Liberals Don't Get To Tell Us What's "inappropriate" Any More

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
The last time I checked these lunatics have lost over 1000 elected positions in America over the last six years.

That includes the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the White House. (How's the Supreme Court working out for you libtardos).

The lieberals rail Trump's speech to the Boy Scouts was "inappropriate" and what I saw was 40,000 cheering his every word for over an hour.

They bitch Trump's tweeting is "inappropriate" but what they're really bitching about is Trump bypasses the lieberal's fake news media and they don't get to spin to create conspiracy theories. (They thought conservatives were tech idiots. lol)

They tell us our laws are "inappropriate" and illegal aliens should be allowed to come and go as they please, take our jobs, drive down wages for our workers, bring crime and drugs. (But don't bitch when our taxes go up to pay for more police)

They tell Joe Six Pack it is "inappropriate" to get pissed off when part of the $1000 in Federal taxes he paid is going to go to cut the pecker off a gender confused loon who spends his time off from the Military prancing in the streets in front of his kids. (Patton wouldn't even give one of these clowns a gun)

And then they tell me it's "inappropriate" to make fun of them. You're killing me, Smalls.
I doubt if the black and Hispanic children were cheering. And if they were, 10 year olds will cheer anything if told to.
I doubt if the black and Hispanic children were cheering. And if they were, 10 year olds will cheer anything if told to.
See, you say that from the ideological perspective that children are there to be manipulated and used for political gain (or financial gain, or sex, or whatever).

The rest of us don't view ten year olds as chattel. And so no, the kids weren't told to clap. They clapped because they like trump.

And btw, not all scouts are ten year olds. And yup, there are black and Hispanic people who absolutely love Trump. They're people too, racist.
The last time I checked these lunatics have lost over 1000 elected positions in America over the last six years.

That includes the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the White House. (How's the Supreme Court working out for you libtardos).

The lieberals rail Trump's speech to the Boy Scouts was "inappropriate" and what I saw was 40,000 cheering his every word for over an hour.

They bitch Trump's tweeting is "inappropriate" but what they're really bitching about is Trump bypasses the lieberal's fake news media and they don't get to spin to create conspiracy theories. (They thought conservatives were tech idiots. lol)

They tell us our laws are "inappropriate" and illegal aliens should be allowed to come and go as they please, take our jobs, drive down wages for our workers, bring crime and drugs. (But don't bitch when our taxes go up to pay for more police)

They tell Joe Six Pack it is "inappropriate" to get pissed off when part of the $1000 in Federal taxes he paid is going to go to cut the pecker off a gender confused loon who spends his time off from the Military prancing in the streets in front of his kids. (Patton wouldn't even give one of these clowns a gun)

And then they tell me it's "inappropriate" to make fun of them. You're killing me, Smalls.
There are more of us than there are of you.
Plus we're organized and spitting man.
The day after the inauguration was the largest demonstration in the history of man. 30 countries, all 50 states. Also the first time a newly elected president had the whole world against him.
Plus now that your GOP has proven they can't govern even a little the midterms are scaring them half to death as well it should.
Carry on with your measley braindead 36%.
You're not going anywhere with that.
The last time I checked these lunatics have lost over 1000 elected positions in America over the last six years.

That includes the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the White House. (How's the Supreme Court working out for you libtardos).

The lieberals rail Trump's speech to the Boy Scouts was "inappropriate" and what I saw was 40,000 cheering his every word for over an hour.

They bitch Trump's tweeting is "inappropriate" but what they're really bitching about is Trump bypasses the lieberal's fake news media and they don't get to spin to create conspiracy theories. (They thought conservatives were tech idiots. lol)

They tell us our laws are "inappropriate" and illegal aliens should be allowed to come and go as they please, take our jobs, drive down wages for our workers, bring crime and drugs. (But don't bitch when our taxes go up to pay for more police)

They tell Joe Six Pack it is "inappropriate" to get pissed off when part of the $1000 in Federal taxes he paid is going to go to cut the pecker off a gender confused loon who spends his time off from the Military prancing in the streets in front of his kids. (Patton wouldn't even give one of these clowns a gun)

And then they tell me it's "inappropriate" to make fun of them. You're killing me, Smalls.
There are more of us than there are of you.
Plus we're organized and spitting man.
The day after the inauguration was the largest demonstration in the history of man. 30 countries, all 50 states. Also the first time a newly elected president had the whole world against him.
Plus now that your GOP has proven they can't govern even a little the midterms are scaring them half to death as well it should.
Carry on with your measley braindead 36%.
You're not going anywhere with that.
Another mentally ill nutbar that thinks he's relevant...
The last time I checked these lunatics have lost over 1000 elected positions in America over the last six years.

That includes the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the White House. (How's the Supreme Court working out for you libtardos).

The lieberals rail Trump's speech to the Boy Scouts was "inappropriate" and what I saw was 40,000 cheering his every word for over an hour.

They bitch Trump's tweeting is "inappropriate" but what they're really bitching about is Trump bypasses the lieberal's fake news media and they don't get to spin to create conspiracy theories. (They thought conservatives were tech idiots. lol)

They tell us our laws are "inappropriate" and illegal aliens should be allowed to come and go as they please, take our jobs, drive down wages for our workers, bring crime and drugs. (But don't bitch when our taxes go up to pay for more police)

They tell Joe Six Pack it is "inappropriate" to get pissed off when part of the $1000 in Federal taxes he paid is going to go to cut the pecker off a gender confused loon who spends his time off from the Military prancing in the streets in front of his kids. (Patton wouldn't even give one of these clowns a gun)

And then they tell me it's "inappropriate" to make fun of them. You're killing me, Smalls.
There are more of us than there are of you.
Plus we're organized and spitting man.
The day after the inauguration was the largest demonstration in the history of man. 30 countries, all 50 states. Also the first time a newly elected president had the whole world against him.
Plus now that your GOP has proven they can't govern even a little the midterms are scaring them half to death as well it should.
Carry on with your measley braindead 36%.
You're not going anywhere with that.

The primary goal was to keep The Hag & Co. out.
Mission accomplished sugar!:thup:

The rest is noise bro.

Now don't you have a pussy hat to go prance around in while you lecture people on how to think darling.
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I doubt if the black and Hispanic children were cheering. And if they were, 10 year olds will cheer anything if told to.

Nice subtle use of the race card but you beat that dead horse so long rational people used it against you.

So in reality you elected Trump.
The last time I checked these lunatics have lost over 1000 elected positions in America over the last six years.

That includes the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the White House. (How's the Supreme Court working out for you libtardos).

The lieberals rail Trump's speech to the Boy Scouts was "inappropriate" and what I saw was 40,000 cheering his every word for over an hour.

They bitch Trump's tweeting is "inappropriate" but what they're really bitching about is Trump bypasses the lieberal's fake news media and they don't get to spin to create conspiracy theories. (They thought conservatives were tech idiots. lol)

They tell us our laws are "inappropriate" and illegal aliens should be allowed to come and go as they please, take our jobs, drive down wages for our workers, bring crime and drugs. (But don't bitch when our taxes go up to pay for more police)

They tell Joe Six Pack it is "inappropriate" to get pissed off when part of the $1000 in Federal taxes he paid is going to go to cut the pecker off a gender confused loon who spends his time off from the Military prancing in the streets in front of his kids. (Patton wouldn't even give one of these clowns a gun)

And then they tell me it's "inappropriate" to make fun of them. You're killing me, Smalls.
There are more of us than there are of you.
Plus we're organized and spitting man.
The day after the inauguration was the largest demonstration in the history of man. 30 countries, all 50 states. Also the first time a newly elected president had the whole world against him.
Plus now that your GOP has proven they can't govern even a little the midterms are scaring them half to death as well it should.
Carry on with your measley braindead 36%.
You're not going anywhere with that.

State dependent zombies. Cut off the money hose and those dependent hordes will bail the plantation. Most have already figured out that the money is running out and it's time to be responsible and support Trump. The rest... I am not so sure they will have such a good fate.
The last time I checked these lunatics have lost over 1000 elected positions in America over the last six years.

That includes the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the White House. (How's the Supreme Court working out for you libtardos).

The lieberals rail Trump's speech to the Boy Scouts was "inappropriate" and what I saw was 40,000 cheering his every word for over an hour.

They bitch Trump's tweeting is "inappropriate" but what they're really bitching about is Trump bypasses the lieberal's fake news media and they don't get to spin to create conspiracy theories. (They thought conservatives were tech idiots. lol)

They tell us our laws are "inappropriate" and illegal aliens should be allowed to come and go as they please, take our jobs, drive down wages for our workers, bring crime and drugs. (But don't bitch when our taxes go up to pay for more police)

They tell Joe Six Pack it is "inappropriate" to get pissed off when part of the $1000 in Federal taxes he paid is going to go to cut the pecker off a gender confused loon who spends his time off from the Military prancing in the streets in front of his kids. (Patton wouldn't even give one of these clowns a gun)

And then they tell me it's "inappropriate" to make fun of them. You're killing me, Smalls.
There are more of us than there are of you.
Plus we're organized and spitting man.
The day after the inauguration was the largest demonstration in the history of man. 30 countries, all 50 states. Also the first time a newly elected president had the whole world against him.
Plus now that your GOP has proven they can't govern even a little the midterms are scaring them half to death as well it should.
Carry on with your measley braindead 36%.
You're not going anywhere with that.

Impotent rage is impotent? Oh Noes! more parades with gian paper mache puppets!
Those "protests" are leading to arrests when laws were broken And the world can bo pttthhppppttt.
When everyone from dems to the press to the deep state and part of his own party is trying to fuck him over, it's a surprise he's gotten as much done so far as he has. Plus Hillary didn't get to name a SC justice, that's the biggest win so far.
Useless number is Useless
The last time I checked these lunatics have lost over 1000 elected positions in America over the last six years.

That includes the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the White House. (How's the Supreme Court working out for you libtardos).

The lieberals rail Trump's speech to the Boy Scouts was "inappropriate" and what I saw was 40,000 cheering his every word for over an hour.

They bitch Trump's tweeting is "inappropriate" but what they're really bitching about is Trump bypasses the lieberal's fake news media and they don't get to spin to create conspiracy theories. (They thought conservatives were tech idiots. lol)

They tell us our laws are "inappropriate" and illegal aliens should be allowed to come and go as they please, take our jobs, drive down wages for our workers, bring crime and drugs. (But don't bitch when our taxes go up to pay for more police)

They tell Joe Six Pack it is "inappropriate" to get pissed off when part of the $1000 in Federal taxes he paid is going to go to cut the pecker off a gender confused loon who spends his time off from the Military prancing in the streets in front of his kids. (Patton wouldn't even give one of these clowns a gun)

And then they tell me it's "inappropriate" to make fun of them. You're killing me, Smalls.
There are more of us than there are of you.
Plus we're organized and spitting man.
The day after the inauguration was the largest demonstration in the history of man. 30 countries, all 50 states. Also the first time a newly elected president had the whole world against him.
Plus now that your GOP has proven they can't govern even a little the midterms are scaring them half to death as well it should.
Carry on with your measley braindead 36%.
You're not going anywhere with that.

Impotent rage is impotent? Oh Noes! more parades with gian paper mache puppets!
Those "protests" are leading to arrests when laws were broken And the world can bo pttthhppppttt.
When everyone from dems to the press to the deep state and part of his own party is trying to fuck him over, it's a surprise he's gotten as much done so far as he has. Plus Hillary didn't get to name a SC justice, that's the biggest win so far.
Useless number is Useless
The marches across the world the day after the inauguration there was not one arrest. Millions coming together against the racist lunatic. Not one arrest.
And Trump's fucking himself over. We just sit back with popcorn and watch the carnage.
The last time I checked these lunatics have lost over 1000 elected positions in America over the last six years.

That includes the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the White House. (How's the Supreme Court working out for you libtardos).

The lieberals rail Trump's speech to the Boy Scouts was "inappropriate" and what I saw was 40,000 cheering his every word for over an hour.

They bitch Trump's tweeting is "inappropriate" but what they're really bitching about is Trump bypasses the lieberal's fake news media and they don't get to spin to create conspiracy theories. (They thought conservatives were tech idiots. lol)

They tell us our laws are "inappropriate" and illegal aliens should be allowed to come and go as they please, take our jobs, drive down wages for our workers, bring crime and drugs. (But don't bitch when our taxes go up to pay for more police)

They tell Joe Six Pack it is "inappropriate" to get pissed off when part of the $1000 in Federal taxes he paid is going to go to cut the pecker off a gender confused loon who spends his time off from the Military prancing in the streets in front of his kids. (Patton wouldn't even give one of these clowns a gun)

And then they tell me it's "inappropriate" to make fun of them. You're killing me, Smalls.
There are more of us than there are of you.
Plus we're organized and spitting man.
The day after the inauguration was the largest demonstration in the history of man. 30 countries, all 50 states. Also the first time a newly elected president had the whole world against him.
Plus now that your GOP has proven they can't govern even a little the midterms are scaring them half to death as well it should.
Carry on with your measley braindead 36%.
You're not going anywhere with that.

LOL we have 300 million guns fool. ^^^ points and laughs :laugh:
The last time I checked these lunatics have lost over 1000 elected positions in America over the last six years.

That includes the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the White House. (How's the Supreme Court working out for you libtardos).

The lieberals rail Trump's speech to the Boy Scouts was "inappropriate" and what I saw was 40,000 cheering his every word for over an hour.

They bitch Trump's tweeting is "inappropriate" but what they're really bitching about is Trump bypasses the lieberal's fake news media and they don't get to spin to create conspiracy theories. (They thought conservatives were tech idiots. lol)

They tell us our laws are "inappropriate" and illegal aliens should be allowed to come and go as they please, take our jobs, drive down wages for our workers, bring crime and drugs. (But don't bitch when our taxes go up to pay for more police)

They tell Joe Six Pack it is "inappropriate" to get pissed off when part of the $1000 in Federal taxes he paid is going to go to cut the pecker off a gender confused loon who spends his time off from the Military prancing in the streets in front of his kids. (Patton wouldn't even give one of these clowns a gun)

And then they tell me it's "inappropriate" to make fun of them. You're killing me, Smalls.
There are more of us than there are of you.
Plus we're organized and spitting man.
The day after the inauguration was the largest demonstration in the history of man. 30 countries, all 50 states. Also the first time a newly elected president had the whole world against him.
Plus now that your GOP has proven they can't govern even a little the midterms are scaring them half to death as well it should.
Carry on with your measley braindead 36%.
You're not going anywhere with that.

Impotent rage is impotent? Oh Noes! more parades with gian paper mache puppets!
Those "protests" are leading to arrests when laws were broken And the world can bo pttthhppppttt.
When everyone from dems to the press to the deep state and part of his own party is trying to fuck him over, it's a surprise he's gotten as much done so far as he has. Plus Hillary didn't get to name a SC justice, that's the biggest win so far.
Useless number is Useless
The marches across the world the day after the inauguration there was not one arrest. Millions coming together against the racist lunatic. Not one arrest.
And Trump's fucking himself over. We just sit back with popcorn and watch the carnage.

At Least 217 Arrested Amid Trump Inauguration Day Protests

oh rly?
The last time I checked these lunatics have lost over 1000 elected positions in America over the last six years.

That includes the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the White House. (How's the Supreme Court working out for you libtardos).

The lieberals rail Trump's speech to the Boy Scouts was "inappropriate" and what I saw was 40,000 cheering his every word for over an hour.

They bitch Trump's tweeting is "inappropriate" but what they're really bitching about is Trump bypasses the lieberal's fake news media and they don't get to spin to create conspiracy theories. (They thought conservatives were tech idiots. lol)

They tell us our laws are "inappropriate" and illegal aliens should be allowed to come and go as they please, take our jobs, drive down wages for our workers, bring crime and drugs. (But don't bitch when our taxes go up to pay for more police)

They tell Joe Six Pack it is "inappropriate" to get pissed off when part of the $1000 in Federal taxes he paid is going to go to cut the pecker off a gender confused loon who spends his time off from the Military prancing in the streets in front of his kids. (Patton wouldn't even give one of these clowns a gun)

And then they tell me it's "inappropriate" to make fun of them. You're killing me, Smalls.

Your interest in 'peckers' is, well, interesting.
I doubt if the black and Hispanic children were cheering. And if they were, 10 year olds will cheer anything if told to.
2nd post race card! What's inappropriate are liberals! All they want to do is bring us down. If they can't beat it into our heads they cry racism and bigotry, every time, every where.

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