Zone1 Science that the Bible got right


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
As anyone can attest, the Bible is not a book of science, it is a book of wisdom and faith.

How then could the Bible be so right about science?

The Beginning​

1. Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

It was not long ago that scientists believed the universe to be eternal and static. Leading the charge was Albert Einstein that modified his theory of relativity to conform to the popular belief scientists had during his lifetime, so that it fit their narrative. In 1917 Einstein applied his theory of general relativity in the universe, and suggested a model of a homogenous, static, spatially curved universe. However, this interpretation has one major problem: If gravitation was the only active force, his universe would collapse – an issue Einstein addressed by introducing the cosmological constant. Einstein later changed his mind about the commonly held view that the universe was static and eternal once science began to investigate it further and found proof of an ever-expanding universe that had a beginning. Einstein said it was the biggest blunder of his life.

2. Revelation 22:13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

The universe will end and cease to be, just like it had a beginning.

Due to a thing called entropy, theoretical physicists believe the Universe will end, and it could happen at any point between 2.8 billion years and 22 billion years from now. Certain researchers even suggest the process of its demise has already begun.

3. Isaiah 40:22 God sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in.

Job 26:7 God stretches out the north over the void and hangs the earth on nothing.


Sorry flat earthers, the earth is a sphere and not flat. Most ancient religions like Hinduism disagreed, as they thought the earth was propped up on the back of a turtle and flat. The idea that Earth isn't flat isn't a new one, though — thinkers like Pythagoras and Erathosthenes were already toying with the idea before Jesus Christ was born. However, those where scientists, and not sheep herders in the desert who wrote the Bible. Go figure.

4. 6 days of creation in the Bible is astoundingly accurate

First day of creation the began with light, i.e. stars, then the heavens formed, then the earth formed, then the earth covered by water, then plant life, then life beginning in the oceans, then animals, and lastly mankind who was formed from the dust of the earth.

Compare this to other pre-science religions account of creation.

1. Proto Indo-Europeans had various creation myths, but most involved a giant feeding from the primal cow named Auðumbla.​

Ymir is the personification of chaos before the creation. He was the first being in Norse mythology, arriving much sooner than other well-known Nordic gods, such as Thor or Odin. Ymir inhabited a void, Ginnungagap, where no fertile land or water existed. However, with nothing to nourish Ymir, he had to be fed from the udder of Audhumla, a primal cow who was formed from dripping ice. While he was feeding, two other giants were formed asexually from the sweat of Ymir’s armpits and a third giant was formed from Ymir’s legs.

Audhumla, the primal cow, was fed by a salt lick that contained Buri, the first of the Old Norse god. As she licked, Buri was freed and Buri then produced a son. Buri’s son Borr mated with Ymir’s descendant Bestla. Borr and Bestla’s union produced Odin, chief of the Old Norse gods. Odin was unhappy with Ymir’s ability to create offspring and decided to dismember Ymir. Ymir’s body parts then became the substances that created the cosmos. The unnamed collection of anonymous Norse poems, the Poetic Edda contains Grímnismál or “Song of the Hooded One,” artistically wording Ymir’s demise:

2. Native Americans told tales of a raven accidentally creating man from a pea pod.​

Raven stumbles upon a fully grown man. Curious and confused, Raven goes on to question him. The man explains that for four days, he grew inside of a pea pod. On the fifth day, he emerged fully formed. When he emerged he had a pain in his stomach. Alongside him were pools of water, and when he drank from them the pain in his stomach stopped. The raven examined the man and then himself. Raven lifted off his mask. He stared up and down at the man, in awe of their similarities until Raven finally spoke, “What are you? From where did you come? I have never seen anything like you.” Raven had realized man shared the same form as himself.

Man shared that he had been born from a pea pod. Raven explained to the man that he had made the vine but did not realize anything would be born from it. Raven asked the man to wait for him and flew away. Raven returned with berries, handed them to man and said, “Here is what I have made for you to eat. I also wish them to be plentiful over the earth. Now eat them.” Raven then led Man to a small creek. Raven gathered clay and began to form small objects. Raven flapped his wings over the objects four times, and brought them to life.

3. For Hindus, there is no one story of creation, but multiple creations stories that tell of cyclic creation and destruction. The story of Vishnu is one creation story.​

There was a very large cobra floating along the ocean. Within its coils was a sleeping Vishnu. Suddenly a lotus begins growing from Vishnu’s navel. When the lotus blooms, it is revealed that Brahma, a four-headed demigod, is contained inside. Brahma decides he needs to create and meditates on this for eons. Brahma decides to split the lotus into three separate portions. One part of the lotus becomes the heavens, the second piece of the lotus becomes the sky, and the third part of the lotus becomes the earth. He creates birds, fish, trees, plants, humans and other animals to reside on the earth.

In Hinduism, it is taught that this is not the first universe nor is it the last. There are three deities, Lord Vishnu, Lord Brahma, and Lord Shiva. Each specializes in different aspects of creation. Lord Vishnu births the universe from the lotus, Lord Brahma creates the universe and everything in it, and Lord Shiva destroys the universe so that it can then be recreated. These three deities are all integral parts of the creation story and are all parts of one whole: the Supreme One.

5. Jeremiah 33:22
As the host of heaven cannot be numbered, neither the sand of the sea measured: so will I multiply the seed of David my servant, and the Levites that minister unto me.

Other ancient men actually counted the stars and thought they had counted them all.

The Historic Discussion of Ptolemy’s Star Catalog​

From the time of its writing in the 2nd century CE, Claudius Ptolemy’s Almagest stood at the forefront of mathematical astronomy for nearly 1,500 years. This work included a catalog of 1,025 stars, listing their coordinates (in ecliptic longitude and latitude) and brightnesses. While astronomers within a few centuries realized that the models for the sun, moon, and planets all had issues (which we today recognize as being a result of them being incorrect, geocentric models relying on circles and epicycles instead of a heliocentric model with elliptical orbits), the catalog of stars was generally believed to be correct.

6. Leviticus 17:11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood.......

It was not long ago that men of science used leaches to drain the blood from sick patients thinking that the body needed to get rid of the bad blood. It is not known how many were harmed with this wrong thinking. And as it turns out, with one sample of blood, much can be learned about the health of any living entity.

And Jews were forbidden from drinking blood.

Leviticus 17:14
“For as for the life of all flesh, its blood is identified with its life. Therefore I said to the sons of Israel, ‘You are not to eat the blood of any flesh, for the life of all flesh is its blood; whoever eats it shall be cut off.’

Science though tells us drinking blood is not such a good idea.

7. Leviticus 13:46
He shall remain unclean all the days during which he has the infection; he is unclean. He shall live alone; his dwelling shall be outside the camp.

The Jews during the Dark Ages escaped the Black Plague because of their cleanliness laws and use of quarantining the sick. The invisible organisms we know exist today were not known back then.

So, more Jews survived the Black Plague because they held to the Mosaic cleanliness laws, prompting others to accuse them of making a deal with the devil, as Jews were subsequently killed for it.
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neither genesis nor odin has the slightest connection to science. you may believe in any cosmic cows you desire, just leave the usa and our government out o9f it.
Here's a big one. Light appeared AFTER the universe was created. Genesis got that right too. Most people think of the big bang as a bright light. Never happened. Radiation dominated the early universe and was coupled with matter. The early universe was opaque. It wasn't until the universe cooled enough that radiation could decouple from matter that light could appear.
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neither genesis nor odin has the slightest connection to science. you may believe in any cosmic cows you desire, just leave the usa and our government out o9f it.
Failing to take note of how laughable ancient man viewed their origins in comparisons to the Biblical account is what escapes your thought process here.

How did they get things so right as where everyone else was not even on the same playing field?
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Even a broken clock...
More than twice Spankster.

Again, there is no ancient accounts of creation that come close to the accuracy of the Biblical account, which is perhaps why part of the reason most religions today are based upon the Bible.
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Here's a big one. Light appeared AFTER the universe was created. Genesis got that right too. Most people think of the big bang as a bright light. Never happened. Radiation dominated the early universe and was coupled with matter. The early universe was opaque. It wasn't until the universe cooled enough that radiation could decouple from matter that light could appear.
I know that many chastise the Bible for saying the earth was created in 6 days, but I view this as a misrepresentation. If so, how do you explain this little gem?

Genesis 2:4 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens,
I know that many chastise the Bible for saying the earth was created in 6 days, but I view this as a misrepresentation. If so, how do you explain this little gem?

Genesis 2:4 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens,
Easy. It says that ancient man knew that what they saw had unfolded over time. That everything wasn't created that way all at once. Again... ancient man knew things that were true 6,000 years before science did. If you notice in the account the only thing that was created was the heavens and the earth aka the universe. Everything else was stated as "let there be." That's a very important distinction. It doesn't say God created light or anything else. It says God created the heavens and the earth and then let there be this, let there be that.

1. The universe was created from nothing.
2. Light appeared after the universe was created.
3. Everything in the universe evolved over time.

All factually correct. All known by ancient man 6,000 years before science discovered it. How was this possible? I say it was revealed to ancient man. Probably in a vision and then they put into their own words what they saw.
So plants coming before the sun is accurate? 3

But christians pretend to :lol:
Good point.

When I was in school I was told that no life could exist apart from the sun, however, decades later they found life at the bottom of the ocean that could do just that.

I have also read some interesting theories from Gerald Schroeder called "Genesis and the Big Bang" who gave his own theory on how plant life could be simulated apart from the sun. Even today scientists speculate on life existing under the ice on the moons of various planets in the solar system as a result.

Aside from such seeming inaccuracies on the surface, to look at the overall accuracy from such a primitive people is astounding to me.

There is no competitor that comes even close to the truth of the Biblical account. From my vantage point this is only because it was divinely inspired.

The Bible in no way is a scientific book, yet it gets an awful lot right for it not to be but gets no credit for it.

That aside, that Bible is the only religious text on which a scientific discipline is based, namely Biblical Archeology.

As for drinking blood, Christians take communion with a drink other than blood as it represents the blood of Christ.

Are you saying that is equivalent to drinking blood?
Good point.

When I was in school I was told that no life could exist apart from the sun, however, decades later they found life at the bottom of the ocean that could do just that.

I have also read some interesting theories from Gerald Schroeder called "Genesis and the Big Bang" who gave his own theory on how plant life could be simulated apart from the sun. Even today scientists speculate on life existing under the ice on the moons of various planets in the solar system as a result.

Aside from such seeming inaccuracies on the surface, to look at the overall accuracy from such a primitive people is astounding to me.

There is no competitor that comes even close to the truth of the Biblical account. From my vantage point this is only because it was divinely inspired.

The Bible in no way is a scientific book, yet it gets an awful lot right for it not to be but gets no credit for it.

That aside, that Bible is the only religious text on which a scientific discipline is based, namely Biblical Archeology.

As for drinking blood, Christians take communion with a drink other than blood as it represents the blood of Christ.

Are you saying that is equivalent to drinking blood?
Yeah, it also says the sun revolves around the earth, and its flat.
Ridiculously accurate.
As anyone can attest, the Bible is not a book of science, it is a book of wisdom and faith.

How then could the Bible be so right about science?

The Beginning​

1. Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

It was not long ago that scientists believed the universe to be eternal and static. Leading the charge was Albert Einstein that modified his theory of relativity to conform to the popular belief scientists had during his lifetime, so that it fit their narrative. In 1917 Einstein applied his theory of general relativity in the universe, and suggested a model of a homogenous, static, spatially curved universe. However, this interpretation has one major problem: If gravitation was the only active force, his universe would collapse – an issue Einstein addressed by introducing the cosmological constant. Einstein later changed his mind about the commonly held view that the universe was static and eternal once science began to investigate it further and found proof of an ever-expanding universe that had a beginning. Einstein said it was the biggest blunder of his life.

2. Revelation 22:13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

The universe will end and cease to be, just like it had a beginning.

Due to a thing called entropy, theoretical physicists believe the Universe will end, and it could happen at any point between 2.8 billion years and 22 billion years from now. Certain researchers even suggest the process of its demise has already begun.

3. Isaiah 40:22 God sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in.

Job 26:7 God stretches out the north over the void and hangs the earth on nothing.


Sorry flat earthers, the earth is a sphere and not flat. Most ancient religions like Hinduism disagreed, as they thought the earth was propped up on the back of a turtle and flat. The idea that Earth isn't flat isn't a new one, though — thinkers like Pythagoras and Erathosthenes were already toying with the idea before Jesus Christ was born. However, those where scientists, and not sheep herders in the desert who wrote the Bible. Go figure.

4. 6 days of creation in the Bible is astoundingly accurate

First day of creation the began with light, i.e. stars, then the heavens formed, then the earth formed, then the earth covered by water, then plant life, then life beginning in the oceans, then animals, and lastly mankind who was formed from the dust of the earth.

Compare this to other pre-science religions account of creation.

1. Proto Indo-Europeans had various creation myths, but most involved a giant feeding from the primal cow named Auðumbla.​

Ymir is the personification of chaos before the creation. He was the first being in Norse mythology, arriving much sooner than other well-known Nordic gods, such as Thor or Odin. Ymir inhabited a void, Ginnungagap, where no fertile land or water existed. However, with nothing to nourish Ymir, he had to be fed from the udder of Audhumla, a primal cow who was formed from dripping ice. While he was feeding, two other giants were formed asexually from the sweat of Ymir’s armpits and a third giant was formed from Ymir’s legs.

Audhumla, the primal cow, was fed by a salt lick that contained Buri, the first of the Old Norse god. As she licked, Buri was freed and Buri then produced a son. Buri’s son Borr mated with Ymir’s descendant Bestla. Borr and Bestla’s union produced Odin, chief of the Old Norse gods. Odin was unhappy with Ymir’s ability to create offspring and decided to dismember Ymir. Ymir’s body parts then became the substances that created the cosmos. The unnamed collection of anonymous Norse poems, the Poetic Edda contains Grímnismál or “Song of the Hooded One,” artistically wording Ymir’s demise:

2. Native Americans told tales of a raven accidentally creating man from a pea pod.​

Raven stumbles upon a fully grown man. Curious and confused, Raven goes on to question him. The man explains that for four days, he grew inside of a pea pod. On the fifth day, he emerged fully formed. When he emerged he had a pain in his stomach. Alongside him were pools of water, and when he drank from them the pain in his stomach stopped. The raven examined the man and then himself. Raven lifted off his mask. He stared up and down at the man, in awe of their similarities until Raven finally spoke, “What are you? From where did you come? I have never seen anything like you.” Raven had realized man shared the same form as himself.

Man shared that he had been born from a pea pod. Raven explained to the man that he had made the vine but did not realize anything would be born from it. Raven asked the man to wait for him and flew away. Raven returned with berries, handed them to man and said, “Here is what I have made for you to eat. I also wish them to be plentiful over the earth. Now eat them.” Raven then led Man to a small creek. Raven gathered clay and began to form small objects. Raven flapped his wings over the objects four times, and brought them to life.

3. For Hindus, there is no one story of creation, but multiple creations stories that tell of cyclic creation and destruction. The story of Vishnu is one creation story.​

There was a very large cobra floating along the ocean. Within its coils was a sleeping Vishnu. Suddenly a lotus begins growing from Vishnu’s navel. When the lotus blooms, it is revealed that Brahma, a four-headed demigod, is contained inside. Brahma decides he needs to create and meditates on this for eons. Brahma decides to split the lotus into three separate portions. One part of the lotus becomes the heavens, the second piece of the lotus becomes the sky, and the third part of the lotus becomes the earth. He creates birds, fish, trees, plants, humans and other animals to reside on the earth.

In Hinduism, it is taught that this is not the first universe nor is it the last. There are three deities, Lord Vishnu, Lord Brahma, and Lord Shiva. Each specializes in different aspects of creation. Lord Vishnu births the universe from the lotus, Lord Brahma creates the universe and everything in it, and Lord Shiva destroys the universe so that it can then be recreated. These three deities are all integral parts of the creation story and are all parts of one whole: the Supreme One.

5. Jeremiah 33:22
As the host of heaven cannot be numbered, neither the sand of the sea measured: so will I multiply the seed of David my servant, and the Levites that minister unto me.

Other ancient men actually counted the stars and thought they had counted them all.

The Historic Discussion of Ptolemy’s Star Catalog​

From the time of its writing in the 2nd century CE, Claudius Ptolemy’s Almagest stood at the forefront of mathematical astronomy for nearly 1,500 years. This work included a catalog of 1,025 stars, listing their coordinates (in ecliptic longitude and latitude) and brightnesses. While astronomers within a few centuries realized that the models for the sun, moon, and planets all had issues (which we today recognize as being a result of them being incorrect, geocentric models relying on circles and epicycles instead of a heliocentric model with elliptical orbits), the catalog of stars was generally believed to be correct.

6. Leviticus 17:11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood.......

It was not long ago that men of science used leaches to drain the blood from sick patients thinking that the body needed to get rid of the bad blood. It is not known how many were harmed with this wrong thinking. And as it turns out, with one sample of blood, much can be learned about the health of any living entity.

And Jews were forbidden from drinking blood.

Leviticus 17:14
“For as for the life of all flesh, its blood is identified with its life. Therefore I said to the sons of Israel, ‘You are not to eat the blood of any flesh, for the life of all flesh is its blood; whoever eats it shall be cut off.’

Science though tells us drinking blood is not such a good idea.

7. Leviticus 13:46
He shall remain unclean all the days during which he has the infection; he is unclean. He shall live alone; his dwelling shall be outside the camp.

The Jews during the Dark Ages escaped the Black Plague because of their cleanliness laws and use of quarantining the sick. The invisible organisms we know exist today were not known back then.

So, more Jews survived the Black Plague because they held to the Mosaic cleanliness laws, prompting others to accuse them of making a deal with the devil, as Jews were subsequently killed for it.
They didn't get anything right. Did you ever take a math class? If you get the right answer the wrong way, your answer gets marked as incorrect.
Where does it say that?
  • Psalm 104:5 - He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved.
  • Ecclesiastes 1:5 - The sun rises and the sun sets, and hurries back to where it rises.
  • Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor.
  • When the earth and all its people quake, it is I who hold its pillars firm.
  • He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved.
  • After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth to prevent any wind from blowing on the land or on the sea or on any tree.
  • Psalm 104:5 - He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved.
  • Ecclesiastes 1:5 - The sun rises and the sun sets, and hurries back to where it rises.
  • Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor.
  • When the earth and all its people quake, it is I who hold its pillars firm.
  • He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved.
  • After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth to prevent any wind from blowing on the land or on the sea or on any tree.
I suppose the issue is, what does it mean by the "foundations" of the earth?

Does that mean the earth rests on something, or is it just talking about us resting on the earth?

As I have shown, the book of Job says explicitly that the earth rests on nothing.

Job 26:7 God stretches out the north over the void and hangs the earth on nothing.​

To boot, Job it the oldest book in the Bible making it even harder to understand where such a notion came from.
I suppose the issue is, what does it mean by the "foundations" of the earth?

Does that mean the earth rests on something, or is it just talking about us resting on the earth?

As I have shown, the book of Job says explicitly that the earth rests on nothing.

Job 26:7 God stretches out the north over the void and hangs the earth on nothing.​

To boot, Job it the oldest book in the Bible making it even harder to understand where such a notion came from.
Yes, very inconsistent. Thanks.
Hey guys, I took some drugs in 1910 and dreamed that we flew to the moon in a rocket!

Isn't it amazing how I got all the science right?

neither genesis nor odin has the slightest connection to science. you may believe in any cosmic cows you desire, just leave the usa and our government out o9f it.
Well, the people are doing just that. The number of people who believe in Christ, Elohim, Jehovah, Allah and other gods in America has gone down quite a bit. And, in place of God, we have man who no longer has the capacity to know what a woman is. So, I'll support the regeneration of the God of Israel, Jesus Christ into the U.S.A. and our politicians, news organizations and those who have lost God and can no longer explain what a woman is. Your science do to the destruction of belief in God has been replaced with nutcases running around crying the sky is falling! Al Gore and your other prophets of Satan have destroyed a once great nation and are turning it into a communist nation without a constitutional republic and people who cannot define what a woman is.

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