Senate Democrats voted to cut veterans benefits instead of tax credits for illegals


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Paul Ryan is defending the bill, unfortunately.

Sessions is crafting bill to which many senators from both parties have pledged support.
How Dumbocrats can even call themselves "Americans" and keep a straight face is baffling. They absolutely loathe the military. And when given the choice between funding American citizens making the biggest of sacrifices for all of us or funding criminals from other countries who broke into our nation, they chose to fund the foreign criminals. Simply un-fucking-believable...

Sen. Jeff Sessions: Leave military retiree pay alone, close tax loophole for illegal immigrants |

So let me get this straight.

Cutting food for poor children, good.

Slightly reducing payments to ex-military people who are more than capable of working, bad.

Simple enough solution. Tax the wealthy at a fair and appropriate rate and you can pay military retirees everything you promised them.

You do get this, right, that when you let 1% have 43% of the wealth, there isn't enough money to go around to take care of everything else, right?

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