Hillary did not concede immediately

Hillary went to bed instead of Conceding. Video proof follows.

Hillary never conceded at all. It's not conceding when she says she concedes and then spends her following years saying the election was stolen. That is unconceding her concession.
If you are referring to the 2020 election, it wasn't fraudulent. After 61 failed court cases, you are batshit crazy if you think Trump got ripped off in 2020!

Democrat talking points won’t help Biden in November.
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Trump tried to steal the election by offering an “alternate” slate of electors and using his office to pressure the Vice President and local officials to accept his electors over the ones selected by voters.
It’s not illegal to request alternate electors. Nor is it illegal to request help from a VP.
The problem is Don is also a puppet of the shadow government.

Yet another thing the two fools have in common.
If that is true, I’ll be voting for the shadow government that brought us prosperity, not Biden’s.
You must be crazy. I did not say 99 percent of what you said.
Nah. You said he conceded and can’t point to the time stamp where he does that on the video you provided. Then I provided when Hilary did b
then this would beg the question of why these "crimes" werent investigated or indicted earlier. Real crimes get quick attention.

Then, statute of limitations.
Democrats own the Judicial branch.
Was this her concession speech?

THERE IT IS the senior Dem election deniers on video. A former Dem POTUS, the current Dem POTUS, the 2016 Dem nominee and many other leading Democrats ALL election deniers. All claiming Trump's presidency is illegitimate. All undermining the election, democracy, the will of the people and the Constitution.

LYING POS Democrats are hypocrites of the first order, F them.
Democrats own the Judicial branch.
that could only happen if the constitution were disposed of..

Article III, Section 1, also tells us that federal judges—including Supreme Court justices—hold their offices for life (“during good behaviour”). This creates an independent judiciary—federal judges can't be fired, fined, or otherwise controlled once confirmed to the federal courts.

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