What Catholicism Does For Me


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
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Catholicism gives me serenity in knowing the answers to many of life's most important questions.

I'm plagued by the Catholic Church's teaching that marriage after divorce is wrong, but I agree with the Church and would not want them to change their position.

The Catholic Church's teaching on artificial forms of birth control is hard to live with, but I accept that teaching and understand the reasoning behind it.

I know that God is forgiving and if I repent my sins I will go to heaven.

I know that despite the apparent chaos of the world God has a plan.

I know that evil will be defeated in the end.
I have peace of mind and peace within my soul. That's the peace Christ promised us, not an end to war.
I take comfort in the Catholicism that I was raised with. But I see some of the things that the Church is doing and advocating now, some of the things that are going on at Catholic universities, I'm not sure they are the same kind of Catholic that I am. I see a Catholic President whom the Pope himself has endorsed, getting ready to appear at a PRO ABORTION rally on MOTHER'S FUCKING DAY(!), i wonder.

For the first time in my lifetime, the question, "Is the Pope Catholic?" does not have a clear answer.
This bad Pope will die and get his reward. The Church will endure, as it has endured the bad Popes of the past.
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