NFL Trying To Pull A Trump On Dallas Cowboys Owner Jerry Jones


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
ESPN right now is talking about Jerry Jones like he's Trump.


The NFL is trying to push through a massive compensation package and an extension for the most political and inept commissioner in NFL history. Jerry Jones appears to be the only owner that doesn't have his head up his ass, and wants to look at other options.

Roger Goodell is destroying the NFL. Why in the Hell would they want to give this unpopular asshole a 5 or 6 year extension??? Because they've been blackmailed into going along with his bullshit, that's why.

New England knows just how rotten Roger Goodell can be. Over a year after DeflateGate Tom Brady had to serve a suspension for supposedly ordering equipment managers to let a little air out of game balls during the playoffs. I think this punishment was fabricated because Obama felt offended when Tom Brady refused to attend a White House ceremony the previous year. Trump is a big-time friend with Patriots owner Robert Kraft who, coincidentally, is a well know conservative. What was the Cowboy's owner's terrible crime??? Jerry Jones decided that kneeling during the National Anthem was wrong....thus he has become a target of our corrupt media.
This week a story surfaced that the other owners were plotting to take the Cowboys from Jerry Jones, the way the NBA took Donald Sterling's team, the LA Clippers away, thus setting up the trashing that ESPN just did this morning.
I expect that Jerry Jones will soon be accused of racism or sexual-assault or maybe even being nuts. Where have we seen this tactic used before???

Now you know why there is such a frenzy over sexual misconduct accusations. This is the left's way of getting rid of their enemies. They tore down what they claimed was racism in the form of statues in the South, and now they're trying to tear down anyone that dares to try to stand in their way.
OTL: NFL teeters on all-out, unprecedented civil war
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Jones didn’t mind UNTIL his star running back got suspended .
Jones didn’t mind UNTIL his star running back got suspended .
That's the media's version of it.

Now, who is more dishonest.....the owner that agreed to help Goodell stay or the commissioner that lied to the owner that he needed his support and was willing to not press any sancions against his star player.

Fact: The Cowboys RB never ended up in court in the first place, so why is the NFL sticking their noses in it at all?

This appears to be retribution for something Jones said in public about kneeling during the National Anthem.....nothing more. Fact is, Roger Goodell loves holding this sort of thing over the heads of NFL owners. If you don't go along with him on something your best player just might get suspended.
They have no excuses now if they sign this guy and fall on their faces.

I know the quickest way to assure he isn't signed. Have Fox News or some other news agency/politicians get mainstream discussion going about NFL owner tax breaks. You would see them quickly try and right their ship with a new captain.

Money talks, b.s walks. If the owners stand to lose big on outrage by the public on their sweetheart stadium deals and the like, well, the squeaky wheel will get the grease.
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Gee I missed that interview, just like I have all the other NFL related stuff since I started boycotting them. Thing is, originally I thought, hey I'll boycott them until they get out of politics. Now I am leaning toward gee I'll just treat the NFL like I do the NBA and just watch the championship games. I like college sports better anyways. They better fix it soon or others will probably start feeling like I do.
"To hell with the NFL" should be their new motto. It's nice having a life where I don't worry about watching games on Sunday, there is a whole world out their without the NFL.
"To hell with the NFL" should be their new motto. It's nice having a life where I don't worry about watching games on Sunday, there is a whole world out their without the NFL.

Shoot, we have half the Christmas stuff up already. I tell you the longer it goes on the more people will find better alternatives.
It's funny how the left supports their assholes regardless of what they are or how much they long as they support their rotten causes.
Roger Goodell is demanding $49.5 million per year and the use of a private jet for life.This is just two of the demands that have been made public.
Paying that much for an abject must be because of blackmail.
Just one of many reasons I don't watch ESPN and Jones and Goodell have had issues long before Ezekiel Elliott came into the picture.
Elliott is just a tool that Goodell is using to put the screws to Jerry Jones.
As a writer in the local papaer pointed out the NFL couldn't get rid of the late Al Davis of the Raiders so the idea they will oust Jones is laughable.
Just one of many reasons I don't watch ESPN and Jones and Goodell have had issues long before Ezekiel Elliott came into the picture.
Elliott is just a tool that Goodell is using to put the screws to Jerry Jones.
As a writer in the local papaer pointed out the NFL couldn't get rid of the late Al Davis of the Raiders so the idea they will oust Jones is laughable.
Al Davis died years ago.
They didn't have the same tools they have today.

I think they'll try, but probably not succeed.
Just one of many reasons I don't watch ESPN and Jones and Goodell have had issues long before Ezekiel Elliott came into the picture.
Elliott is just a tool that Goodell is using to put the screws to Jerry Jones.
As a writer in the local papaer pointed out the NFL couldn't get rid of the late Al Davis of the Raiders so the idea they will oust Jones is laughable.
Al Davis died years ago.
They didn't have the same tools they have today.

I think they'll try, but probably not succeed.
The NFL was also looked at in a lot better light back then than they are today something Jones would use to his full advantage.
100-1 they still sell superbowl tv ads for $1 million+ this year without any problem.

Jones can walk out in the middle of his mega-buck stadium, turn on that UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE instant replay screen over his head, drop trou, and moon the damn NFL .. he ain't going anywhere.

and I hope he does.
ESPN right now is talking about Jerry Jones like he's Trump.

The NFL is trying to push through a massive compensation package and an extension for the most political and inept commissioner in NFL history. Jerry Jones appears to be the only owner that doesn't have his head up his ass, and wants to look at other options.

Roger Goodell is destroying the NFL. Why in the Hell would they want to give this unpopular asshole a 5 or 6 year extension??? Because they've been blackmailed into going along with his bullshit, that's why.

New England knows just how rotten Roger Goodell can be. Over a year after DeflateGate Tom Brady had to serve a suspension for supposedly ordering equipment managers to let a little air out of game balls during the playoffs. I think this punishment was fabricated because Obama felt offended when Tom Brady refused to attend a White House ceremony the previous year. Trump is a big-time friend with Patriots owner Robert Kraft who, coincidentally, is a well know conservative. What was the Cowboy's owner's terrible crime??? Jerry Jones decided that kneeling during the National Anthem was wrong....thus he has become a target of our corrupt media.
This week a story surfaced that the other owners were plotting to take the Cowboys from Jerry Jones, the way the NBA took Donald Sterling's team, the LA Clippers away, thus setting up the trashing that ESPN just did this morning.
I expect that Jerry Jones will soon be accused of racism or sexual-assault or maybe even being nuts. Where have we seen this tactic used before???

Now you know why there is such a frenzy over sexual misconduct accusations. This is the left's way of getting rid of their enemies. They tore down what they claimed was racism in the form of statues in the South, and now they're trying to tear down anyone that dares to try to stand in their way.
OTL: NFL teeters on all-out, unprecedented civil war

Just circumstantial evidence, but it's good! No fan of Goodell, but the game needed an iron hand with these thugs running wild out there! It used to be one thing after another with spousal assault, public drunkenness, DUI's, and other issues that should be handled behind the scenes! It was obscene there for a bit, but it's been cleaned up and at this time, I can't think of any other issue beside manufactured outrage over "supposedly lack of respect!" :blahblah: :beer: :dunno: :rolleyes:
ESPN right now is talking about Jerry Jones like he's Trump.

The NFL is trying to push through a massive compensation package and an extension for the most political and inept commissioner in NFL history. Jerry Jones appears to be the only owner that doesn't have his head up his ass, and wants to look at other options.

Roger Goodell is destroying the NFL. Why in the Hell would they want to give this unpopular asshole a 5 or 6 year extension??? Because they've been blackmailed into going along with his bullshit, that's why.

New England knows just how rotten Roger Goodell can be. Over a year after DeflateGate Tom Brady had to serve a suspension for supposedly ordering equipment managers to let a little air out of game balls during the playoffs. I think this punishment was fabricated because Obama felt offended when Tom Brady refused to attend a White House ceremony the previous year. Trump is a big-time friend with Patriots owner Robert Kraft who, coincidentally, is a well know conservative. What was the Cowboy's owner's terrible crime??? Jerry Jones decided that kneeling during the National Anthem was wrong....thus he has become a target of our corrupt media.
This week a story surfaced that the other owners were plotting to take the Cowboys from Jerry Jones, the way the NBA took Donald Sterling's team, the LA Clippers away, thus setting up the trashing that ESPN just did this morning.
I expect that Jerry Jones will soon be accused of racism or sexual-assault or maybe even being nuts. Where have we seen this tactic used before???

Now you know why there is such a frenzy over sexual misconduct accusations. This is the left's way of getting rid of their enemies. They tore down what they claimed was racism in the form of statues in the South, and now they're trying to tear down anyone that dares to try to stand in their way.
OTL: NFL teeters on all-out, unprecedented civil war

Just circumstantial evidence, but it's good! No fan of Goodell, but the game needed an iron hand with these thugs running wild out there! It used to be one thing after another with spousal assault, public drunkenness, DUI's, and other issues that should be handled behind the scenes! It was obscene there for a bit, but it's been cleaned up and at this time, I can't think of any other issue beside manufactured outrage over "supposedly lack of respect!" :blahblah: :beer: :dunno: :rolleyes:
Sorry, if a person has been accused of doing something but never even saw their day in court or was even indicted, why is the NFL punishing them????

What gives Roger Goodell the right to be judge, jury, and executioner all by himself? He thinks he can enforce some politically-correct bullshit laws on accusations no court in the country would accept as evidence.

Nope....Roger Goodell is blackmailing owners into giving him outrageous pay and perks that normally they wouldn't agree to.
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ESPN right now is talking about Jerry Jones like he's Trump.

The NFL is trying to push through a massive compensation package and an extension for the most political and inept commissioner in NFL history. Jerry Jones appears to be the only owner that doesn't have his head up his ass, and wants to look at other options.

Roger Goodell is destroying the NFL. Why in the Hell would they want to give this unpopular asshole a 5 or 6 year extension??? Because they've been blackmailed into going along with his bullshit, that's why.

New England knows just how rotten Roger Goodell can be. Over a year after DeflateGate Tom Brady had to serve a suspension for supposedly ordering equipment managers to let a little air out of game balls during the playoffs. I think this punishment was fabricated because Obama felt offended when Tom Brady refused to attend a White House ceremony the previous year. Trump is a big-time friend with Patriots owner Robert Kraft who, coincidentally, is a well know conservative. What was the Cowboy's owner's terrible crime??? Jerry Jones decided that kneeling during the National Anthem was wrong....thus he has become a target of our corrupt media.
This week a story surfaced that the other owners were plotting to take the Cowboys from Jerry Jones, the way the NBA took Donald Sterling's team, the LA Clippers away, thus setting up the trashing that ESPN just did this morning.
I expect that Jerry Jones will soon be accused of racism or sexual-assault or maybe even being nuts. Where have we seen this tactic used before???

Now you know why there is such a frenzy over sexual misconduct accusations. This is the left's way of getting rid of their enemies. They tore down what they claimed was racism in the form of statues in the South, and now they're trying to tear down anyone that dares to try to stand in their way.
OTL: NFL teeters on all-out, unprecedented civil war

Just circumstantial evidence, but it's good! No fan of Goodell, but the game needed an iron hand with these thugs running wild out there! It used to be one thing after another with spousal assault, public drunkenness, DUI's, and other issues that should be handled behind the scenes! It was obscene there for a bit, but it's been cleaned up and at this time, I can't think of any other issue beside manufactured outrage over "supposedly lack of respect!" :blahblah: :beer: :dunno: :rolleyes:
Sorry, if a person has been accused of doing something but never even saw their day in court or was even indicted, why is the NFL punishing them????

What gives Roger Goodell the right to be judge, jury, and executioner all by himself? He thinks he can enforce some politically-correct bullshit laws on accusations no court in the country would accept as evidence.

Nope....Roger Goodell is blackmailing owners into giving him outrageous pay and perks that normally they wouldn't agree to.

You know already; it's called the CBA! The players signed on the dotted line & gave Goodell omniscience over them! :blahblah:

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