MSNBC Finally Defeats The FOXNEWS...Even If Just For A Night


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
This one is clearly a case of partisanship, but it resulted in a major win for msnbc...

MSNBC Wins Convention Ratings For The First Time Ever On DNC's Opening Night

I guess if RWers aren't getting their talking points spoon-fed to them at all times they aren't happy.

I'd really like to see another conservative network raise up and promote more competition between the networks. I think there's room for up to two more conservative networks. What do you guys think?
Republicans are 90% white. That's big audience.

Democrats watch the Asian network, the Spanish network, Bet, and so on.
I keep switching over to Fox to see what they say next. It's like all personal attacks.

Chris Wallace just made fun of Obama "caring" about the environment. Like I said before, these right wingers that like hunting and fishing won't be able to do either if we don't take care of the environment. For some strange reason, they don't see a connection.
I keep switching over to Fox to see what they say next. It's like all personal attacks.

Chris Wallace just made fun of Obama "caring" about the environment. Like I said before, these right wingers that like hunting and fishing won't be able to do either if we don't take care of the environment. For some strange reason, they don't see a connection.

During the RNC, I keep switching over to MSNBC to see what they say next. It's like all personal attacks.

Rachel Maddow just made fun of Eastwood's "bizarre" speech about the Obama. Like I said before, these left wingers that like knitting and crosswords won't be able to do either if we don't take care of the economy. For some strange reason, they don't see a connection.
Republicans are 90% white. That's big audience.

Democrats watch the Asian network, the Spanish network, Bet, and so on.
That's why NONE of them are in favor of another conservative network, they know it will severely weaken the power of the FOXNEWS and thus weaken their meme with the numbers.

These people are all frauds. Liars and frauds....lot of them.
This one is clearly a case of partisanship, but it resulted in a major win for msnbc...

MSNBC Wins Convention Ratings For The First Time Ever On DNC's Opening Night

I guess if RWers aren't getting their talking points spoon-fed to them at all times they aren't happy.

I'd really like to see another conservative network raise up and promote more competition between the networks. I think there's room for up to two more conservative networks. What do you guys think?

A major win....
What did u win? :badgrin:
Not surprising. Everyday Joe Republicans don't spend their day like rabid dogs looking for things to attack. They know who they're voting for. Watching the other cenvention serves no purpose. They all turned on football.
Not surprising. Everyday Joe Republicans don't spend their day like rabid dogs looking for things to attack. They know who they're voting for. Watching the other cenvention serves no purpose. They all turned on football.
Yah, you're right...the choir isn't even pretending.

No surprise there.
I love what one HuffPost Super user said...

Fox views had been loaded up with lard during the GOP conventions, so they had not appetite for real food and did not tune is the DNC convention so much.


I watched a lot more MSNBC of both conventions just to see what the lunatic commentators and pundits had to say. Switched to Fox during commercials or occasionally out of boredom, but DVRd all Fox coverage for later viewing.
I watched a lot more MSNBC of both conventions just to see what the lunatic commentators and pundits had to say. Switched to Fox during commercials or occasionally out of boredom, but DVRd all Fox coverage for later viewing.
Which one did you find more accurate...and why?
I watched a lot more MSNBC of both conventions just to see what the lunatic commentators and pundits had to say. Switched to Fox during commercials or occasionally out of boredom, but DVRd all Fox coverage for later viewing.
Which one did you find more accurate...and why?

Fox. Too many distortions, omissions, race card this, that, and the other thing from the MSNBC crowd.
The interesting thing is every network had high ratings except for fox, which was the opposite of the RNC.
This is another perfect example of how independents and those on the left go to numerous sources for their news, where on the other hand the right wing sheep all obediently get in line to lap at the Fox trough.

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