What restrictions infringe on the right to keep and bear arms?

As a gun owner myself I am under no illusion that the authors of our U.S. Constitution intended or envisioned a scenario involving guns playing out across the country like we see today.
If they had had any idea they either would not have included 2A in the document....or it would be full of caveats and exceptions.
Every dumb son of a bitch in the country, people who shouldn't be trusted to even operate basic kitchen appliances, many of whom I wouldn't trust to take my goddamned garbage out, having the same rights as me to own deadly firepower?
That is NOT what they intended.
393 million firearms floating around in society without a good handle on where exactly any of them are at any given time?
That wasn't the intent either.
600 mass shootings a year (an average of almost 2 a day) for the past 3 years?
Not what The Founders intended when they wrote The Second Amendment.
Which is why NONE of the shit going on today with respect to guns is even covered by the 2A.
This "right" to possess and carry firearms for personal protection didn't even exist prior to the 2008 D.C.vs. Heller case.
It's not like it's ACTUALLY "enshrined" in The COTUS.
That's just NRA post 2008 propaganda.
What it really is is SCOTUS fashion....a currend trend.

A "gun owner" ya sez? Ok Fudd. :laughing0301:

This is primarily for those who believe we need more restrictions on the exercise of the right to keep and bear arms.

Like it or, not the 2nd Amendment protects an individual right, unconnected with service in a militia, to possess all "bearable arms", and to use those arms for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.
Consequently, the 2nd Amendment protects that right from infringement by state and federal governments.

Similar to the 1st amendment’s “abridged”, the 2nd Amendment’s “shall not be infringed” lays down an exceptionally powerful protection for the right to keep and bear arms; it, necessarily and intentionally, takes a great many policy choices off the table.
Indeed, “shall not be infringed” does not allow for any means-end test such as strict or intermediate scrutiny, and it rejects any interest-balancing inquiry akin to intermediate scrutiny.

Thus, the questions:
What restriction(s) on the right to keep and bear arms do you consider an infringement?
What restriction(s) on the right to keep and bear arms do you believe violate the constitution?
Taking guns from crazy people without due process as an answer to both questions.
(Only allowing me to Purchase 1 Firearm per month Handgun Or Long Gun ) ( forcing me to do BGC to buy Ammo And only for Firearms registered to me ) ( making it illegal to loan a Weapon or give ammo to a friend ) ( Banning vast numbers of Firearms by Model or Manufacturer or Caliber or configuration )
We are now up to 80% of your posts bringing gay stuff into the mix when it isnt even about gay stuff. Let the readers interpret that however they like.

I'll bring gay faggot shit into any thread you post in because you're one of them and I hope it pisses you off, soyboy.

If you don't like gay shit, quit sucking Joe Biden's dick.
...shall not be infringed

The Founder knew what happened when loving, Progressives scumbags finally disarmed their Citizens and it was never anything good
I can take anything out of context like that as well you dumb shit head. Name one time you opened a Constitutional Law text book.
I'll bring gay faggot shit into any thread you post in because you're one of them and I hope it pisses you off, soyboy.

If you don't like gay shit, quit sucking Joe Biden's dick.
How long have you known that you are gay?
(Only allowing me to Purchase 1 Firearm per month Handgun Or Long Gun ) ( forcing me to do BGC to buy Ammo And only for Firearms registered to me ) ( making it illegal to loan a Weapon or give ammo to a friend ) ( Banning vast numbers of Firearms by Model or Manufacturer or Caliber or configuration )
Anyone doubt any of these ?

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