Non-Citizens Caught Voting in a Swing State in 2012??


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
There is, undoubtedly, more where this came from.

Non-citizens caught voting in 2012 presidential election in key swing state | Fox News

Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted announced Wednesday that his office found 17 non-citizens illegally cast ballots in the 2012 presidential election — and has referred the case for possible prosecution.

The alleged crime would be a notable case of voter fraud in a key swing state. By law, only American citizens are allowed the privilege of casting ballots for the nation’s leaders.

Ohio officials say that did not stop some from getting around the system.


President Obama beat Mitt Romney in Ohio by just 2 percentage points in November 2012.

As part of Ohio’s efforts to clean up the voting rolls, election officials discovered that more than 257,000 dead people were still listed as active voters. Their names and status, Husted said, have since been removed.

In addition, election authorities note they have drastically reduced the number of duplicate registrations, from 340,000 in 2011 to just four this past November — and that more than 370,000 Ohio voters who have moved have been contacted to update their voting information.

The Obama administration opposes efforts to make sure that only eligible citizens are voting, and that we vote only once. Obama/Holder are still fighting against photo ID, and the administration has fought Florida as that state tried to clean up its voter rolls.

President Obama beat Mitt Romney in Ohio by just 2 percentage points in November 2012.
NOT 17!!!!!! OMG. 17?????? Are you sure? An entire 17 people? Who did they vote for? You didn't say.

It's not like the Rethugs in Ohio are honorable people. I live in Ohio. You sure those 17 didn't vote rethug?
17 were caught.

Check it out everyone, they think there was only 17.

That is what we are dealing with when we are talking about the thinking power of the hypocritical, double talking, left.

I am sure it was only 17 and those were the only ones.

Wow, how can we classify such stupidity? Is there an English word that can describe the left and this level of stupidity? Should we work on such a word?
He said the improper registrations did not appear to be part of an orchestrated effort. They were registered with both major parties and were spread across the state, although the largest concentrations were in the most populated counties.
Read more at Ohio finds 17 illegal noncitizen voters - Toledo Blade

Never mind. I found the answer myself. Both parties, spread across the state and those 17 represent .003% of the more than 3 million votes cast in Ohio.

You fucking rethugs will grasp at ANYTHING won't you?
Liberals don't think it is a big deal when dead people vote and their guy/gal wins. But, when their guy loses, it's time to cry about hanging chads, claim voter machines were manipulated, and make sure that the military vote is disqualified.

Illegal votes are just fine with Liberals when it's their side winning.
Look everyone, they still think that all of the people that were guilty of voter fraud were caught, since it said they caught 17 people that were guilty of voter fraud.

Yes folks, that is what we are dealing with.

I am repeating myself, cause after I pointed out how stupid of a comment it was to suggest that only 17 people engaged in voter fraud is as stupid as you can get. ZEKE then suggested it again.
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They caught 17

That proves that there could have been one million
Never ceases to amaze the amount of stupid asses on this board. A whole 17, and spread across the state and parties.

Look asshole, your side lost because it went out of it's way to alienate minorities and women. Go ahead and double down on that strategy.

We must continue to modernize to prevent these situations from happening,” Mr. Husted. “It undermines confidence in our system of elections and is a violation of the law.”

But he also said his review demonstrates that the problem is rare.

“Once again, Secretary Husted has revealed how rare of a problem so-called voter fraud is in Ohio compared with the real problems in our elections,” said Rep. Kathleen Clyde (D., Kent). “Thirteen months after the November, 2012, election, the secretary is focused on 0.0003 percent of the 5.63 million votes cast. In that same election, over 47,000 voters had their ballots thrown out and over 3 million Ohioans did not participate in their election at all.”

Read more at Ohio finds 17 illegal noncitizen voters - Toledo Blade
Liberals don't think it is a big deal when dead people vote and their guy/gal wins. But, when their guy loses, it's time to cry about hanging chads, claim voter machines were manipulated, and make sure that the military vote is disqualified.

Illegal votes are just fine with Liberals when it's their side winning.

.003% of votes cast in Ohio. Part of them Rethugs and part Dems. WOW eh?

But you rethugs sure don't have a problem with rigging the voting districts so that there are ONLY rethugs in an area or ONLY Dems in a district.

I mean, you have to figure out some way to get Rethugs elected. A rigged voting district works just fine doesn't it?

Mike Turner is my congresscritter. He has a real nice rigged district. John Boner, a very nicely rigged district. Did you know John is from Cinci and Hamilton county but his district runs in a little sliver up the SW portion of the state to Miami Co.

You know why John had that done. Miami Co is heavily agriculture. And EVERYBODY knows those farmers vote rethug. Because rethugs really like to keep those farm subsidies going to the farmers.

So John buys himself some farmer votes in a country that has nothing to do with his real area of Cincinnati and Hamilton Co.

Bet you love that idea eh?
In that same election, over 47,000 voters had their ballots thrown out

47,000 voters had their votes invalidated and we get a thread about the horrors of 17 illegal votes
17.....Looks like widespread voter fraud

At first the left said voter fraud doesnt happen, when it does happen, then it doesnt happen often enough to change the results of an election...

I hear them goalposts a movin.

Also things like this are like finding 1 roach in a kitchen, you can bet money that you don't have just one roach.
Look everyone, they still think that all of the people that were guilty of voter fraud were caught, since it said they caught 17 people that were guilty of voter fraud.

Yes folks, that is what we are dealing with.

I am repeating myself, cause after I pointed out how stupid of a comment it was to suggest that only 17 people engaged in voter fraud is as stupid as you can get. ZEKE then suggested it again.

So now you are going to PROJECT the number of fraudulent voters eh? Well consult your Wiji board or goat entrails or whatever else you use for projections and get back with the REAL number.

Don't forget the breakdown of Dems vs Repubs.
Look everyone, they still think that all of the people that were guilty of voter fraud were caught, since it said they caught 17 people that were guilty of voter fraud.

Yes folks, that is what we are dealing with.

I am repeating myself, cause after I pointed out how stupid of a comment it was to suggest that only 17 people engaged in voter fraud is as stupid as you can get. ZEKE then suggested it again.

So now you are going to PROJECT the number of fraudulent voters eh? Well consult your Wiji board or goat entrails or whatever else you use for projections and get back with the REAL number.

Don't forget the breakdown of Dems vs Repubs.

Yeah, keep on thinking they caught all of those that voted fraudulently since they said they caught 17.

Talk about projecting.

Life must be so comfortable in your little lefty wing liberal world. I mean to be on the politically correct side of every issue, and being patted on your back for that brave disposition.

Must be really cool.

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