Hillary did not concede immediately

But she DID concede...

And in a timely manner...

And did not invent lies about being cheated...

And, with a far greater show of grace-and-class than her competitor...

When her competitor was inaugurated, she showed-up at the ceremony...

As an outward manifestation of belief in the principle of a Peaceful Transfer of Power...

Caring more about Country than Self...

Something the Orange Baboon-God doesn't have in him...
She still whines over the popular vote. And that we all know is not how the elections are held.
Jan 6 was an insurrection

An attempt by Trump to seize power by sending a mob to stop Congress from naming Biden the winner.

To do this, Trump created a LIE that the election was stolen, that HE was the true winner and use fake electors to declare himself the winner
That is the joke told by Democrats. They NEVER explain how this could happen. When Trump had tens of thousands of voters there, and the cops were only maybe 200, no way could the cops stop them. Even murdering Ashli Babbitt would not stop them.
in the first century concession was the exception rather than the rule yes, but after that, it was customary. The details are on this wikipedia page. It details the refusals to concede.
What is the value in concessions? Do you not trust the voters?

In the period between the 1896 and 2016 presidential elections, there had been 32 concessions speeches by major party candidates over the course of 120 years.[6]
What is the value in concessions? Do you not trust the voters?
read the section on importance...

A concession, usually in the form of a concession speech, is considered a matter of courtesy and a gracious celebration of American democracy that helps with the peaceful transition of power, although there is no legal or constitutional need for it.[2][6] However, when election campaigns have been very polarized and the race close, conceding one's loss was important in order to get the losing candidate's supporters to accept the outcome and ensure social and political stability in any form.[6] Failing to urge one's own supporters toward reconciliation will let embitterment remain between supporters of both candidates, who need to live and work together in the same country for the next four years under a president, whose office term is not fully accepted by almost half of the population.[7] This is why John McCain was commended for calming down his supporters who booed when he first mentioned the name of his opponent Barack Obama in his concession speech, and managed to have them applaud for their opponent later in his speech.[7]
read the section on importance...

A concession, usually in the form of a concession speech, is considered a matter of courtesy and a gracious celebration of American democracy that helps with the peaceful transition of power, although there is no legal or constitutional need for it.[2][6] However, when election campaigns have been very polarized and the race close, conceding one's loss was important in order to get the losing candidate's supporters to accept the outcome and ensure social and political stability in any form.[6] Failing to urge one's own supporters toward reconciliation will let embitterment remain between supporters of both candidates, who need to live and work together in the same country for the next four years under a president, whose office term is not fully accepted by almost half of the population.[7] This is why John McCain was commended for calming down his supporters who booed when he first mentioned the name of his opponent Barack Obama in his concession speech, and managed to have them applaud for their opponent later in his speech.[7]
Hillary took her time before she conceded.

That's not a concession
1:00 mark:
"I believe he knows he's an ILLEGITIMATE president "

A “concession speech” is the speech a candidate delivers after the vote results are clear, when they publicly acknowledge that they’ve been defeated in an election.

Even the quote you yourself provide, "I believe he knows he's an ILLEGITIMATE president", it indicates he (Trump) holds the job as president.

The bigger issue is not that the Crybaby Loser refused to admit that he lost, but that he refused a peaceful transition of power.
For over 200 years, outgoing Presidents would meet with their successor to discuss important issues the new President needed to be aware of.
In Trumps case, he needed to transition the US withdrawal from Afghanistan as well as the roll out of the COVID vaccine.
Not only did the Crybaby Loser refuse to transition to Biden but he blocked his staff from doing the same.

Nahhhh. Leftism and TDS destroyed that tradition. Everything leftism touches is destroyed.
Even in contested elections, a sitting President peacefully transititioned to the incoming President

Beyond Trumps Jan 6 Insurrection, Trump refused to meet with the incoming President to discuss major issues like Afghanistan withdrawal and COVID Vaccine deployment

Why Trump was our worst President
There was no insurrection. Trump was correct in not meeting with criminal Biden. Biden is a puppet and those in the shadow government are destroying our country. Those are the reasons Trump will be elected in a landslide. Biden is failing old man and should be in a nursing home.
Keep telling yourself that

Grand Juries say those charges are very real

Grand Juries don't hear exculpatory evidence and the 'evidence' presented was faked by biased prosecutors funded by George Soros. In this current 'hush money' trial, there has been no evidence that any of Trump's business records or filings were false. Bragg's star witness (Michael Cohen) admitted he stole from the Trump Organization for his own benefit. He stole 30 grand by overstating a billing. In a former case, Cohen also said he alone paid Daniels and Trump had no knowledge because he (Cohen) took out a personal HELOC loan to pay Daniels. For God's sake do some reading instead of parroting Democrat-Marxist talking points. Beyond all that, paying hush money to an extortionist is not illegal anyway.

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