Suddenly, Republicans love Putin

Man, the demented LEFT sure do burn a LOT of political calories on their OWN MADE UP BULLSHIT NARRATIVES.

Entitled “Moscow Tools,” the Monday night special chronicles the shocking trend of Donald Trump supporters praising Russian president Vladimir Putin — a sentiment that seems unthinkable from the political party that elected Ronald Reagan during the Cold War.

“Over the last 6 months, we noticed this shift in the way people at Trump rallies talked about Russia and Vladimir Putin,” Klepper said. “Putin was suddenly seen as, not this bad guy autocrat, but seen as somebody who was even preferable to Joe Biden.”

In fact, the first-ever Vanderbilt Unity poll found that 52% of MAGA Republicans believed that Putin was a better president than Biden.

This feels like a seismic change in the GOP. Then, simultaneously, you’re seeing Marjorie Taylor Greene pushing Russian propaganda out there and stop funding to Ukraine,” Klepper said. Earlier this year, Greene opposed a bill that would provide military aid to Ukraine.
Entitled “Moscow Tools,” the Monday night special chronicles the shocking trend of Donald Trump supporters praising Russian president Vladimir Putin — a sentiment that seems unthinkable from the political party that elected Ronald Reagan during the Cold War.

“Over the last 6 months, we noticed this shift in the way people at Trump rallies talked about Russia and Vladimir Putin,” Klepper said. “Putin was suddenly seen as, not this bad guy autocrat, but seen as somebody who was even preferable to Joe Biden.”

In fact, the first-ever Vanderbilt Unity poll found that 52% of MAGA Republicans believed that Putin was a better president than Biden.

This feels like a seismic change in the GOP. Then, simultaneously, you’re seeing Marjorie Taylor Greene pushing Russian propaganda out there and stop funding to Ukraine,” Klepper said. Earlier this year, Greene opposed a bill that would provide military aid to Ukraine.
So you double down, eh?
So you double down, eh?

We now see what's going on. is a Russian propaganda website not a group in Washington. They only appear to be American. But if you listen to or read their stories, you know they are fake and propaganda the only thing is a day or two Trump or Majorie Taylor Green are out repeating the lies.

CLEARLY Putin wants Trump to win.
And then there's the infamous reset button gifted to Putin by Hillary.

There has been a gradual flip by Democrats from being suckups to Russia to Republicans being suckups to Russia.

The conversion is complete.

I cannot recall the number of times I have pointed out on this forum how much MAGA tards sound exactly like the commie pinko liberals of the 70s and 80s.

It's freaky as hell!
"While Donald Trump’s budding bromance with Vladimir Putin is well known — the two men have exchanged admiring words about each other and called for improved relations between Washington and Moscow — Putin’s hostility towards Clinton draws less attention.

Former U.S. officials who worked on Russia policy with Clinton say that Putin was personally stung by Clinton’s December 2011 condemnation of Russia’s parliamentary elections, and had his anger communicated directly to President Barack Obama. They say Putin and his advisers are also keenly aware that, even as she executed Obama’s “reset” policy with Russia, Clinton took a harder line toward Moscow than others in the administration. And they say Putin sees Clinton as a forceful proponent of “regime change” policies that the Russian leader considers a grave threat to his own survival."

Remember a couple weeks ago Putin endorsed Biden and us liberals told you he's playing reverse mind games on us?

Now we're starting to see that's true. Putin doesn't have a fake American website called DC.COM to help Joe Biden win. He's trying to help Trump!
We now see what's going on. is a Russian propaganda website not a group in Washington. They only appear to be American. But if you listen to or read their stories, you know they are fake and propaganda the only thing is a day or two Trump or Majorie Taylor Green are out repeating the lies.

CLEARLY Putin wants Trump to win.
Remember a couple weeks ago Putin endorsed Biden and us liberals told you he's playing reverse mind games on us?

Now we're starting to see that's true. Putin doesn't have a fake American website called DC.COM to help Joe Biden win. He's trying to help Trump!
Sure, Jan.
"While Donald Trump’s budding bromance with Vladimir Putin is well known — the two men have exchanged admiring words about each other and called for improved relations between Washington and Moscow — Putin’s hostility towards Clinton draws less attention.

Former U.S. officials who worked on Russia policy with Clinton say that Putin was personally stung by Clinton’s December 2011 condemnation of Russia’s parliamentary elections, and had his anger communicated directly to President Barack Obama. They say Putin and his advisers are also keenly aware that, even as she executed Obama’s “reset” policy with Russia, Clinton took a harder line toward Moscow than others in the administration. And they say Putin sees Clinton as a forceful proponent of “reg
ime change” policies that the Russian leader considers a grave threat to his own survival."

Clearly it's obvious Putin wants Trump back right? Trump, the guy who said he would stop helping Ukraine? Ukraine, the country Russia is currently at war with? It's laughable for Putin to say he'd prefer Biden be president when he knows Trump wants to get USA out of NATO.

Putin says Biden is better for Russia than a Trump presidency​

Sorry but when you can go to a Russian pro Trump website and then go to a Trump rally and you see the MAGA idiots are repeating all the Russian lies, that's not bs narrative that's the fact jack.
Bobo clown, Soviet Russia scrambled YOUR eggs long ago.
Bo bo clown-------------> 🤡
Sure, Jan.

Putin said his country would prefer to see the “more experienced” Biden in the White House than the Republican front-runner, former President Donald Trump.

The comments, which may be taken more as mischievous meddling than serious, were the Russian leader’s most direct in public on the upcoming U.S. election. They were welcomed by Trump but dismissed by the White House, which urged Putin to “stay out” of the election.

Putin did not hesitate when asked whether Biden or Trump was better for Russia.

“Biden,” Putin said. “He is a more experienced, predictable person, an old-school politician.”

Biden has long been open in his criticism of Putin, previously calling the Russian leader a “killer,” “murderous dictator” and “pure thug.” He spearheaded the Western response to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022, including tough economic sanctions.

The U.S. has also been supplying Ukraine’s military with billions of dollars in crucial supplies, and Putin’s intervention comes as the White House pushes the GOP-led House to vote through a new package of aid for Kyiv.

Trump, in contrast, has often been complimentary of Putin and praised him as a tough leader. A Senate intelligence report found “extensive” Russian interference in the 2016 election that Trump won.

The former president set off alarm bells in Europe after telling an election rally last weekend that he would encourage Russia to “do whatever the hell they want” if it attacked a NATO country that didn’t pay enough for defense.

The Republican front-runner stood by his comments at a rally on Wednesday night. He also responded to Putin’s stated preference for Biden, calling it a “great compliment” and adding that “Putin is not a fan of mine.”

Putin has previously blamed NATO and the bloc’s expansion to the east for ultimately precipitating his attack on Ukraine. Biden has pledged staunch support for America’s NATO allies and accused Trump on Tuesday of having “bowed down to a Russian dictator.”

Putin said in the interview that Trump has always been perceived as a “non-systemic politician” with “his own view” on how the U.S. should develop relations with allies.

A week earlier, in a much talked-about interview with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson, Putin said he had “a personal relationship” with Trump, but could not remember the last time he talked to Biden. “It’s not about the personality of the leader — it’s about the mood of the elites,” Putin said when asked whether it matters who is in charge in Washington for better relations with Russia.

Addressing the interview with Carlson, Putin said Wednesday that he was surprised by the lack of “sharp questions” from the conservative commentator.
Putin said his country would prefer to see the “more experienced” Biden in the White House than the Republican front-runner, former President Donald Trump.

The comments, which may be taken more as mischievous meddling than serious, were the Russian leader’s most direct in public on the upcoming U.S. election. They were welcomed by Trump but dismissed by the White House, which urged Putin to “stay out” of the election.

Putin did not hesitate when asked whether Biden or Trump was better for Russia.

“Biden,” Putin said. “He is a more experienced, predictable person, an old-school politician.”

Biden has long been open in his criticism of Putin, previously calling the Russian leader a “killer,” “murderous dictator” and “pure thug.” He spearheaded the Western response to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022, including tough economic sanctions.

The U.S. has also been supplying Ukraine’s military with billions of dollars in crucial supplies, and Putin’s intervention comes as the White House pushes the GOP-led House to vote through a new package of aid for Kyiv.

Trump, in contrast, has often been complimentary of Putin and praised him as a tough leader. A Senate intelligence report found “extensive” Russian interference in the 2016 election that Trump won.

The former president set off alarm bells in Europe after telling an election rally last weekend that he would encourage Russia to “do whatever the hell they want” if it attacked a NATO country that didn’t pay enough for defense.

The Republican front-runner stood by his comments at a rally on Wednesday night. He also responded to Putin’s stated preference for Biden, calling it a “great compliment” and adding that “Putin is not a fan of mine.”

Putin has previously blamed NATO and the bloc’s expansion to the east for ultimately precipitating his attack on Ukraine. Biden has pledged staunch support for America’s NATO allies and accused Trump on Tuesday of having “bowed down to a Russian dictator.”

Putin said in the interview that Trump has always been perceived as a “non-systemic politician” with “his own view” on how the U.S. should develop relations with allies.

A week earlier, in a much talked-about interview with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson, Putin said he had “a personal relationship” with Trump, but could not remember the last time he talked to Biden. “It’s not about the personality of the leader — it’s about the mood of the elites,” Putin said when asked whether it matters who is in charge in Washington for better relations with Russia.

Addressing the interview with Carlson, Putin said Wednesday that he was surprised by the lack of “sharp questions” from the conservative commentator.
Yuri Bezmenov warned us about YOU, Bobo clown. 🤡
Respect him more than that clown. Dont mean i like the Sumbitch

When you fucks gonna seal the damn border?
Trump stopped the border deal we were making with Mike Johnson. So the answer is, after we defeat Trump again.

Yes you LIKE him. In other words, you would rather have a leader like him than Biden. A guy who lies, cheats, steals and murders. Got it.
Trump stopped the border deal we were making with Mike Johnson. So the answer is, after we defeat Trump again.

Yes you LIKE him. In other words, you would rather have a leader like him than Biden. A guy who lies, cheats, steals and murders. Got it.
Garbage Bill LIAR. IT WAS CRAP
Republicans Suddenly Love Vladimir Putin

Yup, the ultimate example of Party over Country

And the world was at peace.


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