sandy hook investigation by authorities "CLASSIFIED."


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
I was not aware of this.Reminds me of the JFK assassination were documents were CLASSIFIED by our government for over thirty years and still would have been if not for patriot Oliver Stone when he made his movie which is the only reason so many that were supressed for so many years then got declassified,most being blacked out of course.

seems like history repeats itself here.they are always CLASSIFIED in name of national security.:rolleyes-41:

I tell ya what, NOBODY is going to sit and watch a video to find out what the fuck your point is.

Either articulate it, or you don't have one.
I tell ya what, NOBODY is going to sit and watch a video to find out what the fuck your point is.

Either articulate it, or you don't have one.
dude what the hell is your problem? if you dont want to watch a short ten minute video and just whine about this thread,then dont come on.your a fucking hypocrite the fact you posted a video and expect someone to watch it when you wont do the same.

looks like my ignore list grows larger.
We just never know what to believe anymore. I thought I read it as a drill, but have read conflicting stuff about it.
We just never know what to believe anymore. I thought I read it as a drill, but have read conflicting stuff about it.

who is "we" ??? You have had no trouble believing all sorts of crap-----from the islamo Nazi literature and junk that arose out
of your own scrambled brain. Don't worry----there is a never ending and CONTINUING supply of islamo Nazi shit for
your consumption
We just never know what to believe anymore. I thought I read it as a drill, but have read conflicting stuff about it.

who is "we" ??? You have had no trouble believing all sorts of crap-----from the islamo Nazi literature and junk that arose out
of your own scrambled brain. Don't worry----there is a never ending and CONTINUING supply of islamo Nazi shit for
your consumption

All of us, except maybe you . You probably believe everything on TV news as gospel truth.
We just never know what to believe anymore. I thought I read it as a drill, but have read conflicting stuff about it.

who is "we" ??? You have had no trouble believing all sorts of crap-----from the islamo Nazi literature and junk that arose outof your own scrambled brain. Don't worry----there is a never ending and CONTINUING supply of islamo Nazi shit foryour consumption

All of us, except maybe you . You probably believe everything on TV news as gospel truth.

"You probably believe everything on TV news as gospel truth"" <<< yet another blob of crap exuded from the
scrambled 'brain' of penelope
I was not aware of this.Reminds me of the JFK assassination were documents were CLASSIFIED by our government for over thirty years and still would have been if not for patriot Oliver Stone when he made his movie which is the only reason so many that were supressed for so many years then got declassified,most being blacked out of course.

seems like history repeats itself here.they are always CLASSIFIED in name of national security.:rolleyes-41:

Yet another example of how corrupt government is. Yet millions of Americans put their faith in government.
I tell ya what, NOBODY is going to sit and watch a video to find out what the fuck your point is.

Either articulate it, or you don't have one.
dude what the hell is your problem? if you dont want to watch a short ten minute video and just whine about this thread,then dont come on.your a fucking hypocrite the fact you posted a video and expect someone to watch it when you wont do the same.

looks like my ignore list grows larger.

On the one hand, I have to agree with Pogo, you SHOULD succintly state what your point is, especially for users who come to this site for entertainment via their smartphones. A lot of users are not able to, or don't have time to interact with long video or long articles. If you plainly state what your contention is, that should be good enough. If it is then back up with media, which clearly and logically supports your position, that's just icing on the cake.

I watched your video, and I thought the maker of it was on drugs quite frankly. He rambled and did not have any coherent organization to his presentation. I really did not see what the main thrust of his point was.

Was he trying to tell us that Sandy Hooke was a conspiracy? Is it a conspiracy based on the fact that federal agencies got involved? Man, that's pretty weak sauce. Federal agencies get involved in tragedies all the time.

Is he trying to prove it is a conspiracy because they classified information about a simple criminal event? Well, now that I might believe. In fact, I'm completely down with it. Whenever bureaucracies of a free society use secrecy, that is your first clue something nefarious is going on.

However, he doesn't ever explicitly state, or give us the particulars of WHAT is classified. I would like links to documentation that cannot be obtained by FOIA. I remember the controversy of the 911 calls, and quite frankly, that was a good enough smoking gun for me. How about you? It took some time to get those released, and when I listened to those, in none of those, did I hear the panic of people who where in a building with a rampaging shooter. I remember listening to one call from a lady who had been shot in the foot? OMG, the tone of voice, and the tone of voice of the operator was so matter of fact, it was, well, unreal. It was as thought they were, well, running a. . . drill? lol

All of the calls sounded like part of a drill. Seriously. It is no wonder they were forced to be released because of a FOIA. I don't hear any screaming and no panic on any of those calls. It is surreal, and unbelievable. Only an idiot would believe these are real. I listened to them all.

Judge orders police to release tapes of 911 calls from Sandy Hook Elementary
Judge orders police to release tapes of 911 calls from Sandy Hook Elementary The CT Mirror

(Ignore the propaganda of this news piece, go straight to the bottom and listen to these calls. There is no graphic content in the audio tapes, it is all bluster, there is nothing to hear here. The whole article is fluff and an unsubstantiated fairy tale. It is nothing but one more opportunity to spin a yarn that has no physical evidence.)
WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT: Audio tapes of 911 calls made from Sandy Hook school as Adam Lanza went on gun rampage killing 20 children and six adults
Seven calls were placed to 911 from inside the elementary school where 20-year-old Adam Lanza killed 20 first-graders, six staff members and then himself on Dec. 14.
WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT Audio tapes of 911 calls made from Sandy Hook released - NY Daily News

Of course, like the OBL controversy, this whole thing could go away with some autopsy reports. Nope, nothing. No coroner reports, zilch, nada.
for the record---I do not agree that "if information is rendered
'classfied'----then BE SUPICIOUS" There are many reasons
to render information classified----in fact you medical charts are----also PROTECTED-----good thing, too. I would be happy to discuss REASONS
Sandy Hook was an Obama False Flag operation

coming from USMB's resident troll who cannot accept facts Reagan ran the most corrupt administration ever at the time,you are hurting the case being made that this was a false flag operation.your help is not requested here.troll some other thread.please remove your agree click,you hurt the cause with your asinine worshipping and ramblings of reagan being a great president.
Hey I heard the Ferguson riots were fake. They never happened. Michael Brown has been spotted all over the country.
go join crusader retard and troll somewhere else.go join him in his worshipping of bastard Reagan.
I consider classification of such information of a crime of this order to make the investigation of the crime suspicious. There is no good reason to classify such information other than to protect poor investigation or people implicated with culpability in the investigation.

We need to politically force government to be more open in all areas that are reasonable. We need to conduct a lawful and peaceful revolution for many, many reasons.

CDZ - A Lawful And Peaceful Revolution US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I consider classification of such information of a crime of this order to make the investigation of the crime suspicious. There is no good reason to classify such information other than to protect poor investigation or people implicated with culpability in the investigation.

We need to politically force government to be more open in all areas that are reasonable. We need to conduct a lawful and peaceful revolution for many, many reasons.

CDZ - A Lawful And Peaceful Revolution US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
exactly.well said.thank you.:thup: best post on this thread bar none.
I tell ya what, NOBODY is going to sit and watch a video to find out what the fuck your point is.

Either articulate it, or you don't have one.
dude what the hell is your problem? if you dont want to watch a short ten minute video and just whine about this thread,then dont come on.your a fucking hypocrite the fact you posted a video and expect someone to watch it when you wont do the same.

looks like my ignore list grows larger.

On the one hand, I have to agree with Pogo, you SHOULD succintly state what your point is, especially for users who come to this site for entertainment via their smartphones. A lot of users are not able to, or don't have time to interact with long video or long articles. If you plainly state what your contention is, that should be good enough. If it is then back up with media, which clearly and logically supports your position, that's just icing on the cake.

I watched your video, and I thought the maker of it was on drugs quite frankly. He rambled and did not have any coherent organization to his presentation. I really did not see what the main thrust of his point was.

Was he trying to tell us that Sandy Hooke was a conspiracy? Is it a conspiracy based on the fact that federal agencies got involved? Man, that's pretty weak sauce. Federal agencies get involved in tragedies all the time.

Is he trying to prove it is a conspiracy because they classified information about a simple criminal event? Well, now that I might believe. In fact, I'm completely down with it. Whenever bureaucracies of a free society use secrecy, that is your first clue something nefarious is going on.

However, he doesn't ever explicitly state, or give us the particulars of WHAT is classified. I would like links to documentation that cannot be obtained by FOIA. I remember the controversy of the 911 calls, and quite frankly, that was a good enough smoking gun for me. How about you? It took some time to get those released, and when I listened to those, in none of those, did I hear the panic of people who where in a building with a rampaging shooter. I remember listening to one call from a lady who had been shot in the foot? OMG, the tone of voice, and the tone of voice of the operator was so matter of fact, it was, well, unreal. It was as thought they were, well, running a. . . drill? lol

All of the calls sounded like part of a drill. Seriously. It is no wonder they were forced to be released because of a FOIA. I don't hear any screaming and no panic on any of those calls. It is surreal, and unbelievable. Only an idiot would believe these are real. I listened to them all.

Judge orders police to release tapes of 911 calls from Sandy Hook Elementary
Judge orders police to release tapes of 911 calls from Sandy Hook Elementary The CT Mirror

(Ignore the propaganda of this news piece, go straight to the bottom and listen to these calls. There is no graphic content in the audio tapes, it is all bluster, there is nothing to hear here. The whole article is fluff and an unsubstantiated fairy tale. It is nothing but one more opportunity to spin a yarn that has no physical evidence.)
WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT: Audio tapes of 911 calls made from Sandy Hook school as Adam Lanza went on gun rampage killing 20 children and six adults
Seven calls were placed to 911 from inside the elementary school where 20-year-old Adam Lanza killed 20 first-graders, six staff members and then himself on Dec. 14.
WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT Audio tapes of 911 calls made from Sandy Hook released - NY Daily News

Of course, like the OBL controversy, this whole thing could go away with some autopsy reports. Nope, nothing. No coroner reports, zilch, nada.
see what I found very interesting about it is just like the guy was talking about in the video,the LAMESTREAM media as you hear in the video mentioned that the FBI was there but not ONE SINGLE WORD about homeland security being there as well which is very fishy.If they are there "and there is no way they could not have known." then they should have mentioned they were there as well agreed?

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