Something has got to be done about the police.

But more importantly than the OP........

Whenever Airbus is involved in a malfunction (even deadly)

The United Airlines' plane, which had its course plotted for Fort Myers, Florida, had one of its engines indicate a routine malfunction, which suggested it precautionary to make a landing back at its takeoff location of George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Texas.

Same Incident...but Boeing involved....
The United Airlines' Boeing plane, which had its course plotted for Fort Myers, Florida, had one of its engines explode into flames, which forced it to make an emergency landing back at its takeoff location of George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Texas. Casualties are not yet known.

The media is dead set on destroying everything you (as an American) know and have.
Yes, because something has got to be done about police. In this age and every other age, white cops have shot blacks because of race. Because whites can shoot at police and live. The left doesn't have a damn thing to do with what's on a motherfucking body cam. So just stop whining about what you percieve the left does. Police have lost their minds and people like you defending their punk asses is why. We need to get rid of qualified immunity and watch how police change whatt they do. When you know that you can beat and kill people withour facing consequences, we see shit like this. The stats show a problem. Try looking at them.

Hre is another example.

Jordan Woods did a 10-year study of police stops, and it is considered one of the most in-depth studies on this issue.

"To summarize, the findings do not support the dominant danger narrative surrounding routine traffic stops. Based on a conservative estimate, I found that the rate for a felonious killing of an officer during a routine traffic stop for a traffic violation was only 1 in every 6.5 million stops. The rate for an assault that results in serious injury to an officer was only 1 in every 361,111 stops. Finally, the rate for an assault (whether it results in officer injury or not) was only 1 in every 6,959 stops. Less conservative estimates suggest that these rates may be much lower. In addition, the vast majority (over 98%) of the evaluated cases in the study resulted in no or minor injuries to the officers. Further, only a very small percentage of cases (about 3%) involved violence against officers in which a gun or knife was used or found at the scene, and the overwhelming majority of those cases resulted in no or minor injuries to an officer. Less than 1% of the evaluated cases involved guns or knives and resulted in serious injury to or the felonious killing of an officer."

The actual threat level to police appears to be less than the authority to kill police are given. So based on this evidence alone police procedures on traffic stops need to either be updated or changed. Nobody sane wantste draconian type of bulshit yu people on the right want to see. And you only want to see it done to others. So f that.

We have just seen a situation in Florida where a black man was shot by police 6 times then after the cop did it, he told him to drop the gun. The gun was no tpointed atthe cop, and in Florida the law is constitutional carry, meaning he had the rightto have a gun in his hand. In addition to this, “Florida does not have a duty-to-inform law, meaning individuals with concealed carry permits are not required to inform law enforcement officers of their firearm during official interactions.”

Understanding Florida Gun Laws: A Comprehensive Guide 2024

So yeah, something needs to be done about the police. All police. The good ones won't complain about it.

In this age and every other age, white cops have shot blacks because of race

Show me instances of where cops said “I shot him because he is black”. You are looking at stories from different people all around the country in different circumstances.

Your line of thinking is why I say it’s not worth it. Every white on black police shooting is viewed as a racial bias issue. The more you do that, the more white cops have to hesitate, which puts them in danger. So I just say..don’t be a cop.

Or maybe we should just have only black people be cops? That way the shootings can’t be racially biased?

The left doesn't have a damn thing to do with what's on a motherfucking body cam

Yes, they do. Because they will always make it about race…just like you did here. There is no evidence that any of those shootings had anything to do with race, but leftist media, in their quest to target white people, and guns, will always turn it into a race issue.

Police have lost their minds and people like you defending their punk asses is why

I’m not defending them. I think crooked cops should be punished, but punished for the crimes they commit, not the crimes you THINK they commit.

We need to get rid of qualified immunity and watch how police change whatt they do

Qualified immunity doesn’t protect an officer if they clearly violated a persons rights. But go ahead and get rid of it and the problem I describe will only grow even more, because everyone who “feels” their rights were violated will be suing the police departments.

In the study..did they mention anything about race? My point isn’t about not holding bad cops accountable, it’s that even good cops could face the guillotine of leftist media for their actions, even if they are justified.

I once suggested, that to avoid this problem that police should only be allowed to patrol areas of their own demographic, but people didn’t like that idea, so now I say, just don’t be an officer. The job isn’t worth it if you have a 20+ year career of good service, only to have it all go down the drain because you shot a black person and the media blew it up and got you fired for it.
Perhaps they should try doing things efficiently. What a crazy idea.
Never happen. Everything must pass through a committee of basically inexperienced people. Most legislators have little experience doing any of the things they make laws about. They listen to 'experts', lobbyist, well-connected others, and of course big donors. They then decide if the issue is politically good for them. By the time a bill is passed there is so much pork attached to it that it looks like Voyager from the Star Trek movie.
The police have bought this on themselves. They are not above the law.
No.. it’s brought on by democrats. How many thousands of good arrests happen each day? But the left wants to focus on the handful of bad ones and make people think that is how all cops are
Never happen. Everything must pass through a committee of basically inexperienced people. Most legislators have little experience doing any of the things they make laws about. They listen to 'experts', lobbyist, well-connected others, and of course big donors. They then decide if the issue is politically good for them. By the time anything is done all those who needed help have died of old age.
That is truer than most Americans realize. The actual experts on topics are the Lobbyists.
Never happen. Everything must pass through a committee of basically inexperienced people. Most legislators have little experience doing any of the things they make laws about. They listen to 'experts', lobbyist, well-connected others, and of course big donors. They then decide if the issue is politically good for them. By the time anything is done all those who needed help have died of old age.
Yea, we're stuck doing things inefficiently.
That is truer than most Americans realize. The actual experts on topics are the Lobbyists.
The problem with outside counsel is that the notion of shared sacrifice is never considered when discussing these problems (although some sector of society is usually sacrificed in order to benefit another via any legislation).
There will always be people who want fat paychecks, gold-plated benefits, and early pensions while getting to strut around, terrorize people, and bust heads.
Which may be all you will have when libs treat the police like their enemy
The problem with outside counsel is that the notion of shared sacrifice is never considered when discussing these problems (although some sector of society is usually sacrificed in order to benefit another via any legislation).
What would you be like were you a lobbyist?
I'm glad we agree that the limited police training is inefficient and stupid.

I wouldn't go that far.
Police training (policing) is just part of the whole of law enforcement and criminal justice. Everything needs work together. The street cops' job isn't to be a psychologist. That's the job of ... psychologists.
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