Please don't let others intimidate you to destroy your life or the life of your moved ones


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
PS. A recent research study has shown that people who are vaccinated are 6 times more likely to spread the flu then those who never had the flu vaccine.

Shared by Daniel Mielke

I was asked to re-post this so it can be shared with others.

PLEASE DON'T LET OTHERS INTIMIDATE YOU TO DESTROY YOUR LIFE OR THE LIFE OF YOUR LOVED ONES! Just maybe something good can come out of what happened to me.
I was asked to share my story again, so here goes.
I am an organic farmer who had not been to doctors for many years. Have not had the flu for MANY years. But my wife has severe RA and is on humera to suppress her immune system. I was intimidated to get the flu shot because they told me I could kill my wife if I got the flu and gave it to her. About two weeks after my third shot in 2015, (had two shots prior to that in 2013 and 2014 with fatigue issues from the 2013 shot) I had a severe reaction to the third vaccine which came from a multiple dose container
. It started with EXTREME head pain starting where my spine goes into the skull. I lost my eyesight, my hearing, and had difficulty walking due to pain and numbness in my lower legs and lower arms and hands. I had to have surgery to do a biopsy on my arteries as they thought that my immune system was destroying my arteries. they had to do the surgery while I was awake because they did not dare put me asleep. 200 to 300 times a day I would get hits of pains all over my body. Felt like knife stabbings, bugs crawling, bee stings, spasms, etc. The 6 months I was on prednisone caused cataracts and glaucoma which required laser surgery to relieve the pressure in my eyes. The SEVERE reactive arthritis I had from the flu shot has permanently damaged my immune system and I am now diagnosed with Undifferentiated spondylitis. I now have emotional issues and cognitive problems when my symptoms flair up. I will be on Immune suppressant drugs for the rest of my life. And NOW my disabled wife has had to take care of ME. I am now on the maximum dose of methotrexate and if that doesn't help I will be going on the same Humera that my wife is on.
As a foot note. I now have bad reactions to many of the meds they have tried on me. And just recently I had to see my Rhuematoligist and needed to get a blood test. YEP, my auto-immune disease, I got from that shot, caused me to react to the blood draw. In less then 15 minutes after the draw was done my face began to break out! (See pictures)
So PLEASE realize that the shot can be far worse then catching the flu. Now I am told that IF I get the flu, it might KILL ME!
PS. A recent research study has shown that people who are vaccinated are 6 times more likely to spread the flu then those who never had the flu vaccine.
In June I fell and broke my leg, meaning more test to see if my condition is progressing and doing damage to my bones. (never had a broken bone till now)

#WeDid #LearnTheRisk #KnowTheRisk #FluShot

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When you keep getting warned but won't listen, when you get bullied via the Hitler Medical society you can be forced to take a shot having no clue this bs can happen to you too .......

Wait until your kids start flopping over from this stuff . lol
PS. A recent research study has shown that people who are vaccinated are 6 times more likely to spread the flu then those who never had the flu vaccine.

Shared by Daniel Mielke

I was asked to re-post this so it can be shared with others.

PLEASE DON'T LET OTHERS INTIMIDATE YOU TO DESTROY YOUR LIFE OR THE LIFE OF YOUR LOVED ONES! Just maybe something good can come out of what happened to me.
I was asked to share my story again, so here goes.
I am an organic farmer who had not been to doctors for many years. Have not had the flu for MANY years. But my wife has severe RA and is on humera to suppress her immune system. I was intimidated to get the flu shot because they told me I could kill my wife if I got the flu and gave it to her. About two weeks after my third shot in 2015, (had two shots prior to that in 2013 and 2014 with fatigue issues from the 2013 shot) I had a severe reaction to the third vaccine which came from a multiple dose container
. It started with EXTREME head pain starting where my spine goes into the skull. I lost my eyesight, my hearing, and had difficulty walking due to pain and numbness in my lower legs and lower arms and hands. I had to have surgery to do a biopsy on my arteries as they thought that my immune system was destroying my arteries. they had to do the surgery while I was awake because they did not dare put me asleep. 200 to 300 times a day I would get hits of pains all over my body. Felt like knife stabbings, bugs crawling, bee stings, spasms, etc. The 6 months I was on prednisone caused cataracts and glaucoma which required laser surgery to relieve the pressure in my eyes. The SEVERE reactive arthritis I had from the flu shot has permanently damaged my immune system and I am now diagnosed with Undifferentiated spondylitis. I now have emotional issues and cognitive problems when my symptoms flair up. I will be on Immune suppressant drugs for the rest of my life. And NOW my disabled wife has had to take care of ME. I am now on the maximum dose of methotrexate and if that doesn't help I will be going on the same Humera that my wife is on.
As a foot note. I now have bad reactions to many of the meds they have tried on me. And just recently I had to see my Rhuematoligist and needed to get a blood test. YEP, my auto-immune disease, I got from that shot, caused me to react to the blood draw. In less then 15 minutes after the draw was done my face began to break out! (See pictures)
So PLEASE realize that the shot can be far worse then catching the flu. Now I am told that IF I get the flu, it might KILL ME!
PS. A recent research study has shown that people who are vaccinated are 6 times more likely to spread the flu then those who never had the flu vaccine.
In June I fell and broke my leg, meaning more test to see if my condition is progressing and doing damage to my bones. (never had a broken bone till now)

#WeDid #LearnTheRisk #KnowTheRisk #FluShot

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When you keep getting warned but won't listen, when you get bullied via the Hitler Medical society you can be forced to take a shot having no clue this bs can happen to you too .......

Wait until your kids start flopping over from this stuff . lol
This person is insane. Next story.
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