Unsealed Doc Reveals Biden FBI Authorized the Use of Deadly Force During Mar-a-Lago Raid – Armed Agents Prepared to Confront Trump

I guess conservatives are learning how to play the game
What an incredibly stupid thought.

The GOP has won the popular vote ONCE in the past 30 years.

Reagan won 49 states. On his re-election. He actually INCREASED his success. Do you know how rare that is?

So think about the incredible stupidity of being stupid and how that's working out for the GOP.

As I often point out, a conservative used to be the smartest person in the room. Now they are the dumbest, sniffing each others asses in the corner.

The GOP now runs the smart ones out of town on a rail.
What an incredibly stupid thought.

The GOP has won the popular vote ONCE in the past 30 years.

Reagan won 49 states. On his re-election. He actually INCREASED his success. Do you know how rare that is?

So think about the incredible stupidity of being stupid and how that's working out for the GOP.

As I often point out, a conservative used to be the smartest person in the room. Now they are the dumbest, sniffing each others asses in the corner.

The GOP now runs the smart ones out of town on a rail.

Yeah, look at all the progtards voting for their candidates in TWO States. That's why there is an EC, dumbass. So that two states can't control the country.
I began to seriously despair for the future of the GOP around 2006. That is when I stopped voting for President, though I continued to vote on local measures and down ballot candidates.

I kept holding onto hope the GOP would turn itself around and return to the conservative principles it claimed to believe in.

I held on, and held on.

Then, Trump came along and was elected. That is when I finally lost all hope and quit the party and registered as an Independent.

No matter how much longer Trump manages to live and breathe, he will never be a Republican longer than I was. That is a physical impossibility given his age.

I see no sign of the GOP pulling out of its death spiral. In fact, it is getting worse. I call it the Jacobinization of the conservative movement. And it both saddens and frightens me.
It's not bad enough that Trump had to turn this trial into a clown show with his attacks & whining like a little bitch every day after court. Then his Trump Party lackeys & two bit hacks had to show up in red ties parroting his threats & ranting & raving like a bunch of lunatics.

That party is totally subservient to Trump no matter WHAT he does. Him & his family have even turned the RNC into a slush fund beneffiting them.
When police kill innocent citizens, your side tells us to shut up about it before we hurt the feelings of the cops.
Police should not be armed to encounter criminals but should have a dozen assaults rifles just in case Trump is home when they come for his paperwork
Lib 101Pure Insanity
I have always understood this about Democrats. Democrats will KILL people to stay in power.
Ruby Ridge, WACO and the roadside assassination of Lavoy Finnicum.

Police should not be armed to encounter criminals but should have a dozen assaults rifles just in case Trump is home when they come for his paperwork
Lib 101Pure Insanity
The FBI didn’t bring assault rifles.

You are delusional.
Could you guys act like adults and stop trying to blame everyone else for your own behavior?
When are libs going to realize that any game you can think up conservatives can learn to play?
Fuck yourself Slow Horse. I'm sick of your spitball shit from the peanut gallery.

Have a blessed life.

You can't handle anyone who counters Trump's lies with facts.

No one who believes, follows or votes for a lying criminal conman like Trump, will ever have a "blessed life".
When are libs going to realize that any game you can think up conservatives can learn to play?

When are YOU going to realize that politics is not a "game", and treating it as such, is destroying the nation. It's a lose/lose situation for you.

The only way to "Win", is to refuse to play.
When are libs going to realize that any game you can think up conservatives can learn to play?
Grow up. Whatever happened to conservatives supposedly believing in personal responsibility? I guess that's for everyone else.

You're not playing a game. You're delusional and it's already gotten enough people hurt.

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