"Republicans have stood in the way of a solution to the chaos at the border"

It will increase.
Trump's was a failure. Obama in two terms returned three times what Trump returned.

If the Congress is blue, the Blue will throwout the filibuster on immigration.
Trump didn’t need to return them. He kept them out.

The Democrats are the ones who put the current filibuster system in place. The Republicans just maintained the same rules the Democrats imposed. The Democrats just cried when the rules they imposed were maintained and used against them.
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Trump should have been fought every step of the way. No compromise with a MAGAcritter like him. None.
Trump’s policy successes were astounding. I get why liberals disapproved. They didn’t like the ways he accomplished them. His foreign policy was outstanding.

The current conflicts overseas would not be happening had he been reelected.
From day one, and on every day since, the Democrats fought Trump. They always did the opposite, wanted the country to fail to show Trump up, and set a world record for nothingburger impeachments and investigations. And you have the balls to say the Republicans have stood in the way about something?

What powerful substance have you been smoking, or is it just a wind up thread on purpose?

From day one, and on every day since Trump looked to turn Americans on each other and shit all over what actually made America great.
No compromise with a MAGAcritter like Trump. None.
Trump didn’t need to return them. He kept them out.

The Democrats are the ones who put the current filibuster system in place. The Republicans just maintained the same rules the Democrats imposed. The Democrats just cried when the rules they imposed were maintained and used against them.
And the GOP will cry when they are changed. Name of politics.
Trump’s policy successes were astounding. I get why liberals disapproved. They didn’t like the ways he accomplished them. His foreign policy was outstanding.

The current conflicts overseas would not be happening had he been reelected.
The Democrat Regime is all about weakening America and maintaining their grip on power. That's why they fear Donald Trump so much. He is the one true threat to their power.
The Democrat Regime is all about weakening America and maintaining their grip on power. That's why they fear Donald Trump so much. He is the one true threat to their power.
They want to promote dependency on government then centralize more power at the federal level in order to maintain that dependency.

That said, Trump is not a small government guy.
From day one, and on every day since Trump looked to turn Americans on each other and shit all over what actually made America great.
That is a perfect description of what’s going on now. Biden is creating more divisions based on race, class and political ideology.

Democrats don’t want to govern. They want to rule. They don’t view us as citizens. They view us as subjects.
Turned Americans onto each other? Did you miss the Obama days? Talk about racial divide The only ones that turned onto fellow Americans under Trump were the Democrats.
Now you're blaming Obama for racists coming out of the woodwork and the closets?


Trump kept saying Obama was not a real American and that Obama was a secret Muslim, and had hundreds of political operatives help him fake his birth certificate.

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