Obama Care Plans Are Worse.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
For anyone interested in health care, be you liberal or conservative, you must read the article by the Wall Street Journal. Nothing else will give you a clearer picture of just how bad Obamacare really is.

He is one quick quote.

"Mr. Obama and his liberal allies call the old plans "substandard," but he doesn't mean from the perspective of the consumers who bought them. He means people were free to choose insurance that wasn't designed to serve his social equity and income redistribution goals. In his view, many people must pay first-class fares for coach seats so others can pay less and receive extra benefits.

Liberals justify these coercive cross-subsidies as necessary to finance coverage for the uninsured and those with pre-existing conditions. But government usually helps the less fortunate honestly by raising taxes to fund programs. In summer 2009, Senate Democrats put out such a bill, and the $1.6 trillion sticker shock led them to hide the transfers by forcing people to buy overpriced products."

Review & Outlook: ObamaCare's Plans Are Worse - WSJ.com
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Of course, they are - by default.

they are extremely LIMITED in providers, so basically in many instances you pay for something you do not have access to at all. Although those who pay should not even go to obamacare sites and just shop on the private insurance places.
there is no doubt that Democrats just could care less regarding the reality that we already have a doctor shortage, so long as they can control our lives at the cost of human life !!! (aka, those dying looking for a doctor/specialist).
Obamacare has created a five to nine tier healthcare system that will kill the poor in particular. No MD in his right mind will accept medicaid anymore unless he is independently wealthy or is being offered a greencard for doing so.
It will achieve Progressive nirvana. Progressives are big on equality. This will make everyone equally poor and miserable. Success!
"Obama Care Plans Are Worse."

In case you didn't know, all health care plans suck. Now, at least the disadvantaged get to share in the misery. :)
Of course, they are - by default.

they are extremely LIMITED in providers, so basically in many instances you pay for something you do not have access to at all. Although those who pay should not even go to obamacare sites and just shop on the private insurance places.

Didn't you hear--the private insurance market was blown up by the Obamacare mandates--that insurers were required to do (nationwide.) Even after Obama promising the American public over 40 times that they could keep their insurance if they liked it--we currently have 5.5 million in this country that have lost the insurance that they liked--and are now being forced into buying on the Obamacare exchanges which are doubling the former premiums that they also liked. This was a planned event all along. Obama had to have those that are in the private market lose their insurance to make Obamacare work. Without them--Obamacare goes into a death spiral. Everyone has to be on Obamacare--except of course politicans.

The Obamacare mandates are due to hit the employer mandates--(of course "after" the mid-term elections in 2014) and millions more will lose the insurance and the premiums they like.

PURPOSE OF OBAMACARE: to insure the uninsured EFFECT OF OBAMACARE: uninsuring the insured

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the more I see of obamacare and the more I learn about it, the more I think it has to go. this plan is really bad. this is not a healthcare plan of a great nation
It's a helluva lot better than the Pubscam it replaces...of course it needs more competition, and a gd fecking site that works....Medicare B was just as bad, but Dems cooperated, didn't have a huge fear mongering 24/7 propaganda machine against them- and didn't need a-hole insurers who don't cooperate either.... This will have 70 per cent approval by next November...
It will achieve Progressive nirvana. Progressives are big on equality. This will make everyone equally poor and miserable. Success!

And yet for this socialist crap to work, people who are reduced to being poor and miserable are still expected to put forth effort to keep it going. Of course, few will continue to try so the whole thing fails. For those who are hoping to continue getting a free ride, it's their fault we are in this mess. If people had resisted becoming government dependents and voting for those who would keep catering to them, we'd still be a prosperous country.
It's a helluva lot better than the Pubscam it replaces...of course it needs more competition, and a gd fecking site that works....Medicare B was just as bad, but Dems cooperated, didn't have a huge fear mongering 24/7 propaganda machine against them- and didn't need a-hole insurers who don't cooperate either.... This will have 70 per cent approval by next November...

Well you're more than welcome to visit my state Obamacare web-site which is working just fine. In Colorado over the last two months we've had a total of 6001 persons actually pushed the BUY button on this POS--while 34,000 in our state have signed up for "free medicade." This while 250,000 Coloradoans got cancellations notices on the "insurance they liked"--after being lied to by Obama over 40 times that they could keep their insurance if they liked it. Now you do the math on that--:eusa_shifty:
State-run health care exchanges still struggling to see uptick in sign-ups | Fox News
Almost 250,000 Colo. residents lose health plans under ObamaCare | Fox News

My state Obamacare exchange is working just fine. Feel free to browse around and see if anything looks cough-cough "affordable to you."
Connect for Health Colorado | Colorado's Health Insurance Marketplace

PURPOSE OF OBAMACARE: to insure the uninsured EFFECT OF OBAMACARE: uninsuring the insured

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It will achieve Progressive nirvana. Progressives are big on equality. This will make everyone equally poor and miserable. Success!

And yet for this socialist crap to work, people who are reduced to being poor and miserable are still expected to put forth effort to keep it going. Of course, few will continue to try so the whole thing fails. For those who are hoping to continue getting a free ride, it's their fault we are in this mess. If people had resisted becoming government dependents and voting for those who would keep catering to them, we'd still be a prosperous country.

Actually as far as prosperity you may want to take a peek at financial markets and what globalization is doing. Obama, Bush, et al are irrelevant to root cause.
b- Did you hear about Boooosh's world depression- and TP FAKE CRISES AND OBSTRUCTION....i DIDN'T THINK SO...hATER DUPES LOL
b- Did you hear about Boooosh's world depression- and TP FAKE CRISES AND OBSTRUCTION....i DIDN'T THINK SO...hATER DUPES LOL

Oh Bullshit--right now under Obamacare--Obama is in bed with insurers. There's nothing like government "subsidies" to get any industry in this country, including medical insurers on the side of government.

The ONLY thing that has been proven time and time again to get prices down is COMPETITION. My 1st computer I paid over $2000.00 for a two disk floppy drive with no hard drive. Look at what's happened over the last 20 years. Much better products at a much lower price because of a marketplace that allowed lots of competition.

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