“Classified “ documents connected to President Trump and President Biden brought to us by rogue players attempting to divide the American people?

I accept that mistakes happen... Both men ended up with classified documents...

Biden's Team noticed the error and immediately handed them back.

Trump, claimed they were his and he was keeping them. Then after a year of fighting gave some back and lied that he gave all back. He was then caught moving the documents around his property.

Trump could have behaved in a responsible manner with very sensitive material, he didn't...
Biden STOLE the documents!

Trump broke no laws by bringing home documents to Mar-a-Lago after the 2020 election. Trump was president and he had the right to take with him whatever he wanted, whether classified or not. This is a President’s privilege.

The former Vice President Joe Biden did not have these same privileges as Vice President as President’s do. Vice Presidents, like anyone else, cannot take government records. They can’t take Vice Presidential records when they leave office and they certainly can’t take classified records.

The President can take Presidential records when he leaves office, whether they’re classified or not. No one else can and so that’s the issue.

Vice President Joe Biden absolutely stole government records. He absolutely stole classified records when he left office by the mere fact that they are in his possession. He moved them at least once when he left office, on January 20, 2017. He moved them again when he moved into the Biden Penn Office at 101 Constitution Avenue in February of 2018.


This story about old Joe with classified docs is suspicious. Since when does the MSM report negative stories on Joe? They actively covered up Hunter’s laptop and are currently covering up the Twitter Files. Something is amiss.
You missed a few other conspiracy theories there....

Gipper, ever think there might be just a load of bullshit sold to you...

Can you explain when experts had a look at the copy of the hard drive that they found the email message ids out of sync, missing.... The hard drive was clearly compromised:
"One of the analysts characterized the data as a "disaster" from a forensics standpoint. The analysts found that people other than Hunter Biden had repeatedly accessed and copied data for nearly three years; they also found evidence that people other than Biden had accessed and written files to the drive, both before and after the New York Post story."
In September 2020, someone created six new folders on the drive, including with the names "Biden Burisma," "Big Guy File," "Salacious Pics Package" and "Hunter. Burisma Documents." One of the analysts found evidence someone may have accessed the drive contents from a West Coast location days after The New York Post published their stories about the laptop

Explain to me how would stuff be added to this hard drive after the story broke?
If the evidence stands on its own why would you corrupt it? Think about that.

What I am saying is, the evidence we are seeing would in no way be admissible in a court of law.. The evidence was clearly tampered with..
Biden STOLE the documents!

Trump broke no laws by bringing home documents to Mar-a-Lago after the 2020 election. Trump was president and he had the right to take with him whatever he wanted, whether classified or not. This is a President’s privilege.

The former Vice President Joe Biden did not have these same privileges as Vice President as President’s do. Vice Presidents, like anyone else, cannot take government records. They can’t take Vice Presidential records when they leave office and they certainly can’t take classified records.

The President can take Presidential records when he leaves office, whether they’re classified or not. No one else can and so that’s the issue.

Vice President Joe Biden absolutely stole government records. He absolutely stole classified records when he left office by the mere fact that they are in his possession. He moved them at least once when he left office, on January 20, 2017. He moved them again when he moved into the Biden Penn Office at 101 Constitution Avenue in February of 2018.


Gateway Pundit....

I thought they said Biden was meant to be dead by now...

To steal you would have to show intention...

Please post the proof of intention...

Here is the proof of Trump intention to steal:

Let's be clear, if I say something belonging to you belongs to me and take it, that is stealing...
Gateway Pundit....

I thought they said Biden was meant to be dead by now...

To steal you would have to show intention...

Please post the proof of intention...

Here is the proof of Trump intention to steal:

Let's be clear, if I say something belonging to you belongs to me and take it, that is stealing...
Gateway Pundit is providing a link to it's source, you stupid ignorant idiot.
Biden STOLE the documents!

Trump broke no laws by bringing home documents to Mar-a-Lago after the 2020 election. Trump was president and he had the right to take with him whatever he wanted, whether classified or not. This is a President’s privilege.

The former Vice President Joe Biden did not have these same privileges as Vice President as President’s do. Vice Presidents, like anyone else, cannot take government records. They can’t take Vice Presidential records when they leave office and they certainly can’t take classified records.

The President can take Presidential records when he leaves office, whether they’re classified or not. No one else can and so that’s the issue.

Vice President Joe Biden absolutely stole government records. He absolutely stole classified records when he left office by the mere fact that they are in his possession. He moved them at least once when he left office, on January 20, 2017. He moved them again when he moved into the Biden Penn Office at 101 Constitution Avenue in February of 2018.


Trump was no longer president. He lost the election by a landslide.
Biden STOLE the documents!

Trump broke no laws by bringing home documents to Mar-a-Lago after the 2020 election. Trump was president and he had the right to take with him whatever he wanted, whether classified or not. This is a President’s privilege.

The former Vice President Joe Biden did not have these same privileges as Vice President as President’s do. Vice Presidents, like anyone else, cannot take government records. They can’t take Vice Presidential records when they leave office and they certainly can’t take classified records.

The President can take Presidential records when he leaves office, whether they’re classified or not. No one else can and so that’s the issue.

Vice President Joe Biden absolutely stole government records. He absolutely stole classified records when he left office by the mere fact that they are in his possession. He moved them at least once when he left office, on January 20, 2017. He moved them again when he moved into the Biden Penn Office at 101 Constitution Avenue in February of 2018.


Lol 🤣 Gateway Pundit.
Gateway Pundit is providing a link to it's source, you stupid ignorant idiot.
Go get the source...

Gateway Pundit is for idiots... I have explained time and time again... People should be ashamed to admit to reading such crap...

I understand that conservatives feel the need to go for a wank every now and again and read it to get them off... But it not reality...

These Headlines from them are completely fabricated

FBI Knowingly Ignored Massive Evidence of Democrat Party Ballot Trafficking Operations in Every Major Battleground State — NOW They Dare Tweet on Election Integrity

BREAKING: Corrupt and Unconstitutional Jan 6 Committee Releases Text Messages Showing Hannity Encouraging McEnany “No More Stolen Election Talk”

Deep State General H.R. McMaster on 60 Minutes Shows He’s Still Part of the Rolling Coup


So the next time you use them, know that we think you were in the middle of wanking


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I accept that mistakes happen... Both men ended up with classified documents...

Biden's Team noticed the error and immediately handed them back.

Trump, claimed they were his and he was keeping them. Then after a year of fighting gave some back and lied that he gave all back. He was then caught moving the documents around his property.

Trump could have behaved in a responsible manner with very sensitive material, he didn't...
It Seems that we’re not at the end of the investigations. I’m going to give both men the benefit of the doubt.

to have back to back presidents facing the similar accusations is not good for the image of America. This would be my main concern.
Of course it should be

But it's the last thing they're going to want us to focus on

And so we've these government sponsored diversions , notice how the FBI always seems to be involved?

Right with the inflation where is that. I think the issue possibly could be rogue officials within the FBI or something else. In general I have confidence in American institutions including the US military. I greatly respect the history of American institutions but they’re always open to corruption just like any institution.
Is there some kind of a thing going on to ensure sure that President Biden and President Trump can’t run effective presidential campaigns in 2024? Is that what this is all about?

Is it just me.? This is too much this is two sitting presidents in a row going through controversy associated with classified documents
Are you sure it has been just Biden and Trump? Maybe, all other Presidents and Vice Presidents had classified documents and before Trump it is no big deal?
Right with the inflation where is that. I think the issue possibly could be rogue officials within the FBI or something else. In general I have confidence in American institutions including the US military. I greatly respect the history of American institutions but they’re always open to corruption just like any institution.
Our bureaucratic oversight ,be it enforcement or legislative, has a very dark history of being caught w/hand in cookie jar Frank

And all our political leaders do is run interference for them


It Seems that we’re not at the end of the investigations. I’m going to give both men the benefit of the doubt.

to have back to back presidents facing the similar accusations is not good for the image of America. This would be my main concern.

Trump's problem with classified documents is a slam dunk. He refused to return them.
Trump's problem with classified documents is a slam dunk. He refused to return them.
Was either supposed to have them? If not, they are both slam dunks, Biden held on to them for six years, the right thing to do was for him to turn them over, but he didn’t, for six years. Both are wrong and both are terrible Presidents and I can’t wait to be rid of dumb and dumber.
Was either supposed to have them? If not, they are both slam dunks, Biden held on to them for six years, the right thing to do was for him to turn them over, but he didn’t, for six years. Both are wrong and both are terrible Presidents and I can’t wait to be rid of dumb and dumber.

For Biden it was oversight not deliberate.
For Biden it was oversight not deliberate.
You are positive? Then they found more? Six years after he left office? Why were they there in the first place? Who would take classified documents and not remember that they took them? I guess dementia might explain it. Does he have dementia?
It Seems that we’re not at the end of the investigations. I’m going to give both men the benefit of the doubt.

to have back to back presidents facing the similar accusations is not good for the image of America. This would be my main concern.

Investigate both, they are not really related in that Trump said he owned the documents while Biden said he didn't and it was a mistake...

So look at them independently..
I thought the documents were classified.

Indeed! Constitutionally presidents have the authority to classify or declassify documents as they deem fit. Vice Presidents do NOT have that authority whatsoever..
Technically the classified documents in the possession of Joe Biden were stolen from the White House in January 20, 2017. That cannot be said for the documentation removed by President Trump on January 20, 2021.

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