Man Kills Pharmacist Brother Because He Administered Evil Vaccine


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"A Cumberland man allegedly killed his brother and sister-in-law in their Ellicott City home last week because his brother, a pharmacist, administered COVID-19 vaccines, according to charging documents filed Wednesday in a Howard County court. Jeffrey Burnham told his mother he had to confront his older brother, Brian Robinette, because he was poisoning people by administering the COVID-19 vaccine.

Burnham is being held without bond in Allegany County, where a day later he killed Robinette, 58, and his wife Kelly Sue Robinette, 57. Burnham was arrested Oct. 1 at The Billy Motel & Bar in Davis, West Virginia, after flagging down a firefighter, and told him he “had been forced to kill three people.”

Apparently, he also stabbed an 83 yr-old woman to death who was his mother's long time friend; in order to use her car to drive to kill his brother and his sister-n-law..Now you can say this guy was obviously crazy and leave it at that....but...can you say that him claiming vaccines are killing people left and right is a crazy belief to have?? I mean, I see on this very message board people claiming this vaccine is more deadly than COVID itself and people are just dropping like flies from is this said for shits and giggles or do you truly believe that??

Now, we see plenty of these bible thumpers talking about how these vaccines are evil, mark of the beast, killing people by the hundreds of thousands...sooner or later, if you keep insisting on this, someone is going to take it literally...and at the end of the day, you either truly believe these vaccines are killing people left and right or you are just full of shit..
Humm I bet never ever in his life had the firefighter wanted an ejection seat is his ride as much as he did at that very moment.
Now, we see plenty of these bible thumpers talking about how these vaccines are evil, mark of the beast, killing people by the hundreds of thousands...sooner or later, if you keep insisting on this, someone is going to take it literally...and at the end of the day, you either truly believe these vaccines are killing people left and right or you are just full of shit..
I am completely ashiest, or, if I must choose a religion, I am Norse Pagan, and I don't want an experimental DNA-altering substance (not a vaccine) shot into my body without my consent.

Your bullshit theory just blew up in your face.

But you see now how extreme the proposed mandates are far more serious than just a public safety issue. It is quite literally such a breach of individual liberty that it warrants armed resistance.
Is it now lawful to poison people?
Were those people poisoning people?
Is it lawful to kill murderers?
The King of the Universe says by the word of 2 or 3 witnesses faithful to the Truth are all things established.
I wonder if the court considers these issues, or is it another democracy court like the one that killed Socarates?
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"A Cumberland man allegedly killed his brother and sister-in-law in their Ellicott City home last week because his brother, a pharmacist, administered COVID-19 vaccines, according to charging documents filed Wednesday in a Howard County court. Jeffrey Burnham told his mother he had to confront his older brother, Brian Robinette, because he was poisoning people by administering the COVID-19 vaccine.

Burnham is being held without bond in Allegany County, where a day later he killed Robinette, 58, and his wife Kelly Sue Robinette, 57. Burnham was arrested Oct. 1 at The Billy Motel & Bar in Davis, West Virginia, after flagging down a firefighter, and told him he “had been forced to kill three people.”

Apparently, he also stabbed an 83 yr-old woman to death who was his mother's long time friend; in order to use her car to drive to kill his brother and his sister-n-law..Now you can say this guy was obviously crazy and leave it at that....but...can you say that him claiming vaccines are killing people left and right is a crazy belief to have?? I mean, I see on this very message board people claiming this vaccine is more deadly than COVID itself and people are just dropping like flies from is this said for shits and giggles or do you truly believe that??

Now, we see plenty of these bible thumpers talking about how these vaccines are evil, mark of the beast, killing people by the hundreds of thousands...sooner or later, if you keep insisting on this, someone is going to take it literally...and at the end of the day, you either truly believe these vaccines are killing people left and right or you are just full of shit..
I believe dumb Joe Biden claimed FB was killing people. This must upset you greatly, right?

"A Cumberland man allegedly killed his brother and sister-in-law in their Ellicott City home last week because his brother, a pharmacist, administered COVID-19 vaccines, according to charging documents filed Wednesday in a Howard County court. Jeffrey Burnham told his mother he had to confront his older brother, Brian Robinette, because he was poisoning people by administering the COVID-19 vaccine.

Burnham is being held without bond in Allegany County, where a day later he killed Robinette, 58, and his wife Kelly Sue Robinette, 57. Burnham was arrested Oct. 1 at The Billy Motel & Bar in Davis, West Virginia, after flagging down a firefighter, and told him he “had been forced to kill three people.”

Apparently, he also stabbed an 83 yr-old woman to death who was his mother's long time friend; in order to use her car to drive to kill his brother and his sister-n-law..Now you can say this guy was obviously crazy and leave it at that....but...can you say that him claiming vaccines are killing people left and right is a crazy belief to have?? I mean, I see on this very message board people claiming this vaccine is more deadly than COVID itself and people are just dropping like flies from is this said for shits and giggles or do you truly believe that??

Now, we see plenty of these bible thumpers talking about how these vaccines are evil, mark of the beast, killing people by the hundreds of thousands...sooner or later, if you keep insisting on this, someone is going to take it literally...and at the end of the day, you either truly believe these vaccines are killing people left and right or you are just full of shit..
Lol, I can guarantee the vaccine has killed more than three. The man is mentally ill, and hopefully will spend the rest of his life in jail.
Lol, I can guarantee the vaccine has killed more than three. The man is mentally ill, and hopefully will spend the rest of his life in jail.
You shouldn't have to guarantee it, you should show the proof...

now how many has COVID killed?

I'll wait
I am completely ashiest, or, if I must choose a religion, I am Norse Pagan, and I don't want an experimental DNA-altering substance (not a vaccine) shot into my body without my consent.

Your bullshit theory just blew up in your face.

But you see now how extreme the proposed mandates are far more serious than just a public safety issue. It is quite literally such a breach of individual liberty that it warrants armed resistance.
Funny how the biggest purveyors of these bullshit vaccine conspiracies have the strictest vaccine mandates..

But they are smart enough to know as long as they feed dumb asses like you the goofy shit yall want to believe, you will ignore it...
But if you are assuming vaccines are poison, what are you willing to do to stop it?
Certainly not kill some pharmacist who is only providing a service people want.

Now, going door to door and forcibly injecting? I will go down in a blaze of glory if that shit happens.

Making vaccines mandatory in order to resume normal life, or making life so restrictive that a vaccine is all but forced? That calls for an armed resistance, and MILLIONS OF US WILL FUCKING DO IT!!! So, don't dare go there.
Funny how the biggest purveyors of these bullshit vaccine conspiracies have the strictest vaccine mandates..

But they are smart enough to know as long as they feed dumb asses like you the goofy shit yall want to believe, you will ignore it...
I don't give a shit what Fox News does. I am not Fox News and I don't watch it.

Tell me, genius. What's in the vaccine? What are the ingredients?
Certainly not kill some pharmacist who is only providing a service people want.

Now, going door to door and forcibly injecting? I will go down in a blaze of glory if that shit happens.

Making vaccines mandatory in order to resume normal life, or making life so restrictive that a vaccine is all but forced? That calls for an armed resistance, and MILLIONS OF US WILL FUCKING DO IT!!! So, don't dare go there.
Has that armed resistance broke out at Fox News yet??

Tucker is a conservative patriot isn't he? Has he taken up arms against his corporate masters yet??

All you dic suckers do is get online and cosplay about armed rebellions....and the minute someone does what you claim, yall try to distance yourself and say he's a nutcase
I don't give a shit what Fox News does. I am not Fox News and I don't watch it.

Tell me, genius. What's in the vaccine? What are the ingredients?
Tell me genius..

Why did your lord and savior push something and demand he get credit for it, that morons like you now claim is evil and changes your DNA?

And no, the vaccine does not alter your DNA, moron...

But let me did your own research...
Has that armed resistance broke out at Fox News yet??
Don't know. I live in Texas, not NYC.
Tucker is a conservative patriot isn't he?
You tell me.
Has he taken up arms against his corporate masters yet??
All you dic suckers do is get online and cosplay about armed rebellions.
So far, I have not been threatened with something warranting armed rebellion or armed resistance. In fact, nobody seems to have the courage to do ANYTHING of the sort anywhere near me. It's like they know that if they do that shit here, some fools will be shot and the shooters will walk. I can assure you that any armed rebellion will not happen in D.C.
and the minute someone does what you claim, yall try to distance yourself and say he's a nutcase
Please post where I have advocated for the murder of pharmacists.
Tell me genius..

Why did your lord and savior push something and demand he get credit for it, that morons like you now claim is evil and changes your DNA?

And no, the vaccine does not alter your DNA, moron...
You mistake me for a Christian, genius. I don't really like Trump. He was nothing more than a means to an end. I bet you have no idea who I would support, because you make all sorts of assumtions.

But, tell me....quit dodging this very important question.


You don't even know, do you? You just willfully allow a substance to be injected into your body without knowing a single goddamn thing about what's in it. To top it off, our FedGov gives the manufacturer of that substance 100% liability protection. And you don't even bother to consider or question. You just get that jab because your masters told you to.

Here's what mRNA "vaccines" allegedly do:

Is that modifying DNA? Maybe not, but it sure sounds unnatural and potentially dangerous if something goes wrong.

You be the guinea pig if you want to.
The maniac stabbed an 83 year old woman to death and stole her car before he shot his brother and his wife and the desperate left wants to make a case about Covid. No surprise here. It beats talking about Biden anyway.

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