Patriotic Americans will fly their flags upside down on Memorial Day Weekend

Slade3200 and IM2 say the election wasn't stolen.

There are polls where nearly 70% say the election was stolen.

The election wasn't stolen. I don't give a damn what a CNN poll says. The AG and the person in charge of elections in 2020 both stated that there was no stolen election.

Percentage of Republicans who think Biden’s 2020 win was illegitimate ticks back up near 70%

Thats what the CNN poll said.
Poster Lenny is advocating that on this hallowed day, the American day of remembrance of our military dead and wounded, that we dishonor our flag by flying it upside down.

Others here have signaled to the forum and to poster Lenny that they believe, and America believes, dishonoring our flag on this day is un-American.

Here's a sampler:
An upside down flag is also a distress symbol and has been for many many generations. The whole premise of the thread was the assumption MTG was flying the flag upside down for this Memorial Day which is not the case. As I pointed out that it was her way of protesting the Mar-a-lago raid two years ago. If you drag Justice Alito into this, his short period of an upside down flag had to do with a dispute with an immediate neighbor and was intended to represent nothing more than that.

All this is to say it is much ado about nothing. And I don't know what Poster Lenny is advocating.

My position is that it is disrespectful to drag politics into Memorial Day that is supposed to be a remembrance of all who risked and/or gave all in service to their country without respect for their political affiliation if any or any other demographic.
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MTG is right again. Show your neighbors your true feelings about our current government. Let's get that ball rolling as we head towards election day.

---Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene, one of Mr Trump’s biggest defenders in Congress, tweeted an upside down American flag. She also wrote in all-caps “DEFUND THE FBI!”.---

I used to be patriotic.

My coworker just passed away. Dx with cancer not two months ago, eaten up with it, now dead.

We all know it's the vaccines. No one is saying it YET but we all know. The US govt pushed this on us. And now they've got DJT on trial bc he hurts the elitists' feelings.

This nation had a proud founding. It's over now.

So my husband might put the flag out, or not. I no longer care.
She is the leader of the morons, and morons make up a significant number of voters, and we have seen how violent they can be, from their actions on January 6th,

And the biggest moron is Trump, who is more unhinged than MTG. He has to play Presidential but his statements are even beneath hers.
J6 is a joke and a very worn out excuse. Trump supporters are not violent, the Left is and I am sure this summer will prove it again.
MTG is right again. Show your neighbors your true feelings about our current government. Let's get that ball rolling as we head towards election day.

---Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene, one of Mr Trump’s biggest defenders in Congress, tweeted an upside down American flag. She also wrote in all-caps “DEFUND THE FBI!”.---

The United States is in danger from people like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Donald Trump. President Biden is a decent man who is doing the best he can during difficult times.
Poster Lenny is advocating that on this hallowed day, the American day of remembrance of our military dead and wounded, that we dishonor our flag by flying it upside down.

Others here have signaled to the forum and to poster Lenny that they believe, and America believes, dishonoring our flag on this day is un-American.

Here's a sampler:
You find my query unAmerican Chilli?

Let me clarify that for you. Our flag is a symbol of freedom, which was paid for by all those graves we see in Arlington cemetery

We honor our fallen on this day, but to truly do so would be to honor them every day, by upholding those freedoms

Do you see that happening in our Congress? In out state offices? In our court rooms ? In our schools?

Fact is, there's a thread every other day about how they're throwing our constitution under the bus on this site, as well as most others

Disrespecting our freedoms is disrespecting our fallen

That is the dif betwixt a patriot and a jingoist

And that is where your confusion lies....

And that is where your confusion lies....
........You find my query unAmerican Chilli? Let me clarify that for you.

Was seemingly unclear in my response (post #50).

My inclusion of your quote and picture was intended to convey that our military dead still have a say in what is a right and proper way to exhibit the flag so many of those folks died in battle while following.

To be clearer, your post (#32) was a deadsolidperfect illustration of why we must always respect our flag....most especially on Memorial Day.

You did good. There was no intention here to throw shade on your post.

An American who would fly our flag upside down merely to make whiny political messaging is deadsolidperfectly wrongheaded.

Your picture of our dead military was a right and proper response to those who think flying the flag wrongly is an American tradition.

Was seemingly unclear in my response (post #50).

My inclusion of your quote and picture was intended to convey that our military dead still have a say in what is a right and proper way to exhibit the flag so many of those folks died in battle while following.

To be clearer, your post (#32) was a deadsolidperfect illustration of why we must always respect our flag....most especially on Memorial Day.

You did good. There was no intention here to throw shade on your post.

An American who would fly our flag upside down merely to make whiny political messaging is deadsolidperfectly wrongheaded.

Your picture of our dead military was a right and proper response to those who think flying the flag wrongly is an American tradition.
Thank you , and i appreciate the sentiment Chilli

This whole thread's premise does remind me of the flag burning deal that's gone back/forth for some time now

I wish i could ring up the testimonies of the vets before congress


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