Sick Palestinian woman celebrating the murder of little kids


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
To understand their psychotic, depraved, disgusting mentally, watch how this Palestinian woman celebrates the murder of innocent kids, and how the Arab journalist makes her look like a celebrity. Sick sick sick!

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Yup, thats the **** that organized the Sbarro Pizzaria bombing.

You will only see Muslims talking like this.
Yup, thats the **** that organized the Sbarro Pizzaria bombing.

You will only see Muslims talking like this.
She claims that as the number of dead kids started rising, she became more and more elated. I consider those like her as diseased sub humans who need to be put to sleep.
She was released in the Shalit swap, I think.

If so, a very bad trade.

I would like to download this video to my computer, then freeze a couple of frames with her face and the interviewers face in them. Then I would Like to print them out on paper. Then I would use that paper for target practice.

It is a damn shame that there isn't a means for like minded Americans to be able to transport, possess and carry their handguns while visiting Israel. I sure as hell would like to help Israel even the farking odds!
Who was it that danced in the streets & passed out candy on 911?

And when they did it in the UK were threatened by the British people sick to their stomachs with the sights they saw. So the vile muslim communities demanded round the clock armed protection. Not individuals but the whole community wanted protection from the masses who would rebuke them for their show of callous disregard for the lives lost.
Yup, thats the **** that organized the Sbarro Pizzaria bombing.

You will only see Muslims talking like this.
She claims that as the number of dead kids started rising, she became more and more elated. I consider those like her as diseased sub humans who need to be put to sleep.
Assisted suicide. With an AK 47.

Ammonium Nitrate and sugar are the best bet, mix them together and they go boom. So pack then in tubes and leave them scattered all over gaza, paint them with bright colours and cartoons and leave the rest to nature
To understand their psychotic, depraved, disgusting mentally, watch how this Palestinian woman celebrates the murder of innocent kids, and how the Arab journalist makes her look like a celebrity. Sick sick sick!

"It" will be revered in the twisted, Death Cult ideology that defines the Pali mindset.

Let's just hope this woman is beyond any ability to breed flesh-bots.
Just a "minor" difference in culture between the Israelis and the Arabs. One celebrates life and achievement, while the other celebrates death and destruction.
Who was it that danced in the streets & passed out candy on 911?

men, women and children I witnessed it in Brooklyn, NY----where I was living at the time---Atlantic avenue--which is the arab section of town looked something like a new years
eve party-------From that street----one could clearly see the buildings burn and
then collapse------as people fell off the building (easily witnessed on TV)----and
splattered to the ground----and NY fireman were dying in rescue attempts-----
"allahuakbarr" and dancing celebrating muslims reminded me of the ethhings of
Durer (rememeber him?-----a really weird medieval artist---macabre stuff depicting hell
I got calls---
because people knew I was living close by the event------they were also dancing and
singing in Paterson, New Jersey, Jersey city, New Jersey and ramallah
I have never known Israel to celebrate life. No....
Not unless it is Jewish life.

And I have to admit when something like that happens the feeling of surreality gives way a feeling of .... ????
I have never known Israel to celebrate life. No....
Not unless it is Jewish life.

And I have to admit when something like that happens the feeling of surreality gives way a feeling of .... ????

Aenmity----you make an interesting statement regarding your own experiences---
YOU have never 'KNOWN Israel to celebrate life except for "jewish life"-' ----your
statement is very very non-specific-----do you have any experiences or examples
to support your statement. My impression of you based on your posts is that you
know nothing at all about Israel (or Judaism or Zionism or genetics) but you incessantly
make definitive comments on all four

how long have you had a sense of """sureality""""??? does it happen episodically?
I am now convinced that when Hostility posted "I want to be her when I grow up" - it was really posting about the *expletive deleted* female in the OP video.
Who was it that danced in the streets & passed out candy on 911?

men, women and children I witnessed it in Brooklyn, NY----where I was living at the time---Atlantic avenue--which is the arab section of town looked something like a new years
eve party-------From that street----one could clearly see the buildings burn and
then collapse------as people fell off the building (easily witnessed on TV)----and
splattered to the ground----and NY fireman were dying in rescue attempts-----
"allahuakbarr" and dancing celebrating muslims reminded me of the ethhings of
Durer (rememeber him?-----a really weird medieval artist---macabre stuff depicting hell
I got calls---
because people knew I was living close by the event------they were also dancing and
singing in Paterson, New Jersey, Jersey city, New Jersey and ramallah
There were Muslims celebrating right here in Paterson Nj, and Dearborn Michigan.
I have never known Israel to celebrate life. No....
Not unless it is Jewish life.

And I have to admit when something like that happens the feeling of surreality gives way a feeling of .... ????
Nah Israel celebrates life and in fact treats Palestinians in its hospitals. They are a compassionate people who rush to the scene of any global disaster to help save people.

Palestinians celebrate death, and this Palestinian witch is a good example of that mentality. They are always busy trying to figure out how to terrorize and kill people.
Who was it that danced in the streets & passed out candy on 911?

men, women and children I witnessed it in Brooklyn, NY----where I was living at the time---Atlantic avenue--which is the arab section of town looked something like a new years
eve party-------From that street----one could clearly see the buildings burn and
then collapse------as people fell off the building (easily witnessed on TV)----and
splattered to the ground----and NY fireman were dying in rescue attempts-----
"allahuakbarr" and dancing celebrating muslims reminded me of the ethhings of
Durer (rememeber him?-----a really weird medieval artist---macabre stuff depicting hell
I got calls---
because people knew I was living close by the event------they were also dancing and
singing in Paterson, New Jersey, Jersey city, New Jersey and ramallah
There were Muslims celebrating right here in Paterson Nj, and Dearborn Michigan.

oh ok I do not have contacts in Dearborn.

perhaps aenmity has some information regarding the 9-11-01 celebrations
I have never known Israel to celebrate life. No....
Not unless it is Jewish life.

And I have to admit when something like that happens the feeling of surreality gives way a feeling of .... ????

I’m thinking that maybe you have spent too much time embracing the retrograde moslem mindset.

The “celebration of life” can take take many paths, including the building of a prosperous livelihood for ones family and friends. It can mean the building and promotion of the arts, sciences and medicine, all of which Israel has contributred to.

On the other hand, living in furtherance of slogans such as “you love life, we love death”, speaks volumes about a mentality that favors a Death Cult.

All of the above provides a fitting context in which to consider the advent of modernity in the Middle East, and how it has contributed in its way to the Islamic extremism we now face. Make no mistake, Islamic retrogression far pre-dates the dawn of the modern age in the Arab World. In their attitude toward Israel, the Moslems of the Middle East are irrationally evil. That is, they desire to do great harm to Israel, and are willing to suffer even greater harm to themselves for the chance to do it. It is the mere fact of Israel’s existence that propels the Islamic world’s hate (self-hate) and quest for weapons of mass destruction. Hashemi Rafsanjani, former president of Iran, has openly stated that if Iran were to acquire a nuclear weapon, it would strike Israel with it—presumably without counting the cost.This is the kind of anti-Israeli transference pathology that plagues moslems.

Care for some “Celebration of Life”? Israel's multiple historic examples of return/withdrawl of land captured in war, the past and continued diplomacy founded in the belief of trading land for peace--all to achieve recognition. Just think - If the Arab peoples (or their leaders) had wished peaceful coexistence with the Jews with whom they had lived as neighbors in 1948, we would now also be celebrating 60 years of a Palestinian State.

Or maybe not.

The territory assigned to the Arab peoples in the UN Partition of 1947 more likely would have become part of Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt.

But in either case, there would have been mutual acceptance and opportunity for mutual growth and prosperity.

What energies and dedication could have been placed by the Arab peoples for betterment of their lives and those of their children if their focus had been on their own growth as modern nationstates and not on scapegoating hatred and bigotry toward Israel in specific and Jews in general?

Choices were made.

And we can only dream of what could have been if peaceful co-existence and respect for Jew and Arab had won out over the hate-mongers such as Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini:

"Arabs, arise as one man and fight for your sacred rights. Kill Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, history, and religion. This saves your honor. God is with you."

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