So Joe... what is the "fair share"???

Trump IS NOT a convicted sex offender! Where is your proof?
NOW for my proof!

Here’s Why Donald Trump Doesn’t Have to Register as a Sex Offender​

In New York, where the verdict was reached, only those who are incarcerated or on probation or parole may be placed on the sex offender registry.
For instance, criminal convictions require proof beyond a reasonable doubt, while civil verdicts are reached only based on a preponderance of the evidence.
"in the eyes of the criminal justice system, he doesn’t meet the bar to be registered as a sex offender."

NOW prove to me that Trump was convicted sex offender? PROVE IT as I proved it was NOT!
/---/ rightwinger is running on empty and shooting blanks. Two clichés rolled into one.

Biden to big corporations and the ultra-wealthy: ‘Pay your fair share’

View attachment 540477
From the above table as found in the following link:
Top 10% of Income taxpayers paid 70.1%
While...61% of Americans paid no federal income taxes in 2020, Tax Policy Center says

So Biden... what is a "FAIR SHARE"???
The top 10% paid $1.122 Trillion of the total $1.601 Trillion paid... 70.1% or a taxable rate of 21.5%
Biden supporters what would be a FAIR share...???

From an article which supports your notions that the wealthy are paying so much:

"Of course, this excludes the impact of other taxes that aren't as progressive, such as state and local sales taxes, which are levied at the same rate on every consumer, regardless of their income level. That means low-income Americans pay a bigger share of their earnings toward sales taxes than higher-earning people."

You're very big on pointing out how much the wealthy pay in taxes, but in reality they don't pay much in taxes at all, compared to the wealthy in other jurisdictions, and they never have.

Currently, 80% of the wealth of your nation flows to the top 10% of Americans. This level of wealthy inequity is unsustainable in a first world country. Even more than your national debt, the inequity in wealth and wages in the US economy, under Republican tax and labour codes, is economically destructive to the future of the US economy.

Trump isn't going to change that wealth distribution, but Biden is trying to do it.
Trump IS NOT a convicted sex offender! Where is your proof?
NOW for my proof!

Here’s Why Donald Trump Doesn’t Have to Register as a Sex Offender​

In New York, where the verdict was reached, only those who are incarcerated or on probation or parole may be placed on the sex offender registry.
For instance, criminal convictions require proof beyond a reasonable doubt, while civil verdicts are reached only based on a preponderance of the evidence.
"in the eyes of the criminal justice system, he doesn’t meet the bar to be registered as a sex offender."

NOW prove to me that Trump was convicted sex offender? PROVE IT as I proved it was NOT!

Do you realize you are defending a self-admitted serial sex preditor. A man who freely admits he rapes women he finds attractive. If this really the hill you want to die on????

He doesn't meet the legal definition of a "sex offender". If that's the best you can do in defending the fat old asshole, you don't have much at all.
From an article which supports your notions that the wealthy are paying so much:

"Of course, this excludes the impact of other taxes that aren't as progressive, such as state and local sales taxes, which are levied at the same rate on every consumer, regardless of their income level. That means low-income Americans pay a bigger share of their earnings toward sales taxes than higher-earning people."

You're very big on pointing out how much the wealthy pay in taxes, but in reality they don't pay much in taxes at all, compared to the wealthy in other jurisdictions, and they never have.

Currently, 80% of the wealth of your nation flows to the top 10% of Americans. This level of wealthy inequity is unsustainable in a first world country. Even more than your national debt, the inequity in wealth and wages in the US economy, under Republican tax and labour codes, is economically destructive to the future of the US economy.

Trump isn't going to change that wealth distribution, but Biden is trying to do it.
/——/ No he’s not because his rich liberal donors take the same tax breaks. AND they pay the same property and sales tax plus AMT. So show your class envy.
/——/ No he’s not because his rich liberal donors take the same tax breaks. AND they pay the same property and sales tax plus AMT. So show your class envy.

Everybody takes every tax break that’s available to them. They’re an idiot to do otherwise.

However, there are many rich people who are smart enough to realize that they’re killing the goose that laid the golden egg. Some billionaires are actually smart enough to realize that unless the working in middle class get a larger piece of the pie, there isn’t going to be a pie.

Greedy assholes like Donald Trump, Rupert Murdoch, the Mercer family, and all those people hiring illegal workers for their chicken processing plants, are just out for all they can go out and fuck the rest of you.

Democrats aren’t the people who are crashing the economy every time they get the White House. The economic crashes benefit the wealthy class to such an extent, that Republicans are doing them on purpose.
Do you realize you are defending a self-admitted serial sex preditor. A man who freely admits he rapes women he finds attractive. If this really the hill you want to die on????

He doesn't meet the legal definition of a "sex offender". If that's the best you can do in defending the fat old asshole, you don't have much at all.
Explain where Trump said he "rapes women he finds attractive"???

You make up a lie because YOU can't prove that!
It's his right:

What is "his right"????

I watched the whole video... and in the deposition Trump never said anything of the kind!
It was a video that showed Trump at a campaign and Trump said "she would not be my first choice"!
DragonLady... your intelligence would definitely make you NOT MY FIRST choice either!
Do you realize you are defending a self-admitted serial sex preditor. A man who freely admits he rapes women he finds attractive. If this really the hill you want to die on????

He doesn't meet the legal definition of a "sex offender". If that's the best you can do in defending the fat old asshole, you don't have much at all.
Where and when did Trump as you wrote "admits he rapes women he finds attractive."?
In the video, Trump can be heard saying, “I’m automatically attracted to beautiful women — I just start kissing them, it’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything,” he said, including “grab 'em by the p----.”
Excerpts of the former president's videotaped deposition from last year were played for the jury hearing Carroll's civil claim alleging Trump raped her in the 1990s.

In reading the transcript and searching for the word "rape"... these the are the eight times the word
"rape" was used! 4 times by Trump and 4 times by others.

BUT in the below transcript of what Trump said...ZERO statement that Trump ever EVER admitted to "admits he rapes women he finds attractive."? AS you have LIED about! LIAR!!

I'm making a distinction between Trump's using the word and others by color.. Trump is red "rape" others will be in green "rape".
Do a count of the word "rape" in the transcript... 8 times but NEVER was there a statement as you have LIED ABOUT!!! "admits he rapes women he finds attractive."?
In that interview, Carroll said that what Trump did to her “hurt” and was “not sexual.” When Cooper said that most people think of rape as a violent assault, she responded, “Most people think of rape as sexy. Think of the fantasies.
Trump: She said she preferred the word “fight” to the word "rape".She loved it until commercial break. In fact, I think she said it was sexy, didn’t she? She said it was very sexy to be raped. Didn’t she say that?
In addition to frequently insulting Carroll, Trump also took a shot at her attorney. He told Kaplan that her client "is accusing me of rape, of raping her, the worst thing you can do, the worst charge."
"And you know it's not true, too," the clearly angry Trump continued. "You're a political operative also. You're a disgrace. But she is accusing me, and so are you, of rape and it never took place."
Trump was married to Maples at the time of the alleged rape.
Trump decided not to take the witness stand in the trial over Carroll's lawsuit alleging that he raped her in a department store in the 1990s and then defamed her by saying she made up the claims to make money.

"admits he rapes women he finds attractive."

Not a single person the left has expressed this opinion.
Sure they have. The clueless, which is most of the left when it comes to economics, think by making rich people pay more and become poorer, the lower income people will somehow be helped and become richer. It just doesn't work that way.
Depends what government services We the People want.
Good schools, modern infrastructure, mass transportation, clean air and water, parks and recreation…..
/---/ So the sky is the limit. You and I have to live within our means, but not the federal government. Tax hike time - because it's never enough.
From an article which supports your notions that the wealthy are paying so much:

"Of course, this excludes the impact of other taxes that aren't as progressive, such as state and local sales taxes, which are levied at the same rate on every consumer, regardless of their income level. That means low-income Americans pay a bigger share of their earnings toward sales taxes than higher-earning people."

You're very big on pointing out how much the wealthy pay in taxes, but in reality they don't pay much in taxes at all, compared to the wealthy in other jurisdictions, and they never have.

Currently, 80% of the wealth of your nation flows to the top 10% of Americans. This level of wealthy inequity is unsustainable in a first world country. Even more than your national debt, the inequity in wealth and wages in the US economy, under Republican tax and labour codes, is economically destructive to the future of the US economy.

Trump isn't going to change that wealth distribution, but Biden is trying to do it.
Income taxes can certainly overdone, but these folks are begging for a modern-day French Revolution.

They think that their Dear Leader can save them from a life of mediocrity. He can't.

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