Hillary did not concede immediately

The electors were alternates, not fake. Asking to find votes is not illegal. He didn't say create votes or falsely claim votes. Questioning election results is NOT illegal or not rare. Gore tried to overturn election results. With all that the Democrats have done and are doing to him I do not begrudge him for not 'officially' conceding, which is also not a crime.
That is the truth.
Trump is facing multiple felony counts for his role in Jan 6
The electors were alternates, not fake. Asking to find votes is not illegal. He didn't say create votes or falsely claim votes. Questioning election results is NOT illegal or not rare. Gore tried to overturn election results. With all that the Democrats have done and are doing to him I do not begrudge him for not 'officially' conceding, which is also not a crime.
Trump is not guilty. Biden and his mob would have put Trump on trial if he had the chance.
The Biden crime syndicate are in bed with the far left who are Marxists. Biden's mind left a while ago, all he is doing is going through pomp and circumstance political bullshit and reading what is written for him. The whole syndicate supports these Soros funded prosecutors. Think of this, every prosecutor in these Trump trials received Soros funding and is supported by the far left. One, Jones even campaigned on taking Trump down. No one yet has been able to name any real crime Trump has committed.

An uncharacteristically truthful post by the OP. Senility hasn't completely finished him off yet.
Grand Juries don't hear exculpatory evidence and the 'evidence' presented was faked by biased prosecutors funded by George Soros. In this current 'hush money' trial, there has been no evidence that any of Trump's business records or filings were false. Bragg's star witness (Michael Cohen) admitted he stole from the Trump Organization for his own benefit. He stole 30 grand by overstating a billing. In a former case, Cohen also said he alone paid Daniels and Trump had no knowledge because he (Cohen) took out a personal HELOC loan to pay Daniels. For God's sake do some reading instead of parroting Democrat-Marxist talking points. Beyond all that, paying hush money to an extortionist is not illegal anyway.
We will revel in their defenses when it is Biden's turn to be prosecuted.
Joe and his son. Both are criminals.
There was no insurrection. Trump was correct in not meeting with criminal Biden. Biden is a puppet and those in the shadow government are destroying our country. Those are the reasons Trump will be elected in a landslide. Biden is failing old man and should be in a nursing home.
The problem is Don is also a puppet of the shadow government.

Yet another thing the two fools have in common.
The electors were alternates, not fake. Asking to find votes is not illegal. He didn't say create votes or falsely claim votes. Questioning election results is NOT illegal or not rare. Gore tried to overturn election results. With all that the Democrats have done and are doing to him I do not begrudge him for not 'officially' conceding, which is also not a crime.

Trump tried to steal the election by offering an “alternate” slate of electors and using his office to pressure the Vice President and local officials to accept his electors over the ones selected by voters.
The problem is Don is also a puppet of the shadow government.

Yet another thing the two fools have in common.
Then the game is over, isn't it? And perhaps it has been as we like getting paid from our government. It was inevitable that a leader like Joe would follow-on at warp speed with paying off specific groups at the levels he has from a corrupted morbid government in a nation declining due to it.

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