Jewish racists beat up Palestinian teenage girls in Israeli prisons


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
The racist narrative of Israel is being utterly shattered. Praise be to our Lord and savior Jesus, who warned us about these types of criminals in Israel. Now the narrative from Israel from their fanatical supporters go something like this.

“ the Muslims are bad they cover everything up. You can’t even see how they look. Their women are forced to live like slaves. They’re all terrorists.”

Yet you see the proof in the video below, you see this young teenage lady she’s not even covering her hair. She is dressed in a very attractive manner. She is clearly a wonderful person. This Palestinian girl was thrown in an Israeli prison simply because she posted a picture of a Palestinian flag on social media. She was tortured in prison. They threatened to kill her. These Jewish racists threatened to kill this woman with electricity and water.

I reach out to conservatives in America. What honorable man of dignity would not stand up for a woman in distress like we see above. ??? ☝Do you see the narrative my friends she’s not covering her hair. She is dressed like any woman in America is.

I stand tall for the Arab nation because I know the truth that Arab Christians support the Palestinian cause. I know the truth that so many Arab women are women of honor, intrigue dignity and they are exotic. They remind us perhaps of the American women of the 1950s. Like a Marilyn Monroe or something.

Are there good people in the Israeli army??? yes. But they are currently under one of the most Jewish supremacist governments in all of their history. They’re lying every day on social media about the types of people they arrest , the Israeli media propaganda machine lies every day about what types of people the Palestinians are.
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The racist narrative of Israel is being utterly shattered. Praise be to our Lord and savior Jesus, who warned us about these types of criminals in Israel. Now the narrative from Israel from their fanatical supporters go something like this.

“ the Muslims are bad they cover everything up. You can’t even see how they look. Their women are forced to live like slaves. They’re all terrorists.”

Yet you see the proof in the video below, you see this young teenage lady she’s not even covering her hair. She is dressed in a very attractive manner. She is clearly a wonderful person. This Palestinian girl was thrown in an Israeli prison simply because she posted a picture of a Palestinian flag on social media. She was tortured in prison. They threatened to kill her. These Jewish racists threatened to kill this woman with electricity and water.

I reach out to conservatives in America. What honorable man of dignity would not stand up for a woman in distress like we see above. ??? ☝Do you see the narrative my friends she’s not covering her hair. She is dressed like any woman in America is.

I stand tall for the Arab nation because I know the truth that Arab Christians support the Palestinian cause. I know the truth that so many Arab women are women of honor, intrigue dignity and they are exotic. They remind us perhaps of the American women of the 1950s. Like a Marilyn Monroe or something.

Are there good people in the Israeli army??? yes. But they are currently under one of the most Jewish supremacist governments in all of their history. They’re lying every day on social media about the types of people they arrest , the Israeli media propaganda machine lies every day about what types of people the Palestinians are.

While I agree with your sentiments on Israel, get real about the Arab Palestinians. There are less than a thousand Christians in Gaza. Muslims would happily slaughter every Christian if they had the chance, or at the very best stand by and do nothing while their radical counterparts do the killing.
While I agree with your sentiments on Israel, get real about the Arab Palestinians. There are less than a thousand Christians in Gaza. Muslims would happily slaughter every Christian if they had the chance, or at the very best stand by and do nothing while their radical counterparts do the killing.
Informative .
But take into account the fact that it could be a huge attraction for tourists visiting Gaza and its lovely beaches to see , "Christian Free Zone " signs .
Think how much more relaxing life would be without Cultists complaining all the time and wagging their accusing fingers and nasty tongues .
Look at the US if you have doubts and see their desperate need for Pest Control . Those Christians are so tiresome .
Informative .
But take into account the fact that it could be a huge attraction for tourists visiting Gaza and its lovely beaches to see , "Christian Free Zone " signs .
Think how much more relaxing life would be without Cultists complaining all the time and wagging their accusing fingers and nasty tongues .
Look at the US if you have doubts and see their desperate need for Pest Control . Those Christians are so tiresome .
Every Muslim country is a Christian Free zone, full of Islamic cultists who believe in a pedophile prophet and his false god. You are welcomed to move to one and see how much you like it.
The racist narrative of Israel is being utterly shattered. Praise be to our Lord and savior Jesus, who warned us about these types of criminals in Israel. Now the narrative from Israel from their fanatical supporters go something like this.

“ the Muslims are bad they cover everything up. You can’t even see how they look. Their women are forced to live like slaves. They’re all terrorists.”

Yet you see the proof in the video below, you see this young teenage lady she’s not even covering her hair. She is dressed in a very attractive manner. She is clearly a wonderful person. This Palestinian girl was thrown in an Israeli prison simply because she posted a picture of a Palestinian flag on social media. She was tortured in prison. They threatened to kill her. These Jewish racists threatened to kill this woman with electricity and water.

I reach out to conservatives in America. What honorable man of dignity would not stand up for a woman in distress like we see above. ??? ☝Do you see the narrative my friends she’s not covering her hair. She is dressed like any woman in America is.

I stand tall for the Arab nation because I know the truth that Arab Christians support the Palestinian cause. I know the truth that so many Arab women are women of honor, intrigue dignity and they are exotic. They remind us perhaps of the American women of the 1950s. Like a Marilyn Monroe or something.

Are there good people in the Israeli army??? yes. But they are currently under one of the most Jewish supremacist governments in all of their history. They’re lying every day on social media about the types of people they arrest , the Israeli media propaganda machine lies every day about what types of people the Palestinians are.

You list nothing to verify what the woman is claiming, so this is nothing but propaganda.
The racist narrative of Israel is being utterly shattered. Praise be to our Lord and savior Jesus, who warned us about these types of criminals in Israel. Now the narrative from Israel from their fanatical supporters go something like this.

“ the Muslims are bad they cover everything up. You can’t even see how they look. Their women are forced to live like slaves. They’re all terrorists.”

Yet you see the proof in the video below, you see this young teenage lady she’s not even covering her hair. She is dressed in a very attractive manner. She is clearly a wonderful person. This Palestinian girl was thrown in an Israeli prison simply because she posted a picture of a Palestinian flag on social media. She was tortured in prison. They threatened to kill her. These Jewish racists threatened to kill this woman with electricity and water.

I reach out to conservatives in America. What honorable man of dignity would not stand up for a woman in distress like we see above. ??? ☝Do you see the narrative my friends she’s not covering her hair. She is dressed like any woman in America is.

I stand tall for the Arab nation because I know the truth that Arab Christians support the Palestinian cause. I know the truth that so many Arab women are women of honor, intrigue dignity and they are exotic. They remind us perhaps of the American women of the 1950s. Like a Marilyn Monroe or something.

Are there good people in the Israeli army??? yes. But they are currently under one of the most Jewish supremacist governments in all of their history. They’re lying every day on social media about the types of people they arrest , the Israeli media propaganda machine lies every day about what types of people the Palestinians are.

Another Pallywood production.

In all honesty this is a muslim. I know lots of Muslims. I really love middle eastern and Indian food.

That said, it would not bother me if a cattle prod was shoved up her cooch and turned up to max.

This is Tashfeen Malik. She's a young mother. Her baby girl is 6 months old. Tashfeen is well liked at the San Bernardino office she works at. So well liked that her coworkers gave her a baby shower and bought everything a baby could possibly need.

On December 2, 2015 Tashfeen and her husband armed themselves and began randomly shooting the infidel coworkers that had just given them the baby shower. They killed 16 before the were shredded into hamburger by the police.

They had a right, a religious obligation to kill these people. They are infidels. Killing infidels is automatically going to paradise.

So, please, no sob stories about abused Muslims. The world is better off without them.
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The racist narrative of Israel is being utterly shattered. Praise be to our Lord and savior Jesus, who warned us about these types of criminals in Israel. Now the narrative from Israel from their fanatical supporters go something like this.

“ the Muslims are bad they cover everything up. You can’t even see how they look. Their women are forced to live like slaves. They’re all terrorists.”

Yet you see the proof in the video below, you see this young teenage lady she’s not even covering her hair. She is dressed in a very attractive manner. She is clearly a wonderful person. This Palestinian girl was thrown in an Israeli prison simply because she posted a picture of a Palestinian flag on social media. She was tortured in prison. They threatened to kill her. These Jewish racists threatened to kill this woman with electricity and water.

I reach out to conservatives in America. What honorable man of dignity would not stand up for a woman in distress like we see above. ??? ☝Do you see the narrative my friends she’s not covering her hair. She is dressed like any woman in America is.

I stand tall for the Arab nation because I know the truth that Arab Christians support the Palestinian cause. I know the truth that so many Arab women are women of honor, intrigue dignity and they are exotic. They remind us perhaps of the American women of the 1950s. Like a Marilyn Monroe or something.

Are there good people in the Israeli army??? yes. But they are currently under one of the most Jewish supremacist governments in all of their history. They’re lying every day on social media about the types of people they arrest , the Israeli media propaganda machine lies every day about what types of people the Palestinians are.

This rather demonstrates the populist Islamic chauvinism

to compensate for the image of the Arab man,

as the world's lowest creature.

Every Muslim country is a Christian Free zone, full of Islamic cultists who believe in a pedophile prophet and his false god. You are welcomed to move to one and see how much you like it.
Israel seems to be doing a good job of that in Gaza. They attacked both an Orthodox and a Catholic church.

This is Tashfeen Malik. She's a young mother.
Imagine how drunk you would have to be to schtupp that.

Beer goggles wouldn't do it... it would take a beer Hubble Telescope.

Now imagine she was impregnated by someone who religiously avoids alcohol.

I'm sorry, but there isn't enough Viagra and Barry White music in the world.
While I agree with your sentiments on Israel, get real about the Arab Palestinians. There are less than a thousand Christians in Gaza. Muslims would happily slaughter every Christian if they had the chance, or at the very best stand by and do nothing while their radical counterparts do the killing.
But those are the numbers that propagandists would have us believe. There are certainly many Christians in the West Bank fairly to your point more so in the West Bank compared to Gaza. But surely there’s way more Christians in Gaza. Just look at that Christian hospital that the Israeli bombed. Again it was a Christian hospital, doesn’t that tell you all you need to know.

What we really need is a return to Catholic Jerusalem. And it was aftermath of the first crusade that the first Catholic kingdom of Jerusalem was set up and it was a place of honor and dignity according to the historians. Where Jews Muslims and Catholics live in peace. As a Catholic of course I respect the Catholic history of the holy land. And I’m a astonished at what these few Christians in America, who called themselves Zionists have to say. How can they be a Christian and say what they say it doesn’t make any sense.

So I also believe in shattering the stereotypes of all sides whether it’s the stereotype or somebody says “well yeah Muslims of the 21st-century are bad but you know the crusaders were just as bad”. Those are two stereotypes where basically somebody says Muslims are like Al-Qaeda today and all Christians of the middle ages were like Al-Qaeda. They’re both wrong.

I simply go by the fax. Lebanon is over half Christian and there’s no way you could ever have a country that’s half Christian half Muslim and this idea that Muslims would kill everybody if they wanted to… Lebanon wouldn’t exist World would be in a constant state of warfare which it’s not.. ….Iraq under Saddam Hussein had a Christian vice president that simply would have never happened if it wasn’t for Arab nationalism and the idea of the “Arab nation” Coming together, which is really quite admirable and reminds us of American nationalism. Doesn’t matter what one’s religion skin color is it’s about working toward the same ideals of honor and integrity.

Hamas and the IDF are overwhelmingly the same, filled with religious supremacists. And it is quite obvious most likely that Israel is giving money to Hamas to all of this chaos, there’s no way October 7 happened without inside knowledge according to many conservatives in America. Sure there’s probably some honorable people in the IDF and Hamas but obviously both have problems. Much of the Palestine resistance of the 20th century was led by Christians.
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You list nothing to verify what the woman is claiming, so this is nothing but propaganda.
She’s more believable than the Jewish racist from Israel. And those Jews, who hate Christians. We saw one on television right on the camera in the other thread saying it’s within the rules of the Torah to kill Christians.

One of Israel security ministers has a portrait of a Jewish terrorist in his living room. It’s like the same thing as a Muslim having a portrait of Osama bin Laden in his living room. So that’s what we’re dealing with the Israel government .

They are not trustworthy.
The racist narrative of Israel is being utterly shattered. Praise be to our Lord and savior Jesus, who warned us about these types of criminals in Israel. Now the narrative from Israel from their fanatical supporters go something like this.

“ the Muslims are bad they cover everything up. You can’t even see how they look. Their women are forced to live like slaves. They’re all terrorists.”

Yet you see the proof in the video below, you see this young teenage lady she’s not even covering her hair. She is dressed in a very attractive manner. She is clearly a wonderful person. This Palestinian girl was thrown in an Israeli prison simply because she posted a picture of a Palestinian flag on social media. She was tortured in prison. They threatened to kill her. These Jewish racists threatened to kill this woman with electricity and water.

I reach out to conservatives in America. What honorable man of dignity would not stand up for a woman in distress like we see above. ??? ☝Do you see the narrative my friends she’s not covering her hair. She is dressed like any woman in America is.

I stand tall for the Arab nation because I know the truth that Arab Christians support the Palestinian cause. I know the truth that so many Arab women are women of honor, intrigue dignity and they are exotic. They remind us perhaps of the American women of the 1950s. Like a Marilyn Monroe or something.

Are there good people in the Israeli army??? yes. But they are currently under one of the most Jewish supremacist governments in all of their history. They’re lying every day on social media about the types of people they arrest , the Israeli media propaganda machine lies every day about what types of people the Palestinians are.

Hamas rapes and chops the heads off of women but you want me to feel sympathy for a Palestinian girl who "claims" she was mistreated? You need to check yourself, my friend! You're "standing tall" for Hamas? Hamas would be coming for you next once they were done with Israel! They just slaughtered over 1,500 people in the most gruesome ways possible but you think they're in need of support? What kind of idiot are you?
Every Muslim country is a Christian Free zone, full of Islamic cultists who believe in a pedophile prophet and his false god. You are welcomed to move to one and see how much you like it.
Mohammad was a pedophile (by our definition) but maybe you ought to check the stats on pedophilia today. Christians and Jews dominate the list BY FAR.

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