newer horror stories ?

It's also another Big Lie; Sheppard was murdered by his faggot buddies over a dope deal. He also had a juvenile record involving two 8 year old boys when was 16. That is why his parents never asked for the death penalty; that juvie record could have been opened at the sentencing phase of a death penalty case under Wyoming law, and his parents didn't want that exposed.
I was at an author event and a lesbian read to us all the passages of the Bible that explicitly condemn homosexuality.

It made me realize that one who lives the homosexual lifestyle must reject Christianity or must, at the very least, admit he is a sinner in need of forgiveness.

But it seems that many homosexuals are unwilling to do either. They demand Christian churches go against explicit Biblical teachings and accept homosexuality. This is creating a crisis that is affecting all the Christian churches.

My prediction is this: Soon, every Christian church except the Catholic Church will cave to the homosexuals.
In some respects I kind of understand this point. The Bible is quite clear where God stands in relationship to gay people. He seems to hate them as much as regular people do. And HE MADE THEM!

I understand how people like to cling to their faith and it brings them comfort. We always re-craft God into the image of a being most amenable to our lives. That's why Conservative American Christians can also love "the sword" (guns).

The Bible provides good pious people with lots of reason to give into the hate that burns in their souls. Should the gay people who want to believe in God simply re-craft God the way the pious conservative Christians have? The pious conservative Christians often deny MOST of the rules in the Old Testament except those that allow them to hate people. Those are sacred and eternal.

The biggest tell is when they claim they "love the sinner but hate the sin". That's a loophole they think God will "buy". Hopefully God is pretty gullible.

This is ignorant
Baloney. Born a male or a female, you choose to bump uglies with your own sex its not predetermined.

If you don't know: Many animals are able to change their sex. And it exist also human beings without a second sex-chromosome. So not only XX and XY exist but also X_ exists: in this case the sex of the person is not defined. It's not as simple as you seem to prefer to think. And what you call "ugly" in context of discussions about sex is for me in very most cases not existing. It is what it is. Sex is on the other side for me a relativelly unimportant theme - except it has to do with family, romance and a chivalrous, fair behavior. "A man never beats a woman" for example. For our real nature our sex seems not to be essential, because if any other chromosome would miss its own second part then a human being would not be able to live.

There is no evidence for this. Homosexuality has no genetic or environmental causes.

So homosexuality not exists. Problem solved. Wonderful. You have my permission not to be gay.

It's much more complex and the thinking today is that it's more an emotional craving instead of a sexual one. This is why you get carried away with your own bullshit.

Did you say here anything? And did you read what I said?

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