Zone1 Why is there fear of Black people?

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Yes, they did shitty stuff. But you have to go back to 1919 for an example.

Modern day Chicago is 1000 times more violent than during the mafia era.

Try educating YOURSELF.
This wasn't 1919.
(from the same source I used earlier)

On January 16, 2014, in Calabria, Italy, 3-year-old Nicola “Coco” Campolongo was shot along with his grandfather, ‘Ndrangheta member Giuseppe Iannicelli, and his grandfather’s girlfriend. The three victims were found in Iannicelli’s burned-out Fiat Punto. Officials investigating the crime found Iannicelli’s body in the trunk and a 50-cent coin on the roof, a ‘Ndrangheta signature.

Campolongo’s mother and father were both serving prison sentences that left him and his siblings in their grandfather’s custody. Experts believe it was common knowledge that he took his grandson with him everywhere to deter violence.

In October 2015, Cosimo Donato and Faustino Campilongo were arrested for their involvement in the murders. During the aftermath of Campolongo’s death, anti-‘Ndrangheta activists asserted that 30 children had died as a result of gang warfare since 1950.

People need to stop romanticizing the Mafia, they were as bloody and ruthless as any gang today and if they've "toned it down" now, the distinction is meaningless. There is no difference between gangs today and the gangs of yesterday in terns of violence (which some was trying to claim). It is the same mindset, cheap valuation of life, and bad vackground. The only difference is better weaponry.
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This wasn't 1919.
(from the same source I used earlier)

On January 16, 2014, in Calabria, Italy, 3-year-old Nicola “Coco” Campolongo was shot along with his grandfather, ‘Ndrangheta member Giuseppe Iannicelli, and his grandfather’s girlfriend. The three victims were found in Iannicelli’s burned-out Fiat Punto. Officials investigating the crime found Iannicelli’s body in the trunk and a 50-cent coin on the roof, a ‘Ndrangheta signature.

Campolongo’s mother and father were both serving prison sentences that left him and his siblings in their grandfather’s custody. Experts believe it was common knowledge that he took his grandson with him everywhere to deter violence.

In October 2015, Cosimo Donato and Faustino Campilongo were arrested for their involvement in the murders. During the aftermath of Campolongo’s death, anti-‘Ndrangheta activists asserted that 30 children had died as a result of gang warfare since 1950.

People need to stop romanticizing the Mafia, they were as bloody and ruthless as any gang today and if they've "toned it down" now, the distinction is meaningless. There is no difference between gangs today and the gangs of yesterday in terns of violence (which some was trying to claim). It is the same mindset, cheap valuation of life, and bad vackground. The only difference is better weaponry.
Who's romanticizing anything? You're so desperate to paint me with your broad brush that you are forced to go back 10 years, and across the Atlantic Ocean to find an example while I can point to any major US city, on almost any day, and show you worse.

But you ignore that because they are your peeps.

Face it Coyote, you support violent scum, and refuse to do anything about it, but try and make their depradations easier to carry out by disarming the people.

YOU, are the problem.
Who's romanticizing anything? You're so desperate to paint me with your broad brush that you are forced to go back 10 years, and across the Atlantic Ocean to find an example while I can point to any major US city, on almost any day, and show you worse.

But you ignore that because they are your peeps.

Face it Coyote, you support violent scum, and refuse to do anything about it, but try and make their depradations easier to carry out by disarming the people.

YOU, are the problem.
I am not painting you with anything, you are the one who seems to need to make it personal. Your claims aren't supported amd I've provided examples showing your are factually incorrect. Your dispute is with history, not me.
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I am not painting you with anything, you are the one who seems to need to make it personal. Your claims aren't supported amd I've provided examples showing your are factually incorrect. Your dispute is with history, not me.
Your first respons to me stated I was romanticizing the mafia. Nothing could be further from the truth. As usual you project onto others, that which you are actually doing.

The mafia, wrre, and are, and will continue to be scum. But, they have never intentionally targeted innocent civilians for sport.

The gang bangers in the US do.

Whether the gang is black, Hispanic, or a motorcycle gang, they ENJOY targeting innocent civilians.

That's the difference which you refuse to acknowledge.
This wasn't 1919.
(from the same source I used earlier)

On January 16, 2014, in Calabria, Italy, 3-year-old Nicola “Coco” Campolongo was shot along with his grandfather, ‘Ndrangheta member Giuseppe Iannicelli, and his grandfather’s girlfriend. The three victims were found in Iannicelli’s burned-out Fiat Punto. Officials investigating the crime found Iannicelli’s body in the trunk and a 50-cent coin on the roof, a ‘Ndrangheta signature.

Campolongo’s mother and father were both serving prison sentences that left him and his siblings in their grandfather’s custody. Experts believe it was common knowledge that he took his grandson with him everywhere to deter violence.

In October 2015, Cosimo Donato and Faustino Campilongo were arrested for their involvement in the murders. During the aftermath of Campolongo’s death, anti-‘Ndrangheta activists asserted that 30 children had died as a result of gang warfare since 1950.

People need to stop romanticizing the Mafia, they were as bloody and ruthless as any gang today and if they've "toned it down" now, the distinction is meaningless. There is no difference between gangs today and the gangs of yesterday in terns of violence (which some was trying to claim). It is the same mindset, cheap valuation of life, and bad vackground. The only difference is better weaponry.
Did you notice that was in CALABRIA ITALY? I'm not making excuses for the American Mafia, but it always was a whole different kettle of fish than the Sicilian Mafia which has always been as ruthless as the Chinese Tongs or the Japanese Yakuza.
Your first respons to me stated I was romanticizing the mafia. Nothing could be further from the truth. As usual you project onto others, that which you are actually doing.

The mafia, wrre, and are, and will continue to be scum. But, they have never intentionally targeted innocent civilians for sport.

The gang bangers in the US do.

Whether the gang is black, Hispanic, or a motorcycle gang, they ENJOY targeting innocent civilians.

That's the difference which you refuse to acknowledge.

Now you are moving the goal posts from avoiding hitting innocent civilians to never targeting innocent civilians to not doing it for “sport”. They targeted innocent civilians, that is documented. I just don’t see a huge difference among the reasons for doing it. One is cruder, another is “professional. What is the difference between killing for sport and doing it cold bloodedly as part of “business”? It is all pretty chilling don’t you think?
Notice the thread was “Fear of Black persons”. Board spinners, deflectors playing “what about” going on and on about Mafia stories or Questionable 200 yr old Stain history stories. Focus today where the real threats are.
Did you notice that was in CALABRIA ITALY? I'm not making excuses for the American Mafia, but it always was a whole different kettle of fish than the Sicilian Mafia which has always been as ruthless as the Chinese Tongs or the Japanese Yakuza.
That is not the only violence listed. The claim made initially was that gangs today are much worse than gangs used be, not what the Mafia is now but in it’s hey day. And they seem to be just as bad, just as ruthless.
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Now you are moving the goal posts from avoiding hitting innocent civilians to never targeting innocent civilians to not doing it for “sport”. They targeted innocent civilians, that is documented. I just don’t see a huge difference among the reasons for doing it. One is cruder, another is “professional. What is the difference between killing for sport and doing it cold bloodedly as part of “business”? It is all pretty chilling don’t you think?
Any excuse is used in order justify racist beliefs about blacks. I don't deny the crime issue in black communities. Hell, I spent 30 years bringing the numbers down, but to pretend that what blacks face is not the problem is just dishonest. And to deny who controls the infrastructure that allows crime to happen is also unfair. When I lived in KC, I would see cars from Johnson County, a wealthy white suburban county near KC, going to drug houses and dropping off packages. Yet it was the blacks who got busted. This has been generally how crime has operated, so for someone white to pretend that it's all on blacks is wrong.

Between 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang-related murders were committed by whites, the majority of the victims were white. According to the US Department of Justice statistics, in 2011 there were more cases of whites killing whites than there were of blacks killing blacks. “ Yet during all these years whites were talking about black on black crime or young black gangsters.

On August 15, 2013, The Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice published a paper by Mike Males titled, “Why the Gigantic, Decades-Long Drop in Black Youth Crime Threatens Major Interests.” Males points these things out in this report:

“For nearly all serious and minor offenses, including homicide, rates among black teenagers nationally were lower in 2011 than when racial statistics were first collected nationally in 1964. Black youths’ murder arrest rates are considerably lower today than back when Bill Cosby was funny (long, long ago).”

Today’s young African Americans display the lowest rates of crime and serious risk of any generation that can be reliably assessed.”

Those young African Americans are adults today.

“From 1994 to 2015, white-on-white violence (down 79%) and black-on-black violence (down 78%) declined at a similar rate.”

This is the work we were doing in black communities all over America. That's what the media doesn't show and that's why these racists cherrypicking crimes done by blacks is so dishonest. I get news daily about blacks who are missing in majority white rural areas. Routinely I get stories about blacks found dead or hanging in deserted areas that are populated mostly by whites.
When people talk about what's not shown, more than likely it's the white kilings of blacks that are underreported. The history of this country supports my opinion.
Any excuse is used in order justify racist beliefs about blacks. I don't deny the crime issue in black communities. Hell, I spent 30 years bringing the numbers down, but to pretend that what blacks face is not the problem is just dishonest. And to deny who controls the infrastructure that allows crime to happen is also unfair. When I lived in KC, I would see cars from Johnson County, a wealthy white suburban county near KC, going to drug houses and dropping off packages. Yet it was the blacks who got busted. This has been generally how crime has operated, so for someone white to pretend that it's all on blacks is wrong.

Between 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang-related murders were committed by whites, the majority of the victims were white. According to the US Department of Justice statistics, in 2011 there were more cases of whites killing whites than there were of blacks killing blacks. “ Yet during all these years whites were talking about black on black crime or young black gangsters.

On August 15, 2013, The Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice published a paper by Mike Males titled, “Why the Gigantic, Decades-Long Drop in Black Youth Crime Threatens Major Interests.” Males points these things out in this report:

“For nearly all serious and minor offenses, including homicide, rates among black teenagers nationally were lower in 2011 than when racial statistics were first collected nationally in 1964. Black youths’ murder arrest rates are considerably lower today than back when Bill Cosby was funny (long, long ago).”

Today’s young African Americans display the lowest rates of crime and serious risk of any generation that can be reliably assessed.”

Those young African Americans are adults today.

“From 1994 to 2015, white-on-white violence (down 79%) and black-on-black violence (down 78%) declined at a similar rate.”

This is the work we were doing in black communities all over America. That's what the media doesn't show and that's why these racists cherrypicking crimes done by blacks is so dishonest. I get news daily about blacks who are missing in majority white rural areas. Routinely I get stories about blacks found dead or hanging in deserted areas that are populated mostly by whites.
When people talk about what's not shown, more than likely it's the white kilings of blacks that are underreported. The history of this country supports my opinion.
By the way, this is May of 2024.

Everyday Normal activities….this wont help calm the fear.

Nothing to fear out there. Walk right in, sit right down. Take the Grand Tour, Daddy let your hair hang down.

And here comes leftwinger with some more racist nonsense. Whites have a history of criminal behavior that started in1776. You complain about a majority white government being crooked whille you elect the white crooks in it. Whites created organized crime. Whites control the drug trade in America.. Whites control the manufacturing and distribution of the 2 two most destructive drugs, alcohol and nicotine. Whites have defrauded trillions of dollars. Whites control the manufacturing, shipping, sales, and distribution of deadly weapons. So leftwinger, it's time you shut the hell up about blacks when white mayhem has created what we have now.
Now you are moving the goal posts from avoiding hitting innocent civilians to never targeting innocent civilians to not doing it for “sport”. They targeted innocent civilians, that is documented. I just don’t see a huge difference among the reasons for doing it. One is cruder, another is “professional. What is the difference between killing for sport and doing it cold bloodedly as part of “business”? It is all pretty chilling don’t you think?
I move nothing. That's your schtick.
Domestic violence against spouses & children seems to always be overlooked in discussions of violent crimes, especially when discussing certain demographics.
That, rape, battery, assault, arson, etc. These guiys don't talk about these crimes because whites lead in these categories every year by huge numbers.
I was walking out of Auto Zone yesterday (who, btw, do not sell Red Line products) and there was this lady out in the parking lot bent down, looking under the front of her car.

So I stopped and asked her if she was alright or if she had something leaking under there.

She was caught completely off-guard, observably. Just by the look on her face alone.

Anyway. Long story short, she just parked where someone else had parked (because oil doesn't leak from a radiator.)

But this woman acted completey shocked that I would stop and crawl under there for her to see what was going on.

As I walked back to my car, I thought to myself, I wonder if she acted that way because I was white and she was black.
In all likelihood I would imagine it has more to do with you being male than being white. We've just had to be very diligent when it comes to men who are unknown to us offering to assist just due to safety reasons.

But it was awfully nice of you to take time out to help her, I'm sure she ultimately appreciated whether or not it was expressed.
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