Upside-down US flag flew at home of Justice Samuel Alito after 2020 election

Shame on Congress for not investigating the election.
Have you been living under a rock or something?
Congress DID investigate the election. It was determined that the election was legitimate. All the conspiracy theories by the butt-hurt party claiming the election was stolen were systematically debunked and rejected in courts for lack of credible evidence and the spoiled man-child who refused to concede that he had lost was exposed as a treasonous tyrant who attempted to overthrow the democratic peaceful transfer of power with an attempted coup.
Have you missed all this?

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Have you been living under a rock or something?
Congress DID investigate the election. It was determined that the election was legitimate. All the conspiracy theories by the butt-hurt party claiming the election was stolen were systematically debunked and rejected in courts for lack of credible evidence and the spoiled man-child who refused to concede that he had lost was exposed as a treasonous tyrant who attempted to overthrow the democratic peaceful transfer of power with an attempted coup.
Have you missed all this?

Congress investigated nothing. There was vote to investigate on J6, they voted no. They took the side of the alleged fraud and shit all over 74 million voters. Try the truth.
Alito caught with another Maga flag in his vacation home. Time to blame the wife again! How is she able to do this all without him knowing!! :auiqs.jpg:
Alito caught with another Maga flag in his vacation home. Time to blame the wife again! How is she able to do this all without him knowing!! :auiqs.jpg:
His wife has nothing to do with his job or his opinion for that matter. Has your wife ever disagreed with you or did something you did not approve of? Try honesty it won't hurt a bit.
Congress investigated nothing. There was vote to investigate on J6, they voted no. They took the side of the alleged fraud and shit all over 74 million voters. Try the truth.

Trump hired his own firm to investigate the election. The result? They came out and said they found zero evidence of fraud. Trump himself disproved his own lies. 🤷‍♀️
His wife has nothing to do with his job or his opinion for that matter. Has your wife ever disagreed with you or did something you did not approve of? Try honesty it won't hurt a bit.

yes, and she likely didn't hang those flags either. She's just being scapgoated. Why not simply admit that Alito is a tried and true Maga and Donald Trump supporter. He's one of you. Doesn't hurt to try honesty every once in a while.
Trump hired his own firm to investigate the election. The result? They came out and said they found zero evidence of fraud. Trump himself disproved his own lies. 🤷‍♀️
I have heard that before. They came up with things that could have very easily been fraud. It is not Trump's lie, it is yours.
yes, and she likely didn't hang those flags either. She's just being scapgoated. Why not simply admit that Alito is a tried and true Maga and Donald Trump supporter. He's one of you. Doesn't hurt to try honesty every once in a while.
His political life is his, not yours. He is on the Supreme Court because he does not bring it to work with him. He is an ethical man. And that has a lot to do with his political choices.
And that was total garbage. They hid evidence and destroyed evidence. Why can only they pull that shit? All lies, no accountability.

Trump has been talking about rigged elections since his first victory. He said his election in 2016 was rigged and fraudulent. He had a commission investigate and found nothing. He claimed even before election day in 2020 that if he loses that means the election was rigged, then he actually came out and said it, and he hired his own firm to investigate and found nothing. What is the common denominator in both cases? Trump lies, it's what he does. The simplest answer is usually the correct one. Just recently he even claimed Joe Biden tried to assassinate him. You can't possibly be this dumb and gullible.

"It's easy to fool people then it is to convince them that they've been fooled." - Mark Twain

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