
Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Usually mis-attributed to Marie Antoinette but brought to a shocking reality in today's America.

See, people. Your children? They don't belong to you, they belong to The State.

And The State gets to tell them what they can eat.


Obama Dinner In Saudi Far Cry From Michelle Obama School Lunch…


The menu for the Obama-Salman dinner with their delegations

School lunches? Eh, not so much:


Derivadude @___HAMILTON___

Thanks for the school lunch salad @MichelleObama "What is this?"


Captain Hottub @CaptainHottub

Why wasn't Michelle Obama's school lunch program included in the #TortureReport?


Populo Iratus @cmahar3

Real torture is eating a Michelle Obama school lunch.

2:04 PM - 9 Dec 2014

Come on, kids, let’s move!

morons, you get the goobermint you deserve
Yes, the school lunch thing is stupid, but I don't see why parents just don't start sending a home lunch with their kids. I almost never bought food from the school cafeteria because it was cheap, unhealthy garbage.
Yes, the school lunch thing is stupid, but I don't see why parents just don't start sending a home lunch with their kids. I almost never bought food from the school cafeteria because it was cheap, unhealthy garbage.
Same PC police will have to inspect that lunch to see if it meets fed "guidelines".

Can't have peanut butter in a school of 1,500 if ONE kid might have the peanut allergy.

Food was so bad at the last three schools I was at, that enterprising kids brought salt and pepper packets and the little Tabasco bottles and sold them just so the kids could get the shit down.

One bunch founder\d an ill-fated, but, very lucrative drug ring by selling fitty cent Walmart candy bars for $1.00.
Last edited:
State Inspectors Searching Children s Lunch Boxes This Isn t China Is It

Schools Meddle in Parents Home-Packed Lunches Why I m Not Offended Bettina Elias Siegel

Carolina Journal Online Covering news politics and policy in North Carolina Preschooler s Homemade Lunch Replaced with Cafeteria Nuggets

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

As to the MORON who doesn't see the elitism....?

Fine, how about what the Lying Cocksucker in Chief's spawn eat at THEIR school?

Here's a sampling of the Sidwell Friends school's "soup of the day": Borscht, Tuscan white bean, Italian bean and kale, calico wild rice, Thai chicken coconut soup, local butternut squash soup, chilled cucumber and mint soup, and chilled blueberry soup.

Other delectable lunch items include:


  • Crusted tilapia
  • Herb roasted chicken
  • Strawberries and chevre salad
  • Freshly baked muffins
  • Pesto cream & garden fresh marinara sauce
  • Cheese tortellini
  • All natural house-made chicken fingers
  • Scallion rice
  • Roasted edamame & Shitake mushrooms
  • Jicama mango slaw
  • BBQ sliders
  • Pesto pasta
  • All natural rosemary chicken
  • Fresh herb risotto
  • All natural beef nachos
  • Vegetarian stuffed Portobello mushrooms
  • Baked lemon herb tilapia
  • Arugula, fennel and parmesan salad
  • Baked organic French fries
  • Baked three-cheese lasagna
  • Pepperoni flatbread pizza

But if you're one of the untermenshen?

Here's what your kids get.....


dimocraps are the scum of the earth
Did an idiot just try to compare a state dinner to public school lunches?

Damn, the entertainment value of this shit cannot even be estimated.

They're certainly free to pay for them.

Oh wait - RWs want gourmet food for free.

Also, the photos of the school lunches aren't real.

Here's a thought.....

Maybe if we weren't paying the dumbest, stupidest, college edumucated professionals on earth $100k+ a year to teach 1+1 = 2 we could afford to feed the kids a little better.

But since the Teachers Unions are 100% on their knees sucking DNC dick while contributing TENS OF MILLIONS of dollars to dimocrap scum every election cycle....

Gotta have your priorities, right scumbag?
State Inspectors Searching Children s Lunch Boxes This Isn t China Is It

Schools Meddle in Parents Home-Packed Lunches Why I m Not Offended Bettina Elias Siegel

Carolina Journal Online Covering news politics and policy in North Carolina Preschooler s Homemade Lunch Replaced with Cafeteria Nuggets

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

As to the MORON who doesn't see the elitism....?

Fine, how about what the Lying Cocksucker in Chief's spawn eat at THEIR school?

Here's a sampling of the Sidwell Friends school's "soup of the day": Borscht, Tuscan white bean, Italian bean and kale, calico wild rice, Thai chicken coconut soup, local butternut squash soup, chilled cucumber and mint soup, and chilled blueberry soup.

Other delectable lunch items include:


  • Crusted tilapia
  • Herb roasted chicken
  • Strawberries and chevre salad
  • Freshly baked muffins
  • Pesto cream & garden fresh marinara sauce
  • Cheese tortellini
  • All natural house-made chicken fingers
  • Scallion rice
  • Roasted edamame & Shitake mushrooms
  • Jicama mango slaw
  • BBQ sliders
  • Pesto pasta
  • All natural rosemary chicken
  • Fresh herb risotto
  • All natural beef nachos
  • Vegetarian stuffed Portobello mushrooms
  • Baked lemon herb tilapia
  • Arugula, fennel and parmesan salad
  • Baked organic French fries
  • Baked three-cheese lasagna
  • Pepperoni flatbread pizza

But if you're one of the untermenshen?

Here's what your kids get.....


dimocraps are the scum of the earth
You posted a list of the MREs supplied by the Gubmint. If they're good enough for the troops, they're good enough for the peasants!
State Inspectors Searching Children s Lunch Boxes This Isn t China Is It

Schools Meddle in Parents Home-Packed Lunches Why I m Not Offended Bettina Elias Siegel

Carolina Journal Online Covering news politics and policy in North Carolina Preschooler s Homemade Lunch Replaced with Cafeteria Nuggets

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

As to the MORON who doesn't see the elitism....?

Fine, how about what the Lying Cocksucker in Chief's spawn eat at THEIR school?

Here's a sampling of the Sidwell Friends school's "soup of the day": Borscht, Tuscan white bean, Italian bean and kale, calico wild rice, Thai chicken coconut soup, local butternut squash soup, chilled cucumber and mint soup, and chilled blueberry soup.

Other delectable lunch items include:


  • Crusted tilapia
  • Herb roasted chicken
  • Strawberries and chevre salad
  • Freshly baked muffins
  • Pesto cream & garden fresh marinara sauce
  • Cheese tortellini
  • All natural house-made chicken fingers
  • Scallion rice
  • Roasted edamame & Shitake mushrooms
  • Jicama mango slaw
  • BBQ sliders
  • Pesto pasta
  • All natural rosemary chicken
  • Fresh herb risotto
  • All natural beef nachos
  • Vegetarian stuffed Portobello mushrooms
  • Baked lemon herb tilapia
  • Arugula, fennel and parmesan salad
  • Baked organic French fries
  • Baked three-cheese lasagna
  • Pepperoni flatbread pizza

But if you're one of the untermenshen?

Here's what your kids get.....


dimocraps are the scum of the earth
You posted a list of the MREs supplied by the Gubmint. If they're good enough for the troops, they're good enough for the peasants!

I wish Obama would put me on MRE's to supplement my food budget.

Instead, he sends them to the usurpers in Ukraine.
Did an idiot just try to compare a state dinner to public school lunches?

Damn, the entertainment value of this shit cannot even be estimated.

They're certainly free to pay for them.

Oh wait - RWs want gourmet food for free.

Also, the photos of the school lunches aren't real.
Why cause you say so? A buddy of mine wife is a school teacher, and she says the school lunches are horrible now.
Did an idiot just try to compare a state dinner to public school lunches?

Damn, the entertainment value of this shit cannot even be estimated.

They're certainly free to pay for them.

Oh wait - RWs want gourmet food for free.

Also, the photos of the school lunches aren't real.
Why cause you say so? A buddy of mine wife is a school teacher, and she says the school lunches are horrible now.
School lunches have been horrible since the 50's, and gotten worse.

I have been in schools that had really good soups, gumbos, and a few other choice things that showed up now and again.

But, day to day, since I started school in '54 to my retirement in '06, school lunches have sucked donkey dicks.

Properly prepared by real cooks, a donkey dick would probably be better than most school lunches.
Did an idiot just try to compare a state dinner to public school lunches?

Damn, the entertainment value of this shit cannot even be estimated.

They're certainly free to pay for them.

Oh wait - RWs want gourmet food for free.

Also, the photos of the school lunches aren't real.
Why cause you say so? A buddy of mine wife is a school teacher, and she says the school lunches are horrible now.
School lunches have been horrible since the 50's, and gotten worse.

I have been in schools that had really good soups, gumbos, and a few other choice things that showed up now and again.

But, day to day, since I started school in '54 to my retirement in '06, school lunches have sucked donkey dicks.

Properly prepared by real cooks, a donkey dick would probably be better than most school lunches.
Actually my high school had a taco bar on Tuesdays that was the bomb and pizza fridays were good also, but other days wasn't too good.
Did an idiot just try to compare a state dinner to public school lunches?

Damn, the entertainment value of this shit cannot even be estimated.

They're certainly free to pay for them.

Oh wait - RWs want gourmet food for free.

Also, the photos of the school lunches aren't real.
Why cause you say so? A buddy of mine wife is a school teacher, and she says the school lunches are horrible now.
School lunches have been horrible since the 50's, and gotten worse.

I have been in schools that had really good soups, gumbos, and a few other choice things that showed up now and again.

But, day to day, since I started school in '54 to my retirement in '06, school lunches have sucked donkey dicks.

Properly prepared by real cooks, a donkey dick would probably be better than most school lunches.
Actually my high school had a taco bar on Tuesdays that was the bomb and pizza fridays were good also, but other days wasn't too good.
Last HS I was in had Domino's available at $1.00 a slice.

Free lunch kid could get one free, buy as many as he wanted.

Some of those kids ate that crap almost every day of HS, the rest was so bad.
State Inspectors Searching Children s Lunch Boxes This Isn t China Is It

Schools Meddle in Parents Home-Packed Lunches Why I m Not Offended Bettina Elias Siegel

Carolina Journal Online Covering news politics and policy in North Carolina Preschooler s Homemade Lunch Replaced with Cafeteria Nuggets

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

As to the MORON who doesn't see the elitism....?

Fine, how about what the Lying Cocksucker in Chief's spawn eat at THEIR school?

Here's a sampling of the Sidwell Friends school's "soup of the day": Borscht, Tuscan white bean, Italian bean and kale, calico wild rice, Thai chicken coconut soup, local butternut squash soup, chilled cucumber and mint soup, and chilled blueberry soup.

Other delectable lunch items include:


  • Crusted tilapia
  • Herb roasted chicken
  • Strawberries and chevre salad
  • Freshly baked muffins
  • Pesto cream & garden fresh marinara sauce
  • Cheese tortellini
  • All natural house-made chicken fingers
  • Scallion rice
  • Roasted edamame & Shitake mushrooms
  • Jicama mango slaw
  • BBQ sliders
  • Pesto pasta
  • All natural rosemary chicken
  • Fresh herb risotto
  • All natural beef nachos
  • Vegetarian stuffed Portobello mushrooms
  • Baked lemon herb tilapia
  • Arugula, fennel and parmesan salad
  • Baked organic French fries
  • Baked three-cheese lasagna
  • Pepperoni flatbread pizza

But if you're one of the untermenshen?

Here's what your kids get.....


dimocraps are the scum of the earth

Nothing quite as hilarious as when conservatives get all class envy-ish.

I'm sorry you're too poor to send your kids to Sidwell. You should work harder.
State Inspectors Searching Children s Lunch Boxes This Isn t China Is It

Schools Meddle in Parents Home-Packed Lunches Why I m Not Offended Bettina Elias Siegel

Carolina Journal Online Covering news politics and policy in North Carolina Preschooler s Homemade Lunch Replaced with Cafeteria Nuggets

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

As to the MORON who doesn't see the elitism....?

Fine, how about what the Lying Cocksucker in Chief's spawn eat at THEIR school?

Here's a sampling of the Sidwell Friends school's "soup of the day": Borscht, Tuscan white bean, Italian bean and kale, calico wild rice, Thai chicken coconut soup, local butternut squash soup, chilled cucumber and mint soup, and chilled blueberry soup.

Other delectable lunch items include:


  • Crusted tilapia
  • Herb roasted chicken
  • Strawberries and chevre salad
  • Freshly baked muffins
  • Pesto cream & garden fresh marinara sauce
  • Cheese tortellini
  • All natural house-made chicken fingers
  • Scallion rice
  • Roasted edamame & Shitake mushrooms
  • Jicama mango slaw
  • BBQ sliders
  • Pesto pasta
  • All natural rosemary chicken
  • Fresh herb risotto
  • All natural beef nachos
  • Vegetarian stuffed Portobello mushrooms
  • Baked lemon herb tilapia
  • Arugula, fennel and parmesan salad
  • Baked organic French fries
  • Baked three-cheese lasagna
  • Pepperoni flatbread pizza

But if you're one of the untermenshen?

Here's what your kids get.....


dimocraps are the scum of the earth

Nothing quite as hilarious as when conservatives get all class envy-ish.

I'm sorry you're too poor to send your kids to Sidwell. You should work harder.
No, actually we are for vouchers that would let poor kids go to private schools. It's democrats that want to keep them in failing schools.
State Inspectors Searching Children s Lunch Boxes This Isn t China Is It

Schools Meddle in Parents Home-Packed Lunches Why I m Not Offended Bettina Elias Siegel

Carolina Journal Online Covering news politics and policy in North Carolina Preschooler s Homemade Lunch Replaced with Cafeteria Nuggets

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

As to the MORON who doesn't see the elitism....?

Fine, how about what the Lying Cocksucker in Chief's spawn eat at THEIR school?

Here's a sampling of the Sidwell Friends school's "soup of the day": Borscht, Tuscan white bean, Italian bean and kale, calico wild rice, Thai chicken coconut soup, local butternut squash soup, chilled cucumber and mint soup, and chilled blueberry soup.

Other delectable lunch items include:


  • Crusted tilapia
  • Herb roasted chicken
  • Strawberries and chevre salad
  • Freshly baked muffins
  • Pesto cream & garden fresh marinara sauce
  • Cheese tortellini
  • All natural house-made chicken fingers
  • Scallion rice
  • Roasted edamame & Shitake mushrooms
  • Jicama mango slaw
  • BBQ sliders
  • Pesto pasta
  • All natural rosemary chicken
  • Fresh herb risotto
  • All natural beef nachos
  • Vegetarian stuffed Portobello mushrooms
  • Baked lemon herb tilapia
  • Arugula, fennel and parmesan salad
  • Baked organic French fries
  • Baked three-cheese lasagna
  • Pepperoni flatbread pizza

But if you're one of the untermenshen?

Here's what your kids get.....


dimocraps are the scum of the earth

Nothing quite as hilarious as when conservatives get all class envy-ish.

I'm sorry you're too poor to send your kids to Sidwell. You should work harder.
No, actually we are for vouchers that would let poor kids go to private schools. It's democrats that want to keep them in failing schools.

Sidwell Friends School tuition is $60,000 a year, versus a national average cost per student in public school of around $10,000 a year.

$50,000 more per student times 50 million public school student = $2.5 Trillion dollars of federal money.

Are you sure that's what you want?
State Inspectors Searching Children s Lunch Boxes This Isn t China Is It

Schools Meddle in Parents Home-Packed Lunches Why I m Not Offended Bettina Elias Siegel

Carolina Journal Online Covering news politics and policy in North Carolina Preschooler s Homemade Lunch Replaced with Cafeteria Nuggets

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

As to the MORON who doesn't see the elitism....?

Fine, how about what the Lying Cocksucker in Chief's spawn eat at THEIR school?

Here's a sampling of the Sidwell Friends school's "soup of the day": Borscht, Tuscan white bean, Italian bean and kale, calico wild rice, Thai chicken coconut soup, local butternut squash soup, chilled cucumber and mint soup, and chilled blueberry soup.

Other delectable lunch items include:


  • Crusted tilapia
  • Herb roasted chicken
  • Strawberries and chevre salad
  • Freshly baked muffins
  • Pesto cream & garden fresh marinara sauce
  • Cheese tortellini
  • All natural house-made chicken fingers
  • Scallion rice
  • Roasted edamame & Shitake mushrooms
  • Jicama mango slaw
  • BBQ sliders
  • Pesto pasta
  • All natural rosemary chicken
  • Fresh herb risotto
  • All natural beef nachos
  • Vegetarian stuffed Portobello mushrooms
  • Baked lemon herb tilapia
  • Arugula, fennel and parmesan salad
  • Baked organic French fries
  • Baked three-cheese lasagna
  • Pepperoni flatbread pizza

But if you're one of the untermenshen?

Here's what your kids get.....


dimocraps are the scum of the earth

Nothing quite as hilarious as when conservatives get all class envy-ish.

I'm sorry you're too poor to send your kids to Sidwell. You should work harder.
No, actually we are for vouchers that would let poor kids go to private schools. It's democrats that want to keep them in failing schools.

Sidwell Friends School tuition is $60,000 a year, versus a national average cost per student in public school of around $10,000 a year.

$50,000 more per student times 50 million public school student = $100 Billion dollars of federal money.

Are you sure that's what you want?
A normal private school can be cheaper than public schools, and proven better.

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