Zone1 School Indoctrinations

Damaged Eagle

Behind blue eyes
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 28, 2015
I have hours, only lonely

Since our politicians and educational institutions feel its important to educate our young children in such things as gender studies, social justice, critical race theory, and other such courses, then they should be turned into actual courses that the parents have the option to enroll their children into. However there should be other options made available that a parent who does not desire to have their children participate in those optional courses can choose for their young child. Therefore let's diversify the educational system and make things like military etiquette, seminary training, bible studies, and other such courses available as a parents option by bringing in military members, clergy, and other appropriate instructors.

This way the parents have options and we'll add to the diversification of the study program.


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Since our politicians and educational institutions feel its important to educate our young children in such things as gender studies, social justice, critical race theory, and other such courses, then they should be turned into actual courses that the parents have the option to enroll their children into. However there should be other options made available that a parent who does not desire to have their children participate in those optional courses can choose for their young child. Therefore let's diversify the educational system and make things like military etiquette, seminary training, bible studies, and other such courses available as a parents option by bringing in military members, clergy, and other appropriate instructors.

This way the parents have options and we'll add to the diversification of the study program.



Not a terrible idea but not gonna happen at the elementary school level where a single teacher instructs everyone in the same subject at the same time. At higher grades I'd say military, fine, religion, not fine. Will the school have to offer every religion if it offers any? Anyway, probably not enough time in the day.

I don't have kids in school so I'm out of touch but this seems like a solution in search of a problem.

I'm thinking all these optional courses should be the first course of the day that way if the parent chooses military etiquette they can have a military member teach their children the Pledge Of Allegiance and Flag etiquette, by having the child learn to raise the flag and how to fold it.

*****HAPPY SMILE*****

Not a terrible idea but not gonna happen at the elementary school level where a single teacher instructs everyone in the same subject at the same time. At higher grades I'd say military, fine, religion, not fine. Will the school have to offer every religion if it offers any? Anyway, probably not enough time in the day.

I don't have kids in school so I'm out of touch but this seems like a solution in search of a problem.


They don't offer every language and we can always lower the salaries of the teachers and school administrators so more instructors can be hired.


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I'm thinking all these optional courses should be the first course of the day that way if the parent chooses military etiquette they can have a military member teach their children the Pledge Of Allegiance and Flag etiquette, by having the child learn to raise the flag and how to fold it.

*****HAPPY SMILE*****


Is that just you make you feel good or will it help the child? So long as it is optional I'm OK with it but I'm not sure I approve of spending defense $ that way.
Is that just you make you feel good or will it help the child? So long as it is optional I'm OK with it but I'm not sure I approve of spending defense $ that way.


It seems to me that teaching gender studies, social justice, CRT, and such, are nothing more than a make you feel good thingee.


They don't offer every language and we can always lower the salaries of the teachers and school administrators so more instructors can be hired.
I'd prefer to see additional, real-world options. Instead of flag-folding, more ROTC. Instead of after school soccer maybe afterschool internships or apprentices. Give kids a real chance to explore careers and figure out what they want to do. Not every kid should go to college.
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Since our politicians and educational institutions feel its important to educate our young children in such things as gender studies, social justice, critical race theory, and other such courses, then they should be turned into actual courses that the parents have the option to enroll their children into. However there should be other options made available that a parent who does not desire to have their children participate in those optional courses can choose for their young child. Therefore let's diversify the educational system and make things like military etiquette, seminary training, bible studies, and other such courses available as a parents option by bringing in military members, clergy, and other appropriate instructors.

This way the parents have options and we'll add to the diversification of the study program.



I would be for gun safety classes.
No child needs to know how to fold a flag
Why not? It's better than being taught they don't know what gender they are. Respect for the American flag and our American legacy is of utmost importance because without freedom, homosexuals would be exterminated.
Teachers CANNOT survive on their pathetic salary as it is

Are you CRAZY?


I notice you didn't mention the school administrators and there's always food subsidies and housing assistance available for those who choose to pursue an educational career.

Time to break the public school union.


I'm skeptical as to how much of that really goes on. Is it optional like you propose? Maybe they should follow your idea and have LGBTQ teach optional classes?


Then let's put video and audio on line for the parents to watch whenever they choose.

We expect it of our police force.

If the teachers and school administrators are being professional there should be no problem.


I wish it were true that education included a broad spectrum of knowledge and tolerance. The OP is just the boogeyman scare tactics and assumptions of the far right in America today. What is missing today, especially in rural areas is a broad public education that a good educational system provides. Today there are lots of so called private and Christian schools modeled on the communist formula of you learn what we want you to know. Now follow and no thinking. This is bad for our country and especially for our democracy.

Our grand children go to excellent public schools in NJ, schools that still teach and not preach.
I wish it were true that education included a broad spectrum of knowledge and tolerance. The OP is just the boogeyman scare tactics and assumptions of the far right in America today. What is missing today, especially in rural areas is a broad public education that a good educational system provides. Today there are lots of so called private and Christian schools modeled on the communist formula of you learn what we want you to know. Now follow and no thinking. This is bad for our country and especially for our democracy.

Our grand children go to excellent public schools in NJ, schools that still teach and not preach.

So you support allowing children to display and express their faith and political beliefs freely in your public school systems even if its contrary to what you believe, even if it that cross around their neck, bible they're carrying, a t-shirt prominently displaying Old Glory, or a MAGA hat the child is wearing might offend some other students fragile sensibilities?

Or does your tolerance only apply to open displays of BLM t-shirts, Mexican flags, drag queen shows, and the like?


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I'm thinking all these optional courses should be the first course of the day that way if the parent chooses military etiquette they can have a military member teach their children the Pledge Of Allegiance and Flag etiquette, by having the child learn to raise the flag and how to fold it.

*****HAPPY SMILE*****


If the schools are really teaching what you posted, it is only fair for the curriculum to provide the history of fascism, autocracy, Kings and Queens, and the current leaders in Russia, China, and North Korea as well as their histories of rights for their population.

Slavery in America before the Constitution and way before which began in August of 1619.
View attachment 659116

Since our politicians and educational institutions feel its important to educate our young children in such things as gender studies, social justice, critical race theory, and other such courses, then they should be turned into actual courses that the parents have the option to enroll their children into. However there should be other options made available that a parent who does not desire to have their children participate in those optional courses can choose for their young child. Therefore let's diversify the educational system and make things like military etiquette, seminary training, bible studies, and other such courses available as a parents option by bringing in military members, clergy, and other appropriate instructors.

This way the parents have options and we'll add to the diversification of the study program.



Instead, let's just admit that government indoctrinating children is a bad idea and put a stop to it.

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