Zone1 Why is there fear of Black people?

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Maybe, but then gangsters and outlaws have always been glorified, particular by those who tend to feel marginalized. Look at the 30’s. Look at attraction of gangs.
True, but the glorified gangsters of the depression era didn't target ordinary citizens, they targeted other criminals or banks, which most American blamed for the depression. Gangsters often went to great lengths to protect ordinary people and kept street crime down in the areas they controlled. It was bad for business as they said. Modern street gangs of any race don't have the same focus, they will kill or maim anyone that gets in their way or is even around one of their targets. If modern street gangs did things like the Valentine's Day Massacre, their public images wouldn't be as bad. Of course, modern gangs couldn't have operated in those days since extra-judicial punishment by cops was fairly common and criminals actually feared the cops. Cop killers rarely survived capture or were "killed trying to escape".
Not in modern warfare. Strength and testosterone only matter if you are fighting with edged weapons or rocks. My experience was using firearms and explosives. A ninety-pound five foot nothing woman is fully the equal a six foot six three-hundred-pound man in modern warfare. Either can pull a trigger as well as the other.

I'm over seventy years old and I guarantee you that I am far deadlier with firearms than any gangbanger you care to name. If for no other reason, that I hit what I aim at. In fifty plus years of shooting, I have never seen a gang member at a rifle or pistol range.
Strength and testosterone matter in hand to hand combat. But, of course, cowards don't like hand to hand combat. :206:
People often tend to think people, grouped by race, are homogenous in culture but they aren’t. The term “Native American“ encompasses a lot diverse, very different peoples. I think that also applies to when people talk about “Black culture” as if it is uniform. There are elements in common but distinct regional differences.
I agree. I believe most black people are as appalled by the "black culture" reflected in the media and music as the people of the other races.
True, but the glorified gangsters of the depression era didn't target ordinary citizens, they targeted other criminals or banks, which most American blamed for the depression. Gangsters often went to great lengths to protect ordinary people and kept street crime down in the areas they controlled. It was bad for business as they said. Modern street gangs of any race don't have the same focus, they will kill or maim anyone that gets in their way or is even around one of their targets. If modern street gangs did things like the Valentine's Day Massacre, their public images wouldn't be as bad. Of course, modern gangs couldn't have operated in those days since extra-judicial punishment by cops was fairly common and criminals actually feared the cops. Cop killers rarely survived capture or were "killed trying to escape".
I would disagree with some of that.

Gangsters had few qualms in shooting people if they happened to witness something or were simply in the way. Drive by shootings originated with them. Crime was kept down because they extorted local shop owners and business people to pay for protection. If they didn’t…Oh well. Cops could be bought.

They seem more “sophisticated” because we’ve romanticized them over the years but they weren’t really that different from the jewelry wearing, gold teeth flashing, snappy dressing gangsters today and they were just as deadly. Most came from the ranks of local hoodlums

It was known as the lawless decade for good reason.
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I would disagree with some of that.

Gangsters had few qualms in shooting people if they happened to witness something or were simply in the way. Drive by shootings originated with them. Crime was kept down because they extorted local shop owners and business people to pay for protection. If they didn’t…Oh well. Cops could be bought.

They seem more “sophisticated” because we’ve romanticized them over the years but they weren’t really that different from the jewelry wearing, gold teeth flashing, snappy dressing gangsters today and they were just as deadly. Most came from the ranks of local hoodlums

It was known as the lawless decade for good reason.
Well said Coyote. It seems that the excuses never stop.
Well said Coyote. It seems that the excuses never stop.
I will say the problem with gangster culture is the same both yesterday and today. It is the allure it has for people who are marginalized, feel disrespected, or poor and see it a quick way to get respect and wealth. They see these people who clearly have and flaunt it along with all the trappings: gold jewelry, teeth, expensive cars, flashy women. There are many who survived the violence and regret getting caught in it.
Lisa would be wise to look at sentencing by race so she can understand that it is not just the so called thug,(meaning black person)being released early that ns the problem. It is the white criminal who gets probation who goes out and commits crimes that is part of the problem.
Thug doesn’t mean black person. Thug is any criminal out of control and throwing his weight around.
I will say the problem with gangster culture is the same both yesterday and today. It is the allure it has for people who are marginalized, feel disrespected, or poor and see it a quick way to get respect and wealth. They see these people who clearly have and flaunt it along with all the trappings: gold jewelry, teeth, expensive cars, flashy women. There are many who survived the violence and regret getting caught in it.
This is true, but my problem is with those who think that blacks are the only ones celebrating crime when that's not true either in the past or now. Blacks do not control the shipment of drugs into this country. Whites do. No one black owns the gun/weapon making factories. Blacks didn't organize crime and basically make crime a corporate entity. It's just tiring and angering to keep reading whites talking about how we celebrate crime when that's not true one bit.
It is common sense. At one time 1/2 of Black males (younger ages) were either locked up, on parole or probation. So when you see them it is about 50% chance they could be up to no good. Why would I roll the dice and approach? Avoid and survive.

I grew up played HS the math. When you are young and have nothing to take....they won't kill those as often as someone they want the car or the phone like nowdays. The interactions were not so threatening. One wrong word was not murder time.

But then, there is the sucker punch, the attack from behind, the gang beatings, targeting older Asian ladies raining down over 100 blows to the head in NYC w/o cause (the video got removed). Things like that make smart people more wary of surroundings.
Most of those Asian attacks?

Were done by racist antiAsian Whites.

So, again perfect example of how the Black Brute racist canard continues to be perpetuated
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It has been turned into a code word for “Black Brutes” that some people use to avoid sounding racist. Kind of like substituting Zionists for Jews.
Is it a fitting description? Are there "black brutes"?

Is this a thug?

I saw this on another message board:
"I was talking race with a friend of mine who happens to be White. I told him that as a Black person we often enter situations distrusted and have to do so much more than the next person to establish trust, simply because of the color of our skin.
He replied to me, 'Do you know why lots of Whites are hesitant around Black people? Because if they were you they would have burned this nation (USA) down by now, and they don't know if today is the day that you'll decide to do it'.
First time I was speechless in my adult life".

Is there anyone here who can identify with the White man in the above narrative?
Why don't you get surrounded by a black cloud of nine and then let us know, hmm?

Me? I made the black cloud dissipate. After one hit me in my jaw that is.

I kinda know how things work, you?
Strength and testosterone matter in hand to hand combat. But, of course, cowards don't like hand to hand combat. :206:
It's not wise to bring hand-to-hand combat to a gunfight. :dunno:

Omy, I know that from 1st hand experience. Not much of that matters when you have a gun pointed at your head.
Why do people say that violence and gangs are glorifed in black culture and ignore the fact that the highest rated series in TV history was about a wite crime family named the Sopranos? Folk heroes have been made about white criminals like Dillinger or Bonnie and Clyde. A white criminal is running for president and he is not the first one. Whites, specifically those on the right, ignore so much that is wrong with their culture to talk about everybody else. I know this is a thread asking the question about wy whites fear blacks but Ialso say this so whites cn reflect upon themselves.

Last, empathy should not be denigrated as guilt. According to the racists, abolitionist whites would have white guilt because they worked to end slavery. I know you aren't a racist, I'm just making an observation.
Violence and gangs are glorified in a subsection of black culture. Mostly in rap music which is very saturated into pop culture. Italians have similarly gotten stereotyped around the mafia ties

I’m not trying to define blacks as gangster rappers. On the contrary I think many of the most influential movements in music history has come from blacks… from blues to Motown and everything in between. I’m a huge fan.

But I think what it boils down to is appearance and attitude. I don’t think a person in a suit is going to get the same reaction as somebody covered in tats sagging their pants.

to address your comment about empathy and guilt. I think there is a natural feeling of guilt that some get when they realize they have had an easier path than others. As conversations about hardships and racism and oppression circulate it is natural for empathetic white people to feel a bit of guilt that they didn’t have to face that while blacks and other minorities did and do.
Violence and gangs are glorified in a subsection of black culture. Mostly in rap music which is very saturated into pop culture. Italians have similarly gotten stereotyped around the mafia ties

I’m not trying to define blacks as gangster rappers. On the contrary I think many of the most influential movements in music history has come from blacks… from blues to Motown and everything in between. I’m a huge fan.

But I think what it boils down to is appearance and attitude. I don’t think a person in a suit is going to get the same reaction as somebody covered in tats sagging their pants.

to address your comment about empathy and guilt. I think there is a natural feeling of guilt that some get when they realize they have had an easier path than others. As conversations about hardships and racism and oppression circulate it is natural for empathetic white people to feel a bit of guilt that they didn’t have to face that while blacks and other minorities did and do.
Violence and gangs are glorified in part of white culture. This is why I say what I do. You don't do this, but far too many whites here want to claim that blacks celebrate violence while ignoring the long, long history of whites doing the same thing.
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Because if one is surrounded by the black cloud, bad things happen.

Now if 1-2 of them get properly ventilated, probably not.
Violence and gangs are glorified in part of white culture. This is why I say what I do. You don't do this, but far too many whites here want to claim that blacks celebrate violence while ignoring the long, long history of whites doing the same thing.
Most every race has their faction of criminals. And you’re right, there is glorification of pirates and bank robbers and mafia and gangsters in our entertainment industry. It’s not fair or accurate to define any race by that.
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