Statue of Columbus Removed.


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010
The statue of Columbus, the man who discovered America and put an end to the flat earth myth has been removed for being too offensive.

Leftism is the flat earth equivalent of political ideology. I can't say they aren't dedicated with their hatred of America - it should have never even been found. Wipe it right off the map.
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The Vikings were the first to discover America.
Why is this POS being honored based on lies?
Many, Many Trumpsters and DOPers only know the world as flat still today.
So the dude failed here as well. But it was a good try.

Read about it.
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He missed and he was known for genocide.
View attachment 357870

He missed and he was known for genocide.
He was the only one who had the sheer balls to undertake that mission and thanks to him, Europe and the rest of the world found out that two massive continents existed they never dreamed of before. The Vikings were here first, but they either had no idea what they'd found, or they decided not to tell anyone (well, no one advertises their best fishing spot, do they?) Columbus deserves to be honored for his sheer guts and determination. What he lacked in humanity is a piece to add to the story; you don't wipe him out.
The Vikings were the first to discover America.
Why is this POS being honored based on lies?
Many, Many Trumpsters and DOPers only know the world as flat still today.
So the dude failed here as well. But it was a good try.

Read about it.

In effect you are arguing against a white man in support of another group of white men? Why not proceed to the end of the line with your historical revisionism and claim a long extinct branch of the Zulu tribe discovered America? Radical leftism always contradicts itself.
The Vikings were the first to discover America.
Why is this POS being honored based on lies?
Many, Many Trumpsters and DOPers only know the world as flat still today.
So the dude failed here as well. But it was a good try.

Read about it.
. didn't fail--at proving to be a dumbass
The Vikings were the first to discover America.
Why is this POS being honored based on lies?
Many, Many Trumpsters and DOPers only know the world as flat still today.
So the dude failed here as well. But it was a good try.

Read about it.

No actually dude, it was the American Indians who found it first, derp, derp.

Get the fuck out of my thread troll.
...nobody knows what kind of person Columbus was--he lived over 500 years ago!!!!!!!!!
....take the statues down, while the real problems go on:
black crime rate high--grad rate low
Someone should snatch up all the taken down statues and create Statue-Land.
$1 for two tries, getting the hoop over the General's head. With Columbus, you could attach balloons to his body and throw darts.
Columbus never stepped foot on the continental North America
Actually, that is wildly believed but is incorrect. Columbus on his 4th and last voyage, landed his ship and went ashore on what today is the country of Honduras, then sailed south exploring the coastline, and later went ashore again on the land known today as Panama.
Both are part the the North American continent. ... :cool:

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